
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

A Frightening Dream

Kura felt his conscience slipping as he fell to the ground. Shutting his eyes Kura was in a arena. More precisely the coliseum's arena people were chanting as he came with a sword and gauntlets again. Looking around Kura saw multiple people looking down on him however there was now one new face in the group of V.I.P'S he looked around Kura's age, though much healthier and was in a lot better condition. Kura knowing where he was braced himself for the doors to open. but they never did. Kura kept looking around wandering what exactly was going to happen.

Kura's mind and thoughts ran rampant with ideas the next more crazier than the last. 'Are they waiting for me to let down my guard, or are they having difficulty bringing the creatures, but what creature would they struggle with bringing?'

Kura kept looking all around making sure nothing was approaching him and while seeing nothing calmed him down it also made him more nervous; giving him more time to think up ideas of what could be happening.

Kura kept thinking wandering if they had brought him out just to mock him then execute him, but then he brushed off that idea as it was practically what they were already doing except they hid it behind the mask of "a show for honor."

soon though Kura's attention was grabbed though a loud metal shriek loud enough to put all of the others he had heard to shame looking around Kura didn't see any thing until he felt something warm hit his skin. looking at it he saw a patch of light similar but different than the ones in the colosseum. it was instead sunlight; looking up Kura saw the metal roof opening which they had added after a Forgotten Legacy with the ability to fly had almost escaped looking up Kura could finally hear something other than the metal screeching above him. It was a ship. More precisely a space ship that was holding a small wooden crate.

No it wasn't a small crate it was a large crate. It was just from the distance and to the comparison to the ship it looked small though Kura would find out later just how big this "Small crate" truly was. Kura looking up a expression of confusion written all over his face. A similar look on the crowds faces as well though theirs's were mixed in with awe at the same time. The ship lowered getting closer in closer to the ground making Kura face pale more and more knowing that what ever was in the crate that was getting bigger wasn't good.

once the ship was low enough the ship disconnected the cables holding the box to the ship. Then the ship left faster than it came and as it left the roof slowly shut; screeching the metal again though Kura had bigger issues to deal with than the screeching noise as he looked at the box his face became petrified.

Kura involuntarily uttered a sentence "The box.. it had moved.". As if on cue the box shook much harder this time then again and again until a noise Kura didn't want to hear was let out a small almost indistinguishable noise was let out. A cracking noise of wood giving out.

Kura's face paled to a shade of white he hadn't known was possible. Then as was expected the crate finally broke releasing the beast that was kept inside. Rushing out of the box like a lit firework was a massive 30 foot bear. The mere width of its arms were the same as tree trunks. the bear's body tuned with Mana looked like there wasn't a single piece of fat on it.

The bear let out a roar that hit the walls and bounced back reverberating the walls in a noise loud enough to drowned out sirens and any thought Kura had of surviving. Kura couldn't move or even think. Kura was shaking to the point he had dropped the sword getting the attention of the beast. looking at him with the fury and wrath on par as if Kura had slaughtered it's children. The bear looked at him releasing another reverberating roar.

Kura still couldn't move his eyes locked on the bear as if he had accepted fate. Afterall what was he supposed to do against it he was just fourteen and was only given gauntlets and a sword. The situation was hopeless.

The bear approaching rapidly towards Kura. He thought to himself "This is it.. this is how I die... I tried so hard but they decided to do this. I should have known it was hopeless." A grimace appeared on Kura's face until a new thought appeared in his head. "What am I thinking like hell I'm going to let them kill me for this kids amusement. They want a show then ill give them one!"

Once again fortifying his resolve Kura got ready as the bear shot forward toward him. Kura waited for a split second for when the bear picked up as much speed as Kura could sacrifice he rolled out the way of the bear and in the process picked up the sword he had dropped.

The bear kicking up a storm as if it was a living tornado watched as its prey rolled out of the way trying to chase after until realizing it was sliding due to the momentum it picked up. Sliding into the wall. The bear was outraged that a mere ant had made a fool out of him like this. the bear once again rushed towards Kura.

Kura seeing this got into a form he had barely used twice getting ready to dodge and spring with momentum. The bear had gotten towards Kura and then Kura dodged again though now expecting this the bear was able to stop and catch up to Kura swinging a paw towards Kura. Kura tried rolling back but he was simply to slow. The paw slammed against him with the force of a semi truck. slamming into Kura. rag-dolling him across the arena slamming him into a wall shattering his ribs.

Kura puked out blood with shards of bones. Kura was losing conscience until his eyes snapped back open looking at the bear with a new rejuvenated sense energy. his eyesight now in a red tint. Kura's ribs fortified rapidly recovering. Kura's ribs were still fractured and with a little force would snap was still in a lot better condition than before.

Kura clenching his fist preparing to fight bare handed after losing his sword after being flung. Though this time his stance was in a bit more of a primal form. The crowd seeing this roared cheers of excitement while the V.I.P'S glared with interest.

The bear seeing this let out another roar getting more enraged by the second as they weren't able to kill this cockroach. The bear shot forward however this time so did Kura meeting in the middle Kura did something he had learned from the man making a sudden dash to the side he slammed his fist into the side of the bear with everything he had.

A loud bang was heard as his fist connected. Kura's face shown a bright smile as his fist connected; though this joyous smile was short lived as instead of a reaction the bear stood there with a mocking smile.

A feeling of dread washed over Kura. This was it he tried his best but he couldn't do anything. The bear retaliated smacking Kura. Kura was once again flung his bones were broken into dust beyond repair blood was leaking out of his mouth. his skin turning into a shade of black due to how bruised it was.

Kura staired at the bear with hatred as his conscience slipped. Kura drifted off hearing the man on the thrones voice. "Number 798 show has come to its finale.". The mans voice slowly drifted off. Kura then shot up in a cold sweat. Looking around panicked he alarmed the man he was being taught by in a fake worried tone and a smirk on his face he asked "What's wrong you look like you saw a ghost.".