
Chapter 2

I walked into the classroom happy to see Naruto sitting in his old seat with his ninja headband on with a big smile on his face, I walked over and sat next to him giving him a small smile as I sat down.

"Good job Naruto" I told him as I pointed to his headband

"Thanks Y/n" he told me with an even brighter smile if that's even possible

I looked down to the front of the classroom watching as more students walked in and went to there seats waiting for Iruka to come and tell us our teams, the lazy Nara walked up the steps and saw Naruto.

"This is for ninja who passed the exam not for a frailer" he told him

"oh yah Shikamaru you see this its a regulation headband" Naruto some what yelled as he point to his headband that he had tied around his forehead

"Whatever" Shikamaru mumbled

He made his was up to the desk behind us and sat down resting his head in his palm and lazily looking at the front looking like his was going to fall asleep any minute.

The door slammed opened a few seconds later revealing a pinkie and the blonde, looks like they were racing again.

'No point in listening to there conversation since it ends the same every time in an argument with who gets to set next to Sasuke or as I like to call him emo or duck butt' I thought as I chuckled a little

After a few minutes Iruka walked in with a clip board looking down at it probably checking to make sure the teams were right. He walked to the front of the class and cleared his throat catching everyone's attention

"Alright everyone your path to becoming shinobi starts now, I will now call out your named along with what team you are going to be in, now one team will have four since there is a uneven number of student while the rest of the teams have three" he told everyone

He called out the first team which had no one I really know since I don't talk to a lot of people, I scare them off. I guess the cold glare I give people who hurt Naruto scares off a lot of people, I have been told that I am cold hearted as will. To be fair I don't get close to anyone the only person I really got close to is Naruto since I saw him on the ground being kicked one day when I was walking around the village. Other then that I can be cold to people I don't know or trust, my eyes are an empty void showing no emotion what so ever. I will only show some emotion around Naruto since we've know each other since we were 11, I never told him my story or why I lived alone in a nice sized two story house. When ever he asks I tell him that I don't really wanna talk about it and he stops asking. Although lately he's been getting more and more curious. I don't like talking about my parent death, nor do I really talk about my time in the hidden sand village. I believe that the only people who know that I lived in suna and went to there ninja school and became a ninja there for a year is the Hokage and a few other jounin. I haven't even told Naruto that I'm engaged to someone. Naruto also doesn't know that I hide my bloodlust, I keep it from showing up in my eyes. Its not as bad as it was I learned to get it under control but I do for some reason love the sight of blood and may go a little to far sometimes when I'm fighting an enemy ninja. I think I figured out why I have it I think its because of the ten tails, I think that's because I don't use her charka a lot nor do I let her take control so when I am fight another ninja that's not leaf and not an allies of the leaf she finds a why to take over just a little and her bloodlust takes over a little. I told her a few years ago stop doing it and she agreed, in that time we were able to become closer, I learned that the only reason she did it was because she didn't liked being stuck inside the cage. I was able to convince her that it wasn't that big of a deal plus its not like I wouldn't ask her for help when I need it.

I was brought out of my thought by Naruto waving is hand in front of my face, I looked over a Naruto with a confused look on my face.

"Are you okay Y/n you were spacing out" he asked with a concern look

"Huh yah I was just lost in thought" I told him

"Oh what were you thinking about" he asked

"Huh oh just thinking about who would be on my team" I lied

One thing I'm grateful for is that Naruto isn't the brightest at times like now, he can't tell when I lie. Even though every time I lie my nose twitches a little.

"Do you think will be on that same team" he asked with hope in his eyes

"I hope so" I told him

"Alright Team 7 will consist of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno " Iruka was cut off by Naruto jumping up with joy with a little cheer of hearing his crushes name while Sakuras head was down sulking

I honestly don't see why he likes her all she cares about is Sasuke and impressing him

"Sasuke Uchiha" he was once again cut off but the roles were reversed

This time Sakura jumped up from her sit pumping her fist in the air with a small cheer while Naruto sulked.

"And L/n Y/n" he finally finished

He dismissed us for lunch and he said that after lunch we will meet are sensei's, I walked out of the classroom looking for Naruto. I couldn't find were he went so I only hope he's not off causing trouble.

I sighed quietly as I kicked a little pebble down the path, I was making my way to the KIA stone, I finally got to the stone after a few minutes of walking, I saw someone else there it was a man with sliver gravity defining hair. I walked up quietly next to him looking over the stone scanning all of my clan members names, will the ones that were ninja fighting back that night. I looked further down and saw my parents name. I heard someone clear there throat, I looked up and saw the man looking down at me.

"Is there something you need sir" I asked

"I was just wondering was a little kid like you was doing here is there a family member or a friend on the stone" he asked

"Yah" I told him

I stood there for a for more minutes

"I need to get going bye sir" I told him with a small wave

He nodded at me, I made my way back to the academy.


I walked in and saw Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were the only ones there.

"And were have you been lunch ended a half hour ago" she said

"That's none of your concern" I told her

I ignored the scowl that formed on her face after my comment

"How much longer are they going to be" Naruto groaned

"Our sensei will get here when they get here" I told him

I walked up and sat on the sat next to Naruto

He sighed but soon it became a mischievous smirk. I looked at him with a questioning look, he got up and made his why to the chalk broad and grab and eraser, he then walked over to the door and stood on a chair and opened the door a little and places the chalk eraser in between the crack of the door, he then got off the chair and put it back.

"Our teacher is an elite Jonin you really think he's going to fall for a stupid prank like that" Mr. buzz kill I mean Sasuke said

Right after he said that a hand opened the door and a sliver head popped in, the chalk eraser falling and hitting him with a little plop. Naruto fell on the floor laughing his ass of, I got up from my seat and walked over to him, I lightly kicked him in the leg to get him to stop laughing. Sakura got up and ran to the front of the room and bowed and kept saying sorry over and over again and saying she would never do that.

"Let's see my first impression of you guys is" he paused mid sentence

Naruto and Sakura looked at him waiting for what he was going to say.

"Is that your all a bunch of idiots" he said as he made eye contacted with me a little shocked to see me

I guess he didn't see my headband when I was at the KIA stone.

"Meet me on the roof" he told use and he proofed into a cloud of smoke

We made or way to the stairs walking up them to the roof, I could use the same jutsu as him but I don't want to. We walked through the door to the roof and made out way over to were he was standing. we all sat down on the steps and looked at him.

"Alright interduces yourselves" he told us plainly

"You go first sensei so we now what to do" Sakura asked

Is she for really, how does she not understand what he means when he said to interduce's ourselves, I mean come on it so simple.

"Me I'm Kakashi Hatake things I like I don't feel like telling you things I hate I have a few my hobbies not important and my dream for the future I never really thought of it" he said

'While that was one introduction we didn't learn anything about him' I thought

"Well that was useless and all we learned was his name" She mumbled

"Alright you the blonde" he said

" I'm Naruto Uzumaki I really like instant ramen but I don't like the three minutes it takes to heat up after you put the water in I also really like the ramen Iruka sensei got me, my hobbies are tasting different kinds of ramen, my dream for the future is to become Hokage so people will stop disrespecting me" Naruto said with enthusiasm

"Alright you the one in the middle" Kakashi said as he point to Sakura

"Things I like will the person I like *Looks at Sasuke and squeals* My hobbies are *Looks at Sasuke again with another squeal* My dream for the future is *Looks at Sasuke again and squeals again*"

God I feel like my ears are going to fall off

"And what do you hate"

"NARUTO" She screamed

"Allow me to translate names Sakura Haruno the person I like is Sasuke, my hobbies are stalking Sasuke, my dream for the future is to marry Sasuke and have his children" I said mocking her annoying high pitch voice

I could feel Sakura glaring at me even though I wasn't looking at her.

"Alright next" he said pointing to Sasuke

"Names Sasuke Uchiha I don't particularly like  anyone and I hate most things I don't have a lot of hobbies and my dream for the future is not a dream I will kill a certain someone and restore my clan" Sasuke said with no emotion

"Alright last but not least" he said as he looked at me

"My names Y/n L/n  my likes are hanging out with Naruto and training, my dislikes are annoying fan girls, bully's and people who think there better then everyone else, my hobbies are reading and cloud gazing and a few more things, my dream for the future I haven't really thought of that" I told him

He nodded, looking at everyone.

"Great your all different in some way tomorrow we will have our first misson"

"What is it! What is it!" Naruto asked jumping up and down

"It's a survival test"

"But sensei we already did that in the academy" Sakura complained

"Its not like that one but you wouldn't like it if I told you" he said

"What do you mean tell us sensei" Naruto asked

"Will out of the 60% of the graduates only 25% pass will make it while the others well be sent back to the academy" Kakashi said with a broad look on his face

"But why" Sakura asked

"Simple it will take the weak ones out" he explained

We all nodded and we all looked at him as he turned his back at us, he looked over his shoulder and looked at use.

"Oh and don't eat breakfast tomorrow or else you'll puke" he said as he gave us a finally wave before jumping off the roof

I got up and jump off after him not bothering to say goodbye, I made my way to my house to make dinner.