
The Gifted One (werewolf edition)

Xander has been the Immortal Alpha King since the Great War between packs. His immortality was supposed to be a blessing for his victory, but after living thousands of years, it has become a curse. His heart once warm and beating now frozen since his wife’s heart beat its last. Xander had given up hope he would ever find a mate worthy of him. He rules with an iron fist and the slightest mistakes receive the cruelest of punishments. His wolf refuses to deal with him until he finds a queen but once he sets eyes on Hannah, his whole world is turned upside down. Can he change his wicked ways and win her love or is he doomed to remain mateless for all eternity?

Joanzie · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 9 the silent treatment

In the days that followed, Hannah received the invitation in the mail, as well the emails, from Mr. Angelo. The email stated, that she needed to confirm her attendance, by June seventeenth.

Her mother, Elizabeth, couldn't attend the event due to her work schedule, and she definitely didn't want her under age daughter, flying across the country, alone.

The subject had sparked several arguments, which led to them barely speaking a word to each other for

After almost a week, of giving each other the the silent treatment, Elizabeth, had no choice but to cave. She couldn't stand for her baby girl to be this upset with her. After all, this was her future and she had no right to stand in her way. If she didn't let her go, she would just do it in six months, when she turned eighteen. Then what? Have her daughter not speak to her for the rest of her life, because she held her back. No, she would never let that happen.

She called Hannah's friend Amber, who had turned eighteen in May and asked her to come over for dinner. She discussed the plan with her before Hannah joined them. She planned to lay out a few conditions, before she gave her blessing. Amber immediately agreed to her terms, they just needed to tell Hannah.

The three of them set down to dinner, in the dining room and Elizabeth cleared her throat.

"Hannah," she started, Hannah looked up at her mother with piercing eyes, "since I can't attend the event, I've asked Amber to accompany you, instead." Hannah looked up, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Really?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"You can attend, as long as Amber goes with you." She stated.

"Thank you mom!" She cried and rushed to hug and kiss her cheek.

"If I'd have known this would be your reaction, I would've caved sooner. I can't stand the silent treatment." She said hugging her back.

"You knew this was all I wanted." She said taking a step back and eyeing her skeptically.

"I know, I know. I'm glad you're finally talking to me again." She said, giving her a small smile. Hannah saw the glistening of her mothers eyes and immediately felt horrible. She grabbed her mother pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry mom, I didn't mean to make you cry. Her eyes welling up as well. Now they were both professing their apologies, with tears streaming down their cheeks. Both of them taking the blame for the entire thing. After they were done reconciling, they stepped back and wiped their tears away. They forgot all about Amber being there, until then. "Now, let's eat!" Elizabeth replied, a little embarrassed by the display of emotion, in-front of a guest.

Amber just sat there, taking in the heart felt moment, with watery eyes. "You two are the sweetest. I love you guys so much!" She jumped up and pulled them into a group hug. Hannah was filled with joy for having such an amazing friend, and mother. "Let's dig in, before it get cold," her mother said releasing them.

They spoke about the upcoming trip and threw out scenarios of what, they thought, it would be like. Each one more elaborate than the last. After all, The Lucian Institute, was a fortune five hundred company, so their imaginations ran wild.

Hannah and Amber researched the company after Mr. Angelo made her the offer. She was surprised to see that company had its hands in several different industries. Computer and cyber security Technology, medical research and development, Financial Banking, Charity, Agriculture, the list went on. 'How did I not know about this company before now?' She thought.

After they finished dinner and cleaned up the mess, Amber said her goodbyes and headed home. She needed to give her parents the news and take care of somethings before the trip. While Hannah and Elizabeth settled in for the night.

Hannah went to her room to send Mr. Angelo an email, confirming her attendance.

It was a week away, and the excitement was bubbling over, inside her.

Her lab top alerted her that she had a new email from Mr. Angelo. He was inquiring if she had a passport. 'Why would I need a passport?' She asked herself. The trip wasn't out of the country. She replied to his email, telling him no and inquiring as to why she would need one. He immediately responded, that he would acquire on for her and it would be ready upon her arrival.

'How can he do that?' She thought. 'Don't they need her mother's permission.' She sent him another email, asking these very things. Again, he responded instantly, letting her know, that it wouldn't be an issue. 'That's vague,' she thought, and he still didn't elaborate on why she would need one.

Curiosity started to get the better of her, but she decided to ask when they arrived. Instead, she looked up the requirements for attaining a passport at her age.

While she was doing research on the subject Mr. Angelo emailed her again. There was a link to a form for her to sign, regarding the passport. She clicked on the link and filed out the form, electronically signed it and sent it back. After she changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth, she got into bed and drifted of to sleep dreamed of all the possibilities awaiting her.


The week went by rather quickly and soon it was Thursday night, before the trip. Mr. Angelo emailed her again. This time, there was a schedule, broken down in one hour segments, outlining their trip. It was planned out for the entire month of July. There were dinners, charity banquets, meetings, and several other events, including personal time.

She hadn't realized how busy she would be this summer, but at least it wouldn't be boring. What if she made a fool of herself, in front of everyone? What if Mr. Angelo and his boss, realize they made a mistake, by choosing her.

'Calm down Hannah. You can do this. Don't chicken out now.' She tried calming herself. But her anxiety was getting the best of her and all she could think about, was all the ways she could mess it all up.

She got up and paced her room before she decided to go to the kitchen, to make some chamomile tea. When she entered, her mother was already there, making her own cup of tea.

"Would you like a cup, honey?" She asked, when she noticed her.

"Yes, please," she replied. Elizabeth poured her a cup and added a teaspoon of honey. She place the steaming mug in front of her and they both took a seat at the table.

"Are you nervous about the trip?" Elizabeth asked.

"So much so, that I can't shut my mind down to sleep." She replied.

Her mother smiled at her warmly, "You will be just fine. The tea will help tremendously." She said.

"You're more optimistic than I am." She replied,

Blowing on the tea, before taking a sip.

"I thought, this is what you wanted to do?" She asked.

"It is, I'm just getting inside my own head about it. What if they don't like me after meeting me? What if they decided, that I look better on paper, than in person? What if I mess everything up on the first day and they send me packing?" She asked, exasperatingly.

Her mother let out a little chuckle, "you really are in your own head."

"I know," she groaned.

"They wouldn't have chosen you, if they didn't see your talents," she replied.

"What if they're wrong?" She asked.

"Honey, this is a top company. Do you really think, they wouldn't do their research, before considering you?" She asked.

"You're right mom. I just don't see, in me, what you see in me. Since I don't see it, I don't think anyone else sees it either." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's why you need someone on the outside, to help you, put things into perspective," She said, with an encouraging smile.

"Thanks mom, you always know just what to say." She replied, with a half smile. 'I really am lucky, to have gotten her for a mother,' she thought. Hannah finished her tea, wished her mom good night and went to bed. She had a long day tomorrow.