
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Legacy lounge

Kura stared at Calot waiting for what Calot wanted to say to him just to be met with silence. Kura opened his mouth with a slightly raspy voice asking "What is it you actually came here for?"

Calots smile widened as he responded "I want you to be my partner for my show."

Kura stared at him with a blank face until he shouted "Why would you want to be my partner or more importantly why would I be your partner?"

Calot smiled then broke news Kura had forgotten about "Because I saw your show it was quite the spectacle. Really peaked my interest after all Most thought you had met your end when the bear was about to slam down on you."

Kura sighed then spoke "I understand then why you might wanna be my partner but why would I be your partner."

Calot smile grew to a point Kura didn't think was possible when he spoke "because I'm so powerful even the owner of the colosseum is starting to get worried"

Kura's face drooped as he nodded with a emotionless face "uh huh buddy and why then wouldn't anybody else want to be your partner"

Calot smile disappeared for a second then said in a light hearted manor "oh well that's quite simple its because I've gone slightly insane, and because that dammed colosseum owner is trying his hardest to kill me so he often puts me and my partner in rather unfair situations."

Kura stared at him then sighed saying "I don't even know how powerful you are let alone would want to be your partner if it meant risking my life in dangerous situations."

Calots face turned into a slight frown until a thought appeared in his head "How about we have a light spar if I win you become my partner"

Kura raised a brow and asked "And if you lose?"

Calot smiled with a mischievous smile "I wont but if i do you can request whatever you want when that happens"

Kura thought for a moment then nodded but then asked. "Where would we even fight though this room is crowded with furniture and people"

Calot then pointed at the other end of the room where it looked like the stone floor had been cracked and turned into a powder trying to mimic sand. The destroyed ground was built in the shape of a crude circle

Kura and Calot walked toward the circle passing by many people as they opened letting a path show for them. No more correctly letting a path for Calot. Calot walked onto the dust as he stretched.

Kura followed his example stepping onto the circle. When his foot touched the dust he saw bright purple runes appear. Runes were often used for enchanting armors, weapons, or enchanting buildings. Few people though who aren't legacies will learn how to make runes to be what people have called Runic Warriors. Runic Warriors would empower their bodies with strength and use certain runes drawn on their body to mimic powers.

Kura walked into the circle directly across from Calot. The circle was about 50 feat in diameter. Getting into a stance he readily stared at Calot who was casually standing. Kura waited for Calot to make a move yet he never did after a minute of waiting Kura charged forward preparing a punch to send.

Kura was stunned with his speed he was moving he had crossed 40 feet within seconds, but his speed suddenly increased rapidly. No longer able to control his speed he looked at Calot he had lifted his left hand with a cocky smile on his face.

Kura prepared to fight even though he couldn't control his movements. Kura was now about 2 feet from Calot shooting his fist towards him Calot dodged grabbing Kura's face with his right hand. Calot's grip felt like he was trying to crush his head with his hand alone.

Kura then felt like he had been rammed by a semi truck flinging him back shooting out of the circle and slamming against the wall. Kura stared at Calot his vision fading a screen appearing in the side of his vision showing the words.

Health: 42/100

falling into a deep sleep days went by until his eyes snapped open. Looking around in a panic he looked to his left seeing a familiar face staring back at him with a stupid grin smeared on his face. Calot was sitting next to him and spoke "Good you woke up I was starting to worry that I would have to do my show alone. You even woke up just in time for food."

Kura looked at him with a drowsy confused face still in the stupor of just waking up. Snapping out of he asked "What happened?"

Calot smiled then spoke "Well I challenged you then we Fought then I slammed you against a wall where you stayed unconscious for a week."

Kura was shocked to hear that a week had gone by just like that then remembering something Kura asked "You said I woke up in time for food"

Kura's body was starving from a lack of food for a week. Calot nodded and lead him to the door. Multiple people stood there in anticipation. The door slowly opened. Multiple people adorning black suits with silver masks covering half their face walked in with carts of food. Kura was handed a tray. seeing the contents of the tray he was shocked to see not a piece of bread, but instead cooked beast meat. biting into the meat he thought that the pain he had endured was almost worth it to finally taste meat for once in his life.

Calot looked at his surprise and said "oh yeah the regular workers don't eat beast meat do they? well you have yourself to thank for this meal seeing as that little bear friend you fought is what were eating."

A shiver ran down Kura's spine remembering the towering bear. Kura continued eating feeling his body replenish from not only the lack of food but physically heal as the meat had slight hints of Mana spread through it nourishing the body.

Kura remembered a much more important thing he had forgotten about as he asked a slight hint of suspension entering his voice "You said you ALMOST had to fight your show alone how close is your show."

Calot laughed as he said "Oh yeah well funny thing its actually two days from now but that doesn't matter does it."

Kura froze two days from now. He had only gotten out of the health center a week ago and now two days later he would be back in the arena.