
The Girl Who Can Read Minds

After surviving from a car accident, Akira accidentally developed an ability that normal people cannot have --- and that is, Mind reading. In desperation of forgetting about her sister's death and in controlling her newly found ability, Akira decided to isolate herself and live in the mountains for the meantime. After two year of mastering her ability, Akira finally decided to go back to the city and go back to the life that she used to have. But how can she live normally when everytime she will look into someone's eye even for just a second. She will hear everything that's inside their head. Can Akira manage to know everyone's hidden thoughts about her? Be it something bad or good. Everything became even more messed up, when Akira became involve in a murder case and became the only witness that can help to find the serial killer that has been killing and ending innocent lives.

Thorned_Roses · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Her Grief


"W-where is she?" I asked with trembling voice as I continue to drive with a fast speed.

"Where in the ***** hospital, come faster Akira, Alisha might not be able to wait for you." my breathing became fast and I can't stop myself from shouting at her because of what she said.

" What are you talking about?! Are you telling me that Alisha will die just because of a mere car accident?!" I shouted in frustration. I can't help it, I'm fuming mad right now.

" But it wasn't just a simple car accident Akira! It's a serious and a big accident! I'm just telling you that there is a big possibility that she won't make it! She's in a critical condition right now! "

" Shut up! Remember this! Alisha won't die! You hear that?! My twin won't leave me! " I one again shouted and end the call.

My tears we're falling non-stop and I can't stop myself from trembling while driving my way through that hospital.

" Just hang in there Alisha, I'm coming. " I whispered to myself while trying to calm myself.

I know that she won't leave me. No, she can't leave me. I can't afford to lose the person who I cherished the most. She's my only family. She can't die, because if she did, I might as well die with her.

I was now running my way down the hallway of this big hospital. I didn't even care about the people that I bumped. The only thing that I can think of is that my sister is waiting for me.

As I became closer to the Operating room, my pace became slower. I can't explain the fear that is slowly eating my system. I have this terrifying feeling that once I reach that room, my world will totally break. I'm afraid that I'm too late.

From where I am now, I can already see Yuriko who is waiting patiently at the doors of the O.R.

I don't know, but it seems like the expression on her face just added the fear in my whole system.

I was a few steps away from her when she noticed my presence. I can see the tears that formed in her eyes as she saw me walking slowly towards her direction. The next thing I knew is that she's already hugging me tight while crying, but I didn't care less.

I'm just staring directly at the door. The thought that behind that doors is my sister, fighting for her life breaks me. The tears in my eyes won't just stop from falling. I can't take it anymore, I'm already broken into pieces. I'm already exhausted. But I have to be strong. I need to be strong. If not for myself, at least for my sister.

I won't give up, so that Alisha won't too.

I just waited patiently at the O.R.'s door, patiently waiting for my sister's doctor to come out and tell me that Alisha is already safe, that she's alive.

I waited there for so many seconds, then it turned into minutes, that eventually turned into hours.

One hour.....

Two hours.....



And five hours.....

I was patiently waiting there for five hours when the door finally opened. I immediately run towards him to ask for a good news.

" Doc! How's my sister? Tell me, she's already safe right? She's already out of danger..." I asked full of hope.

But all of my hopes shattered when I saw how the doctor shakes his head.

" I'm sorry Ms. Tanaka, we already did our best but your sister didn't make it. I'm sorry for your lost." and just like that, my whole world shattered into pieces. I felt my knees weakened and I almost fell in the ground if not for Yuriko who immediately caught me just before I fall.

I just stand there staring at him with so many emotions visible in my eyes. Hurt, grief, fear, anger and frustration. My tears was silently falling in my cheeks non-stop. I was hurt- scratch that, my whole being is beyond repair.

My sister, the only family I have left. Is already dead. She also left me, just like everyone. She also left me broken into pieces.

Because of her death, I didn't only lost a sister. I also lost my best friend, my ally, I lost a companion and most importantly, I lost my other half.

Everything seems to be in a slow motion as the O.R.'s room opened and I saw a body being delivered by some nurses outside the room. It was covered with a white cloth.

I don't know what happened next and on where did I got the strength but I just found myself running towards them. I just stopped running when I reach them.

No, I won't believe it. I know Alisha's not dead. There's still hope. I won't believe that she's dead until I saw it myself.

My hands was shaking as I tried to reach for the cloth. My breathing was fast and hard because of so much crying. As I reached it, I slowly remove the only thing that is hiding this dead body's appearance.

And just like that, the slightest hope that I have vanished as I saw my sister's face. She have a big wound on her head and her lips were already violet. I fell on my knees as I held her in my arms.

"NO! PLEASE NO! ALISHA! WAKE UP! DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!!! " I shouted desperately as I tried to wake her up. I know she won't leave me. She promised, she promised me that we will be with each other until we grow old.

" Alisha!!! Please wake up! Don't break your promise! D-didn't you promised me that we will reach our dreams together?!! Wake up! Please! We still has many things to do together! Alisha!!! " I begged and begged and begged.

I begged over and over, hoping that she will wake up and wipe my tears away. Then she will kiss me in my cheeks and apologize for making me worry. Hoping that if she heard me crying she will wake up and hug me to comfort me.

But none of them happened. And that's when I finally realized that...

she's really dead and she won't ever come back.