
The Girl who was Cursed

After having a dark past, Maria goes to school to try and live a normal life, but not everything is as easy as it seems. After going to a school full of packs, her hatred for them increases. When she meets a girl called Riley, her perspective on everything changes. She begins to trust, but soon everything will come crashing down. Running out of time, Maria must decide whether to put everything she has worked for on the line or to fight her battle alone. As a war is getting closer, Maria must work harder to defeat the enemy she has always hated. However, after having a special connection to her enemy, will she be able to defeat them or will she crumble to the ground? Loyalties will be tested and love will be broken throughout the great war. Will they be able to defeat their enemy or will their power be too strong? A twist that no one expected changes everything.

Sophie_Betts · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 15

As everyone was walking through the woods, the air grew colder and fewer trees were surrounding them. The sky got darker and more terrifying like monsters were hiding in the shadows, watching their every move. Chris walked up next to Maria and asked, "How are you feeling?"                                                                        "I'm fine. Just want this to be over with so we can get out of here. How do you think the others will react to me going back?" Chris didn't say anything. Trying to think of an answer, he looked to the ground and took a deep breath in. Finally, he said, "I think some will be happy to see you and relieved to see Mark, but I doubt they will forget and forgive just because we got Mark back." Maria nodded and they didn't speak for the rest of the journey. After a while, Maria came to a sudden holt and raised her fist in the air. Everyone else came to a stop and Arthur joined Maria and Chris at the front. "Why did we stop?" asked Arthur in confusion. "We're here. Look." Maria pointed at a building in the distance. It was large and looked like an old prison that hadn't been used in years. There was a clearing of trees and snow was all around it. There were a few people from Salice's army that were guarding it, but they would be easy to take out. The building had broken windows and moss, leaves and dead plants were covering some areas of the building. A few doors were around the sides and one big metal door at the front. "Group 3 will go and distract the people outside. Then Salice's men will call for back up, making more people come outside. That is when Group 1 and 2 will go through the side doors and get the prisoners out. If there are still people out the front, then some of us will try and help while the others get the alpha's to safety. Chris and I will stay behind so we can place the bombs. Is everyone clear with what they have to do?" They all nodded and got into position. Chris grabbed Maria's hand and said, "I won't let anything happen to you." He placed a light kiss on her forehead and Maria nodded as they both hid in the shadows. Maria nodded her head and the vampires charged into the clearing and at the people. They fought and more of Salice's men were dying like flies. Soon, more people started to come out of the building to help fight against the vampires. Maria nodded her head and the two remaining groups went inside through the side door. Inside, blood was all other the floor. There were little light and the hallway smelt like dead bodies. They made their way down the hall way and looked in each room. Footsteps were getting closer and louder each time they walked down the hall. Maria grabbed her knives out of her waist and gripped them tightly in each hand. Two men came around the corner and Maria jumped out and stabbed them both in the throat. Blood started to trickle down and they both collapsed onto the ground ... lifeless! They carried on making their way down the hall until one of the vampires shouted out, "In here." They went into the room while some were guarding the door. It smelt like blood and there were five people chained to the walls, drenched in their own blood. One of them was Mark. They all looked lifeless and like they had nothing else to live for. Walking over to Mark, Maria kept thinking about what she was going to do and how they would all react, but she knew she couldn't tell anyone. She crouched down and shook his shoulders until his eyes opened slightly. "M-Maria? Is it you?" Nodding, Maria released his hands from the chains and helped him to his feet. She passed him to a vampire and his face turned disgusted at the sight of one. "Get them out of here and to safety. We will be out once the bombs are planted." Chris explained. They all nodded and left Maria and Chris alone in the room. "Just so you know, you are nothing like Salice because you wouldn't do something like this for power." Maria didn't say anything; instead she just left with a bag of bombs in her hand. Placing them in every room, the bombs quickly ran out and Chris and Maria left the building. When they got outside, Salice's army was killing some of the vampires and soon Maria realised what supernatural creatures they were. Witches. She had to do something and she did. She pressed the button for the bombs and blew up the building. Everyone fell to the ground at the force of the explosion. "Watch it burn." Whispered Maria. She got up and shouted, "Go now. I'll take it from here." The vampires went back into the shadows and Maria walked into the centre and looked at the witches that were getting to their feet. She raised her hands and levated the witches. Something was different this time. Her eyes didn't turn red, but instead they turned black. The sky turned dark and lightning hit the ground with great force. The wind circled around Maria and the witches and soon each one was released and torn to shreds in the tornado. Every witch was dead, but Maria didn't look like she was about to stop. Instead, the tornado she had created moved closer to the woods where the others were. Chris raced to Maria and tried to snap her out of this trance she was in. "Maria, this isn't you. Please stop." No response. Maria was losing control and nothing he said was going to stop her. Then, something clicked in Chris's mind as he remembered what Enzo had said to her when she was losing control at her aunt's house. "Everything is going to be okay. You're going to be okay, little wolf." Maria's eyes went back to normal and the tornado stopped. The sky went back to normal, but the horror still lingered in Maria's eyes. She couldn't believe what she had just done and the fear of what she had done was the only thing she was focused on. She looked at Chris and said, "What have I done?" Chris wrapped her in a warm embrace and gently stroked her hair to comfort her.

Walking back to the others, Maria was still in shock and Chris was worried about how much this would affect Maria's state of mind. "Your right, Chris," Chris turned to look at Maria as she explained; "I'm nothing like Salice. I'm worse." Chris didn't know what to say so he said nothing and just looked at the ground as they made their way to the pack house. Back at the pack house, Enzo called a meeting with everyone that was high ranked to discuss what their next move was going to be. "You are all here because I need you to do some things for me. Elenor and Freya, I need you to try and locate where my father is and try and figure out what kind of business Maria is doing without us knowing about it."                                                                            "I can help too. I may be able to help them with information about our father." Chirped Riley. Enzo nodded his head before continuing with the plan, "Brian, Rick and Yasmine I need you to prepare the house for out guests before they come. Make sure the rooms are ready and make sure there are enough room outside for the tent for the other people." They all nodded and left the room until there was only Riley and Enzo left. "Are you okay? You've been quite quiet lately. Is something on your mind?" Riley lets out a sigh and responds, "I just have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen. Maria's doing god knows what and dads not here. I know we didn't have the best relationship, but I miss him so much. I just want everything to go back to normal before everything happened, you know?"                                                  "I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. You're my little sister and we will get dad back and we will win this war." Riley nods, but a thought is still in her mind. "At what cost? What will happen when and if we win this war? What's going to happen to us and what are you going to do to Maria? How aren't you mad at her for what she did?"                                         

"We will win this war and I will make sure that everyone is safe, including our family.  As for Maria, I'm not mad at her because I know why she did what she did. I'm not saying I'm happy about what she did, but o know why. If Maria let Sara live, there may have been a chance she would still tell Salice everything we had planned, even if she promised us she wouldn't. She killed Sara to ensure our safety. She's not a monster; she just does things differently to us." Staying silent, Riley nods her head as she finally saw the situation in a different light and then, everything began to click and make sense. Enzo hugged Riley before leaving the room. She felt at ease and went to find Elenor and Freya. Walking through a door, Riley asked, "Any luck so far?" They both shook their heads. "We've tried locating your father, but it's like they disappeared into thin air. It probably has a spell over it so we can't find it, but we will keep trying. I'm trying to figure out what Maria is doing, but I'm not getting any help from her."                                                                     "I just don't know why we should help someone who killed an innocence because of something that may have never happened." Elenor sighed and said, "Have you even tried to figure out her reasons behind it?" Freya didn't answer and Elenor carried on talking, "Exactly, so before you start pointing fingers, know the facts. Anyway, if I were you, I would forgive Maria and move on since she may not be alive for much longer." Freya's and Riley's expressions change and they both look at Elenor in confusion and shock. "Do you know something we don't?"                                        "No. What I'm saying is we are about to fight in a war. There will be a chance that lots of us won't make it back alive. I know that Maria is strong, but after all, she is still a confused girl that has no family and is trying to find her place in this dreadful world alone. Just think about what I said." The room is filled with silence. After a few minutes with no luck, peoples feet start to hit the floor outside. They all look at each other in confusion until they follow the sound of the feet. They go outside and see the others stood outside. "What's going on?" asked Elenor. "People saw something in the woods and lots of people who they think are vampires. They may be working for Salice." Answered Yasmine. Riley walked up to Brian and smiled. "Are you okay?" asked Brian. She nodded her head and looked out into the forest and she saw someone emerge from the trees. It was Maria!

Stepping forward, Maria shouted at the pack members in front of her, "Move out the way. These people need medical attention." Everyone listened to her demanding voice as more people walked out of the trees. Among them, Enzo and the others could spot his father and the other alpha's. "DAD!" shouted Riley as she ran up to the vampires that were helping him still walk. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug and whispered in his ear, "I missed you so much. I'm so sorry." He didn't say anything and instead his body became more relaxed at hearing his daughters voice, knowing he was finally home and safe. The other vampires (with the alphas) take them to the hospital wing within the pack house with Yasmine and Rick leading them through. Other wolves snarl and growl at the vampires that are stood outside talking among themselves. Maria, Chris and Arthur walked up to Enzo and said, "We need to discuss a few things." Enzo nodded and walked inside the house. Entering his father's office, he stood behind the desk, staring at the vampire in front of him. "I suggest you start talking why there are a bunch of vampires in my territory without my permission. Who even is this?" He looked at Maria and then turned to the strange man that was in his office. "My name is Arthur Mathews, leader of the vampires and I am here to help you defeat Salice."    "Why would you want to help us? We're werewolves and your vampires; it's in our nature to hate each other. Also, why did you get my father back?" Arthur laughed and responded, "I see your father has told you about the hatred between our species. If I'm being honest, I never really cared for all of that arguing and fighting between the species. I didn't see how we couldn't just get along and live in peace. That's why I am here. To try and get the peace I have wanted and we all needed for thousands of years. Salice will never bring that to us so I am helping you and your pack." Not saying anything, Enzo was thinking about if he was lying or telling the truth. "Now do you see, Arthur means no harm. He just wants peace for everyone." Maria said. Enzo's face was stern and his eyebrows were scrunched together like he was choosing his next words carefully. "Can you two leave us? My beta, Brian, will show you to your rooms or Chris can do it." They looked at each other then at Maria before leaving them alone. "What were you thinking of bringing vampires here? I told you it was a bad idea and we weren't going to do it."                      "When I told you about the vampires helping us I wasn't really asking for your permission. I was telling. They are only here for peace; they don't want to start a war with you." Enzo looked away like he was in a battle with what he was told and his mind. "You could have given me more warning that they were going to come here this soon. I am still in charge here."                     "Wrong. You're in charge of your pack. You are not in charge of me. Never have and never will." They both stand in silence for a while before Maria walked to the door. Opening the door, Maria stopped and said, "Sometimes what you have been told about other species can be wrong. There are bad vampires, but some good. Just like there are with werewolves. Not all vampires are the same so don't judge them before you know them." She walked out the door, leaving Enzo in a storm of his own thoughts. After a while, Maria decided to visit Mark in the hospital wing. Walking in, Mark was lying on a hospital bed with wires coming out of his hands, making a beeping sound onto to machine next to him. Maria walked closer to him to see his face was beaten up badly. He had a black eye and his lips and cheeks had cuts all over them. Closing her eyes, Maria whispered, "I've only met you a few times and I already know you won't do what must be done, if you wake up. If there was a chance you would go through it then you might have been able to live," Maria pulled something out of her pocket that looked like a syringe with a green and black substance inside, "Although, I know your son will. He will deliver peace for vampires, witches and werewolves and he will do what needs to be done for all the species. This is the end for you, Mark." Maria injected the syringe into his veins and instantly, his skin turned pale. Turning around, she left the room as she could see doctors rushing inside at the sound of an alarm. She walked outside and let out a long breathe of air. In the distance, Enzo and Chris were talking to each other. "How are you feeling with the whole thing of vampires being here?" asked Chris. Letting out a sigh, Enzo said, "I don't trust all of them, but I trust that you and your father have only came here for peace and nothing more, so that is what I will give you. Although, I wish Maria would have just told me you were all coming."                                                            "Maria has always been one for surprises, but I trust her with my life. Everything she does has a reason behind. Sometime she will make it clear or she will just leave is in the dark. It depends on her mood."      "Women. They are hard work." Chuckled Enzo. Chris laughed too before looking Enzo in the eyes with a serious expression. "Tell me something, pup, how do you feel towards Maria?" Eyes widening, Enzo's face fell shocked, "I don't know what you are talking about. We're just friends."                                                                           "That's not what I asked. Do you want to be more than friends or not. I have to know to make sure Maria is safe." There was a long pause before Enzo nodded his head and said, "I feel something towards her. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like nothing I have ever experienced." Chris nodded his head and responded, "Good. She needs someone like you in her life. Maria may be a tough person, but she has a good heart. Never forget that and if you truly like Maria, then prove it to her. Make her see how much she means to you." Suddenly, Yasmine raced towards Enzo and said, "I need you to come with me to see your father. He's dying, Enzo." Eyes widening, he followed her through the doors. Chris looked around and saw Maria staring at him in the distance. Suddenly, everything clicked and he knew what was happening and what Maria had done.

In the hospital wing, Enzo, Riley, Yasmine and Rick were all gathered around Mark, lying helplessly as he skin turned paler and wrinkly. Riley and Yasmin were crying and although Enzo was putting on a brave face, there were still tears in his eyes. Mark was awake and began talking, "Rick, I want you to help my son and guide him in any situation if he needs your guidance." Nodding his head, Rick stepped away, letting Mark say goodbye to the rest of his family. "Yasmine, my beautiful wife," she knelt down beside him with tears in her eyes as Mark spoke softly, "I love you with all my heart and I am the luckiest man in the world to have spent all these years with you. Please, take care of our children and live for the both of us." She nodded and planted a light, soft and meaningful kiss on his lips. As she backed away, Riley went next and couldn't stop crying, "I'm so sorry, dad." She sobbed. Gently placing a hand on Riley's cheek, he said, "Don't be sorry. I am the one to blame. I have been such a bad father to you and for that I am the one who is sorry. I know that you will achieve great things in life and will do whatever you want. I am so proud to call you my daughter." Riley sobbed even harder and said, "I love you." Mark opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but instead, blood started pouring out from his mouth each time he coughed. Sprinting over, Enzo helped his father sit up and patted his back. Eventually, it settled down, but his eyes began to get droopy and his heartbeat slowed down. "Listen close to me, son. I need you to look after this pack and your family for me. You have done such a good job and now you will become the man you were always meant to be. I'm so-"before he could even say another word, the line went flat and his eyes started to close. Riley's scream could be heard throughout the house as she ran out of the door. Yasmine and Enzo hugged each other as tears slipped through their eyes. As Riley was running, there was only one person she wanted to see. Maria! When Riley saw Maria standing outside alone, she ran up to her and wrapped her arms around her. She didn't pull away. She didn't ask what was wrong. Instead, Maria just held her and just let all of the tears flow and all of the pain be let out. Collapsing to the ground, Maria still held onto her and didn't let go. If Riley needed a friend then that was what Maria was going to be for her. Maria closed her eyes and thought about what she had done, but in the end, she knew it would be worth it and that everything would make sense. They sat like that for hours until Maria helped Riley inside where Yasmine was waiting for her. She walked outside and over to a tree. Breathing in the fresh air, Maria balled her hands into fists before punching a tree over and over again. Anger flared in her eyes and the only thing she wanted was for this nightmare to be over. Interrupted by her thoughts, Chris said, "I know what you did." Maria stopped punching, took a deep breath and faced Chris. No one spoke a word, but just kept looking at each other. "I want to know why you did it, but I know you won't tell me, will you?"                                                                                  "No. You will find out why later on, but now is not the time. I'm sorry." Chris looked down at the floor as Maria said the words I'm sorry. He looked at Maria with wonder in his eyes, before he questioned, "Do you feel remorse or regret?"                                                  

"I don't feel regret for killing Mark, just for the pain I have caused. I never meant it to be that painful." Chris narrowed his eyes in thought before asking, "How do you feel about Enzo?" Stunned, Maria looked at Chris in a confused way before answering, "What do you mean? He's just her for business, maybe a friend."      

"Are you sure? I have never seen you warm up and trust someone as fast as you did with Enzo and Riley. Enzo has made you smile and not many people can do that. I have to ask, do you feel something for him?" Not saying anything, Maria thought for a while and was wondering if there were a chance she could like him even when she hated to admit it. "He's different. He isn't like other boys I have met, but there may be something there, but I don't know. That's not what I am focused on right now." Chris nodded his head before leaving Maria alone. Her thoughts consumed her and she started to think if she really did like Enzo or if it was just a mixture of emotions messing with her. On the other hand, Enzo was stood in his father's office, looking over files and pictures of him and his family. Memories flooded his mind until a knock at the door interrupted them. Brian walked through and asked, "How are more you feeling?"         

"I'm handling it, but I'm more worried about Riley and how this is going to affect her. She doesn't know what to do."                                                                       "I know this isn't a good time, but it's time for you to step up. Without an alpha then this pack is weak and in danger. They need you, we need you. It's time for you to show them how it's done." Enzo nodded his head and walked over to Brian. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Enzo asked, "And it's time for you to be my beta. I also need you to keep a close eye on Riley and to make sure that she is okay or at least close to be alright." He nods his head and said, "Of course. It's time for your ceremony and to say goodbye to you father." Slowly closing his eyes, Enzo nodded and walked out ready for what was going to come.

Outside, the entire pack was gathered around Mark's body with wood and sticks surrounding it. The night got darker and the air got colder. The werewolves were there and so were the vampires and for once, they were all getting along and putting their differences aside. Enzo and Brian walked outside and stepped closer to the dead body. As Enzo looked over the body, his sister grabbed him by the arm and whispered, "We will do this together." Her voice shook and cracked as she spoke and tears filled her eyes. Nodding, Enzo turned to the crowd and said, "Sadly, my father and your alpha have died. He lived a good life and would do anything for us. Now we must avenge his death and make Salice pay." Shouts from the crowd erupted, but quickly died down when Yasmine put a hand in the air. Enzo closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he could see Maria at the edge of the crowd. She weakly smiled and nodded her head. Weakly smiling back, Enzo turned around and grabbed a large, thick stick and placed it near Freya. She muttered some words, waved her hands and soon the end of the stick was on the fire. He moved it to the wood surrounding his father's body and placed the fire on them. Soon all the wood was on fire and slowly, it spread to Mark's body. That soon went on fire and what was left of Mark was burnt to ashes. Riley and Yasmine hugged each other tightly as tears stung their eyes. Then, Brian walked to Enzo and raised his arm in the air as he shouted, "Your new alpha." Shouts and cheers washed over the crowd as they all appreciated Enzo. Everyone shared drinks and shared memories about Mark. Maria was stood silently looking out to the forest, thinking about the future. "Something on your mind?" asked a familiar voice. As she turned around, she saw Enzo walking closer to her. "Nothing you should worry about. Does this mean I should call you alpha?" They both laughed and Enzo chuckled, "Even if you had to, I know you wouldn't." Maria nodded while smiling. "Do you want to go for a walk? I need to talk to you." Nodding her head, Maria followed Enzo out into the forest. They walked for a while, just enjoying the silence and the gentle breeze against their faces. Soon, they reached a beach that looked too similar. "I remember this place. It was where I gave your relationship advice. Even though we didn't like each other much." Enzo nodded and chuckled to himself. They stood there, letting the water brush up against their feet. "What is it you needed to ask me?"                                                                     "When I met you, I thought you were up to no good. Seemed as though I was right, but as we grew closer, I began to like you. You became special to me and I would do anything for you. I know you have a short temper, that you hate being weak and letting people see that. I also know you have a good heart, no matter what you do." Taking a deep breath, he looked Maria in the eyes and said, "I need you by my side, Maria. You help me like no one ever had and I trust you. I don't know what I am doing and I need you. Will you help me be an alpha?"                                                  "Listen to me, Enzo," Maria said while grabbing Enzo's hand, "You are an amazing person. At first, I didn't like you, in fact I hated you. Although, I grew to see that you are a man that doesn't care for the difference between species, that you care for your family and pack and that you are a clever person. You didn't need my help because you are already an amazing alpha. You want to know why? Not many people can ask for help (especially to a girl) and you did it without a care in the world. To be a good alpha, you must know how to ask for help from anyone and you did that. I will be by your side, but you won't need my help." Smiling, Enzo pulled Maria into a warm embrace. Maria slowly wrapped her arms around Enzo. They stood there and melted into each other's arms. Soon, they pulled away and looked back at the sea with Enzo's arm around Maria's shoulders. Back at the pack house, Riley and Freya were talking around a fire to keep warm. "How are you doing? Do you feel any better?" Freya asked with concern laced in her voice. "I'm okay. I'm doing a lot better now, but I'm still devastated. As long as I have my family and friends around me then I'll be okay."                                           

"Well I'm here for you. Have you and Maria gotten better? Are you two okay?" questioned Freya.   "I think me and Maria are okay. When I hugged her this morning, she didn't pull away. Instead she was just there for me." Riley grabbed Freya's arm and said, "I also understand why she did what she did to Sara. I know that she could have handled it in a different way, but she did it to protect us. Everything she does is to protect us. The only reason she killed Sara was because she didn't want to hurt us or put us in any danger. She should have handled it in a better way, but I understand her motive and reason behind it. For that, I forgive her and so should you." Freya thought for a moment and then gently said, "I never thought of it that way before, but that does sound like Maria. How could I have been so stupid to not see it? Thank you for telling me, Riley. I owe you." They hug each other and for a while, Riley felt really happy, but then reality always hits you and reminds you that while you are happy, someone else is suffering or dead. Pulling back, Riley said, "I'm going to go for a walk. To try and clear my head." Freya nodded and Riley walked away thinking about her dad who isn't going to see her again. She thought about how she would never hear his laugh or voice, how he wouldn't walk her down the aisle and how he wouldn't be there when she needed him most. Although she knew she had to be strong for him.

Not too far away, Salice returned to the building that Maria demolished and destroyed. Walking closer, dead bodies were all around Salice's feet and the ground was looking more destroyed by each step. The grass was not green anymore and was all red. "I see Maria paid a little visit. She also stolen the prisoners and ruined my plans." Her fists scrunched tightly together until they went white. Salice turned to Rafaello and asked, "You're in charge of my army, what do you think I should do?"                                                         "Maria has something of ours which means she also has an advantage over us now. I think we should take something she values and cares for. Something we could use over her." An evil smile spread across her face and she knew exactly what to do. "I think it's time we took a walk." As they both walked through the snow and cold woods, they heard someone muttering something under their breath. "Where am I? I shouldn't have walked so far away from home." It was Riley! Salice appeared in front of Riley and said, "Are you lost, pup?" Fear spread across Riley's face. She turned around to see Rafaello standing behind her. "Going somewhere?" Quickly thinking back to what Maria taught her, Riley kicked Rafaello in the balls and then kneed him in the stomach. She turned around, but Salice was better than her. Salice turned her hand out and blew over it as black powder flew into Riley's face. She instantly got knocked out and fell to the floor. Salice turned to Rafaello and helped him up. "Well that worked out rather good didn't it," She laughed and knelt down to Riley being unconscious. "Let's see how you like this, Maria." She laughed loudly.