
Chapter 22 The New CEO

Mr. Jackson screams so loud  “No!… Ken!.." And fell to the ground. everyone rushed out of their rooms including Benjamin’s mother.

“What is going on and why the shout?" She asks the maids.

“We don’t know. ma’am, the shout is coming from Mr. Jackson’s sitting room” they said.

She rushes to the sitting room and finds her husband lying on the floor unconscious.

“No!….. Ken! No!.. another shout was heard at Tina’s quarters.

“Somebody help, help my madam is dying!" a maid from Tina’s quarters came running to call her husband.

“What is happening? Can someone tell me what is going on?" Ben’s mother keeps shouting at the maids who are busy running up and down the whole time.

The maid from Ken's quarters has to explain that Tina, Ken's mom, just collapse upon hearing the death of her son Kenneth over the TV.

“What!,.. what are you talking about? Ken is dead? No… No..no..no… that can’t be possible, but he just left for Italy”.

“Yes ma, but the plane he entered just crashed, the news update said so.

 “Leave the way" she ordered and rush to Tina’s quarters and find her lying on the floor unconscious just like her husband, "Tina! .. Tina,” she called but no answer. She ran to her quarters, her husband is still lying there.

“Ben do something, please do something, anything. my husband can’t die."

“Mom, what is going on?" Ben asked, walking up to his father lying on the floor.

“Call the ambulance, go quick, call the ambulance. And you” pointing at one of the maids, you go to Tina’s quarter, put a spoon in her mouth, I will try to hold my husband.

Ben what are you still doing standing there go get the ambulance.

“Okay mom," Ben rushes out to get the ambulance. they rush Mr. Jackson into the ambulance.

"Move to Tina’s quarters,” she said “We have to take her to the hospital too”.

“Yes, mom!”. Ben said without questioning his mother because he has never seen his mom so worried in her life, and not to talk of helping ken’s mom, this is so new.

 “But what the hell happened to that Idiot? Is he dead? No, it can’t be. There has to be a mix-up somewhere I need to find out what happened to him” Ben keeps thinking on their way to the hospital.

“Gina please don’t do this to me, there has to be some other explanation to this, and I promise you he is not dead please wake up" Mr. George was seen rushing Gina to the hospital and pleading for her to wake up.

She collapsed upon hearing the news that Ken was involved in an air crash.

Getting to the hospital Mr. George heard that both Mr. Jackson and his wife Tina has been hospitalized because of the news.

“Please tell me is not true”. Ben’s mom keeps saying in between her cry.

 “Mom the news might not be true, let’s just wait for the investigation team, they are out to look for the remaining part of the plane, let’s just hope for good news

“Please let him not die, please" she cries. "Oh.. my husband, I hope nothing will happen to him?”.

“Mom, please nothing will happen to him, the doctor said he will be okay.

“And what about Tina? Have you been to her room to see her?."

“No mom, but I will go there soon”.

“Please do my son. I don’t want people accusing me of what happened to Ken."

“Really? “Ben was thinking seriously in that direction, could it be that his mom was responsible for this accident? No!". he shook his head.

"No. My mother is capable of so many things, but killing people is not one of her careers, is just an accident, and besides, we don’t know if ken was involved" he muttered as he sat down thinking about it.

Calling their aunty in Italy, she confirms that Ken has not arrived.

“This is confusing, is my mother responsible? If she was, will she be helping Tina to the hospital? No… My mom is innocent, there has to be another explanation, I need to find Ken, but where do I look.?"

He rushes down to the airport to get information on the particular flight that Ken boarded, he now needs to get information about the search team that went out In search of the remaining parts of the aircraft, because getting to the particular spot the plane fell is very important for him to know where to start his search.

   He went back to the hospital after collecting all the information he needs

   "Where are you coming from?" his mom asks him.

   "I went outside, are you hungry?"

   “Yes dear, can you stay here while I take a look at Tina to see how she is doing.?"

   “Okay, mom."

   “Ben turned, looked at his mom, and wonder if is the same woman he knows, what change?

   Getting to Tina’s room, she has just woken up and the doctor was attending to her.

   "Oh.My dear, how a. you feeling now?" Tina could only look at her because she didn’t have the strength to talk right now.

   "Don’t bother talking okay, thank God, you’ve come back to us."  She said, patting her shoulder.

 " I will just go back to our husband, he is in this hospital too." Turning to the doctor, she said "please take care of her, the nurse just nods and continue with her work.

   Walking back to her husband’s room, she saw Mr. George in the same hospital walking up and down.

   “Mr. George! what brings you to the hospital is anyone sick?"

   "Hello Mrs. Jackson," he rushes to greet her, what happened? I heard the news and Gina collapsed because of that, and I have to rush her here.

   “Same here,  my husband and Tiny are both hospitalized

   "But what are we going to do now?" George ask.

   "I don’t know, am waiting for my husband to regain consciousness before we know what to do".

   "Where is he now? Let me see him". She led the way. Getting to the room, Mr. Jackson has regained some consciousness.

   "Thank goodness", she said rushing to hold her husband.

On seeing Mr. George, Jackson let out a big sign. “My son, where is he? Have anyone heard anything about my Ken? or did I kill him?" Mr. Jackson asked.

   "No, you didn’t kill him, we are still waiting for news about him," she said.

   "Waiting for news? And where is Tina?"

   "She is in this hospital too she was admitted because she collapse upon hearing the news".

   "What have I done? he told me, he’s not going but I forced him," he turned and look at George, "I've killed my son."

   Mr. George was too shocked to speak, he just stares at Jackson.

   “We will have to go in search of him." He said not knowing what to do or say that will calm his friend down.

   "That search has to be now, find me a search team, they have to find my son, dead or alive I need to see him.

   "It will be done as you requested." Mr. George said and went to hire a search team.

   "Let me see my wife," he requested.

“You are not strong yet" his first wife protested.

   "Sir you need to rest," the nurse said. "She's fine, she is responding to treatments."

   Hearing that she is responding to treatment made him calm down a bit.

   Benjamin was the one leading the search team because he has already got the information about where the plane has fallen.

Getting to the forest they start scanning and searching, with Ben shouting "Ken.... where are you? is me, Benjamin".

   "Ken.. where are you? Is it me Miriam?"

   "W-What! What the hell do you think you are doing? and how did you get on the plane?" Ben shouted at Miriam.

   "I'm here to help look for Ken."

   "What do you mean? Do you think we are joking here?".

   "And who is joking with you? Is a private jet remember, so I hide at the back of the last seat there," she points at the jet. "W-when I heard that you guys are going on a search I followed you because I thought I could be of help, after all, I have never entered a plane before."

   "And you think this is a joke.?"

   "Let’s just keep searching is too late to go back, or don’t you think so?" Miriam asks. Ben just looked at her and start walking again.

The men have already gone far by now and he didn't think it wise to argue with her at this point.

   They search and search and search till nightfall but no sign of Ken.

   "Let’s camp here," one of the men said, so they build their tenth, and make a campfire.

There were only three nets, two for the men, one for Ben.

   “Now where will you sleep?" Ben asks Miriam".

   "Anywhere" she points at Ben's net.

“I will sleep inside there”