
Chapter 11, Am not sure if I will marry him

"Trust me, it's a harmless introduction and I promise you that after which I will take you home myself.

“I can’t believe this! I don’t want to meet your brother anymore" Gina said.

“What kind of a family is this, dog eat dog family and all for what,? Money? wealth? inheritance? This is all bullshit I don’t want to do this anymore I'm going home."

“Hey! hey!! Hey!!! wait a minute my love"

“Don’t you call me that again" Gina warns, “I'm not your love"

“But we are getting married in two weeks, so you better get used to me calling you that, and is not as if I'm asking you to kill anyone, you just play along that's all" he was still hoping to make Ken jealous because Gina is no doubt a very beautiful girl.

“But that’s just what you want me to do, I'm not going to help you fight with your half-brother, please count me out!, what I'm I even saying? I'm not marrying you, period". She yells at him pushing him aside and walking past him only for her eyes to meet with Ben’s mother.

“What is going on Gina?" She asked her. But Gina looked at Ben’s mother with anger written all over her face, and she tries to keep calm.

“I don’t know, ask your son" she walks past her and into her room.

“Ben c'mon, I know you, what did you tell her?"

“Nothing mom"

“What did you mean nothing, can nothing makes someone that angry?"

“Forget Gina, mom, she is just a spoilt little brat. I was just trying to teach her things and then she just goes off in flames."

 “Ben, people don’t just go up in flames, like you said if you didn’t give them a reason to, I told you is not yet time, and you want to destroy things for me, you are going to calm down and do things one step at a time understand?"

 “Yes, mom”.

 “Good," she walks away from Ben who is now full of rage and curses Gina in his mind.

“Well I'm just going to pretend not to be angry with you, but very soon, you will not have a say in whatever happens in your life, you will be mine and you will do whatever I want," he said looking in the direction to Gina’s room. 

Gina couldn’t hold the tears that fill her eyes, “how can I stay with such a man, I will not be a part of his stupidity, I'm a woman with honor and dignity, well respected within the Wendy Group of companies, I will not sit and watch someone takes away my freedom. No! that is not going to happen, I have to find a way, I must stand on my ground not to marry this fool.

Looking up she saw Ben standing in front of her, she thought he was angry at her, and why is he standing here smiling as if nothing happened earlier? 

“OMG, he is not only stupid, but he is also weird, and both of these are combinations I can’t stand

 “What do you want?" Gina asked.

“I want you."


 “I want you to forgive me, I was wrong, seeing you only just arrived, I shouldn’t have disturbed you with family issues since is too early for that.

 Gina wanted to say “so you know, ?" but think it will be wise to just accept his apologies so he can leave her room.

“Is okay, I have forgiven you"

“Really!" Yells Ben and rushes to hug her, but she pushes him away.

 “What? I thought you say you have forgiven me?"

“Yes, I have but don’t touch me like that."

 “But you are my wife-to-be?"

“Yes, your wife-to-be,  not yet your wife get that, now if you will excuse me I need some privacy, please leave," she ordered him out which he obeyed.

 “Yes ma’am," he said jokily and left the room smiling wickedly.

Gina was starting to get mad over Ken, why she has not heard anything from him, maybe he doesn’t love her as much as she loves him. Why did she fall in love with a stranger? It's all her fault, she should have known that poor guys are not always to be trusted, they only care about themselves and what they can get from rich people, I don't blame him"

She's all in tears now, wising she has not fallen in love in the first place, then it would have been easy to stay with this fool.

Mr. George was worried about not hearing from Gina for days, is it unlike her, or is she angry with me, or maybe something bad is happening in the Jackson Family, No, if something bad is happening, Mr. Jackson will call me, maybe I should go and take a look! No, Gina can handle this.

Yes I trust her she can, she's a smart girl, she can do this on her own"

 Mr. George knew the kind of problem that the Jacksons can give to anyone who falls on their bad side but he was giving his word that Gina would be in good hands.t

"Let’s just pray and hope is true, I need this collaboration with the Jacksons to be able to handle my debt situation, I don’t want to lose everything, I have already lost my wife and am not going to lose my company or daughter, am going to do all it takes to make sure they both are saved, at least she will be part of Jackson's family when that happens, I will not completely lose everything."

A knock on the door interrupted Mr. George's thoughts “Come in the door is open,"

Patrick walks in with a big smile on his face.

"What is making you happen, my boy, ?"

"I was hoping I could see Gina, is she in? I try calling her but she is not picking up her phone,".

“What? Is something  bad happening to my daughter?"

“What do you mean Sir?" Patrick asks in total surprise.

“No, I'm going to get my daughter back" 

Go where? I'm coming with you."

 “Okay boys, that will be very good, I will be needing someone with me anyways".

Both men entered the car and zoom off. The gate opened for them to enter the Jackson mansion, immediately.

 Mr. George's eyes begin to scan for his daughter, "where could she be? I hope she is ok."

 "Sir," Patrick called and pointed to Mr. George in the direction where Gina was standing looking out of space.

“My child!.., thank God she's okay," and hurry to her. Patrick couldn’t understand what was going on, is it not Mr. George who wants his Gina to get married to the Jacksons? Why then is he so afraid of losing her to them? anyways maybe because she's an only child, which is understandable."

“Gina, !.."  he called with stretched arms towards his daughter.

“Father!... what are you doing here? And why is Patrick with you?"

 “We thought to visit you, well I will just go if you don’t want to see me," Patrick said jokingly.

“No is not what I meant,"

 “Hmm, something like welcome, come in, sit down, and have some tea would have been just nice," Patrick said smiling. 

Gina felt guilty for not welcoming them before throwing questions at them and said "I'm sorry okay, come let's go to my room."

 “What room? Nope, I'm not staying in your husband’s room" Patrick said.

“Patrick stop," Gina’s father said, "you are not helping out."

 “Okay, I'm sorry," Patrick said in his usual way of unseriousness.

“For your information, I'm not yet married so you can still sleep on my bed if you want to say," Gina said laughing.

 “Stop it both of you, you guys are not helping matters." Mr. George was feeling very sorry for Gina because he knows that Gina would have been happy if she was allowed to marry a man of her choice, and even though Patrick would have been a good man for her, he knew that Patrick is in love with Gina but things have to be done  because is the right thing to do, I need to save Gina from what is coming, Patrick’s love cannot save her, I cannot lose everything Mr. George keep reminding himself,

“Dad are you okay?

 “Yes my dear, I just want to see Mr. Jackson now, where can I find him?" asking as if is his first time visiting the mansion" 

“Let me call someone to take you there," Gina said happy to see her father leave them alone.

“Please do," her dad said with all innocence," Gina is so happy to tell Patrick everything she was holding up inside.

Patrick listened to Gina without interruption and felt very sorry for her but there is nothing he can do for her at this point, he knows what is going on because his parents have already told him byt he cannot tell Gina that.