
The girl with scars

This story is about a girl who struggles with life. Someone who self harms and has suicidal ideation. Someone who wants to die really bad, can she find meaning in her life? Note that this covers topics that are sensitive to some people. Also I’m not recommending or in anyway encouraging self harm. Self harm can lead to dangerous things and can lead to things you wouldn’t expect. (Cover belongs to me)

Readerfanatic · วัยรุ่น
33 Chs

Plan failed

Her plan failed. To be honest she kind of knew her mom wouldn't let her stay home. She begged and begged but to no avail, her mom sent her to school. At school she was a little mad that she had to be there but eventually she managed to get some good out of it. She had to run the mile that day and was breathing heavily. She was out of shape what could she do? She wasn't chubby or as I like to call it, fluffy. After her depression hit she wasn't motivated to do any outside activities.

Later when she was home, she started crying. Something had triggered her. The memories of her sister leaving came to the surface. She huddled on her bed with the door closed so no one could hear her muffled cries. Her eyes were full of tears, just rushing out of her eye sockets. She kept on mumbling 'why me? Why did she have to hurt me again? Why me?' This continued for an hour. After she was done crying her eyes were bloodshot red and they were puffy as well. She didn't want anyone to know she had cried so she went to the bathroom and washed her face. She hoped that this would cover up the fact the she was crying.

She then ordered dinner as she was quite hungry. She ate her meal while reading a new book she had found. It was quite an interesting book and fascinating as well. She managed to calm down after her little breakdown. However she was still somewhat sad so she decided to play with her cat and give her a treat. The cat enjoyed the treat. Miku was sniffing for more and managed to work her way up to her face. When she went to bed she had a nightmare. It was a memory of her sister only it wasn't so pleasant.


A little girl probably about 6 years old had gotten up from the table as they were watching tv to skip an ad. Her brother who was probably about 10 years old got up angrily and said " I told you I didn't want to skip i!" He rushed over to her and pushed her on the ground. Her head hit the ground and she momentarily forgot what was happening. She looked at her sister for help but all she got was a cold stare. The little girl shocked by her sisters behavior ran into her room and locked herself in the bathroom. Her sister wasn't acting like herself lately, what was going on?

Later on in the week her family was getting ready to go to the mall and her sister was sitting on her bed with a look of defiance. " what are you doing? We're leaving to the mall! Get up and move!" Her mom said impatiently. "Why should I? I'm not going to listen to what you say!" Her sister said furiously. The thoughts going through her sister head are not right. The little girl thought. Her sister was not like this. Something changed. All she heard next was her mom telling her to get in the car and she would be there. 'What if sister leaves!? I'll be all alone. No I can't think like that! Sister wouldn't do that to me.

Unfortunately for the little girl the next day her sister wasn't there. The little girl thought that things would eventually calm down after a little bit but… it was a few years later and her sister still wasn't there. Her brother was in contact with her and apparently she was in Florida at the time. When the little girl found out she acted like she was fine but when she was left alone she looked at something her sister and given her and just stared at it. She went to grab it and threw it in the trash. 'Stupid sister! You left me all alone!' The little girl bit her lip to prevent her tears from falling out. She looked down and wiped her tears. 'Fine you left me alone so I will have nothing to do with you! ' the little girl thought in sadness and anger.