
The taste is good

Shirayuki looked up her phone about two seconds, and shrugged by helplessness. she didn't know, if this is okay. she don't have experience about this kind of staff, a girl and a boy going meet up? talking to the strangers like their known each other ago. tsk.

'Though, its my first time meeting a guy it's better giving a try, I think.'

Meeting to stranger guy is also a good experience to her. and she know, she's no younger anymore. she also have no Boyfriend to being jealous in the first place. so why not giving a try?

when she decided to go and there's nothing wrong to her discision, she put the phone back down to her bed. Before walking back to her closet.

After dressing up, she went to the kitchen to cook for the breakfast.

She decided from last night to make Fried Rice for the breakfast today, after making preparation she then started, because she didn't eat pork, so she only put shrimp in the Fried Rice.

minutes passed, shirayuki done with her fried rice and placed it in the small table she have, that just next to her bed. she sat down after taking the plate and began to eat.

She loves eating, Whether it is good or not, as long as the food is not poisonous, she will still love eating it.

"Hmm... delicious!!." if Tang Nana heard of that, she will again vomit blood. because everytime Tang Nana has have time, she will always stop here.

One of that, Tang Nana visit her last Sunday and decide to stay until lunch, and Shirayuki cook for their lunch, When she saw is almost lunch time. she ask Tang Nana if she's okay with only pancit lomi for their lunch, And because Tang Nana wasn't aware of the cooking skills of her best friend, she agree without second thought, when Shirayuki was done, Tang Nana happily sat down in the table with sparkling eyes, excited, she the first to put the pancit lomi in her plate, when Tang Nana smelled it she have expected that it's delicious!

She filled a lot of pancit lomi in her plate and started to eat, and when the lomi is inside in her mouth, the joy that you see in her beautiful face is suddenly disappeared. she ran to the bathroom and spit the food there.

When Tang Nana, out from the bathroom her face is now white like as a sheets of paper. she glared at Shirayuki that only to see, the latter was enjoying on her food.

"Eww, Yuki.... how can you enjoy to eat that kind of... of.... urgh! I don't know if that would be called as a food! The... the nasty taste like all the salt you poured it."

"Hmm? the taste is good, what do I pour all the salt into, you say?."

".....W-what tasty? Are you crazy? its too ugly to taste. you say! I don't want to eat that, I just throw it in the bathroom maybe even dogs can't eat it either..."

"No.... if you don't want that, give it to me I'll eat it." she said while still eating.


she didn't know why this girl was enjoyed to eat that kind of food or Is that really good calling food. the taste is so bad, the soup is like she taste the sea, like the whole salt she put in to it. looking at girl who was enjoying eating, Tang Nana was at loss of word she has nothing to say about to her friend. she just only swear to herself that she never eat if the one who cook is her best friend.

Shirayuki done to eat all the fried rice, with satisfied face she placed the plate in the sink in began to wash it.

after washing the plate, she look at the time in her cute little clock that was place in her small table beside her bed.

8:15 am, she have more time before Tang Nana pick her up for the time their meet up. because is still early she decided to go to church first.

When she had a hard time deciding what to wear, she decided to just wear the simple clothes.