
Some Introduction

Next morning, like all days I woke up early. I like going for a little walk in the morning no matter how late I sleep at night. I immediately liked this place. The roads were deserted while I made my way to the park nearby. I had plugged in my earphones and was listening to Demi when someone familiar crossed me. Oh no! He can't be the one. But my eyes couldn't see wrong. Not at all when he was concerned. I thought to sit down on the nearest bench. I didn't want any more coincidences. I started using my phone. There were mails from my friends. I was still engrossed in it when I experienced someone's presence. I instantly looked up. And yes you guessed it right. Coincidence fucked up!

"I'm sorry." Oh God! His voice was so unreal. I was drowning in it. Those two words in themselves were like a drug. His voice was the sweetest thing my ears would ever want to listen. So ethereal. "Are you listening to me?" He said that because I still had my earphones plugged in. Okay, I acted dumb again. What happens to me when he's around. Why do I just lose my senses? "Sorry, but I listened to what you said." I said timidly. Perhaps, he smiled. Did I act stupid? Yes, I must have. "I'm sorry I couldn't apologize that day. I was in a little rush," he said and paused waiting for my reply. "Oh no! It was my fault. I was preoccupied by something else."

"And what was that?"

"I was thinking about my old friends. Since I recently joined college so I don't have any friends here."

"Now, you can count me as one."

"But I barely know your name."

"Noah Flynn. Now you know it. Do I get to know yours?"

"Sarah Vincent"

I wanted this conversation to continue forever but I got a call from Dad. It was then that I realized that a long time had passed. "I gotta go now." I had to say disheartedly. "See you in college then." He smiled. I couldn't help but blush. His crooked smile made him even more handsome.