
The Gifted One (werewolf edition)

Xander has been the Immortal Alpha King since the Great War between packs. His immortality was supposed to be a blessing for his victory, but after living thousands of years, it has become a curse. His heart once warm and beating now frozen since his wife’s heart beat its last. Xander had given up hope he would ever find a mate worthy of him. He rules with an iron fist and the slightest mistakes receive the cruelest of punishments. His wolf refuses to deal with him until he finds a queen but once he sets eyes on Hannah, his whole world is turned upside down. Can he change his wicked ways and win her love or is he doomed to remain mateless for all eternity?

Joanzie · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 8. Graduation Day

"Hannah!" Elizabeth called from the bottom of the stairs. "It's almost time. You don't want to be late for your own graduation, do you?"

Hannah grabbed her bag containing her cap and gown and hurried down the stairs.

"I'm ready mom," she replied, jumping the last few steps and almost taking them both down.

"Woah! Are you trying to kill us both?" Her mother exclaimed.

"Sorry mom, I'm just excited," she said, a little embarrassed.

After her mother regained her composure, she ushered her outside and into the car. They headed to the school for her graduation ceremony. She dropped Hannah off at the door and parked the car.

Hannah quickly put on her graduation attire and took her place in line, with all the others. Her best friend, Amber, mouthed to her, 'where were you?'

'Sorry.' She mouthed back. She rolled her eyes at her tardy friend and sent her a cheeky smile.

The line began to move and soon they were taking their seats. She listened to the speeches, with sheer boredom, from the various speakers. The special guest speaker, Mr. Angelo, was the last one to speak before the walk began. When he finished, she stood in the line, for the ceremonial walk and receive her high school diploma. The special guest speaker stood beside the principal to shake hands with each student, as they passed.

When her name was called, she made her way across the stage. Mr. Maze handed her, her diploma and shook her hand. She moved to shake hands with Mr. Angelo, and when she looked into his eyes, he froze. He gripped her hand and stared at her in disbelief. She tried to pull her hand away, but he had an iron clad grip on it. "Uh… excuse me, Mr. Angelo, but can I have my hand back please?" She asked. Her words brought him out of his trance and he immediately released her. "I'm sorry my dear, but your eyes, are those colored contacts?" He asked.

She had been asked this her whole life, and the question always made her feel like she didn't belong.

"No, they are all natural," she replied, with a small smile and quickly existed the stage. When she returned to her seat, she noticed his eyes kept coming back to her.

Once all the diplomas were passed out, Mr. Maze the principal, got up to say the final farewell and congratulated them on being the class of 2022. Cheers erupted from everyone in the audience and the students congratulated each other. They made their way out of the auditorium, to the lunchroom to gather their belongings.

"Hannah!" Amber yelled, and ran toward her. They both hugged each other excitedly. When they pulled away from each other, Hannah noticed Mr. Angelo. He approached them and gave a slight bow, which Hannah thought was odd.

"Good afternoon Miss Hannah. May I have a moment of your time, please?" He asked.

She really hoped he wasn't going to question her more about her eyes, it was embarrassing enough.

"Sure," she replied, and they made their way out of the lunchroom and into the hallway.

"How can I help you, Mr. Angelo?" She asked.

He kept staring into her beautiful violet eyes, astounded by this new revelation.

His majesty will be so please with him. He would be honored in the highest of ways for bringing his queen to him.

"Um… Mr. Angelo, are you okay?" Her voice brought him back to the present.

"I'm sorry Miss Hannah," he apologized. "I would like to offer you an internship," he stated.

She was surprised by his words. "An internship?" She asked.

"Yes Miss. My employer has asked me to extent you this opportunity. Paid of course," he replied.

"Which company do you work for?" She asked.

"The Lucian Institute," he replied.

"I don't think I've ever heard of the institute, Mr. Angelo," she stated.

He smiled at her, "We are having a fundraiser in a few weeks. Allow me to send you an invitation to the event," she said happily.

"Why are you offering this to me?" She asked.

"Because, I believe, you are the best person for the position," he replied earnestly.

"Based on?" She questioned.

"I was sent your file by one of the teachers here and we are interested in employing you," he replied.

'Mr. Addler, that snake!' She thought. She couldn't believe he submitted her file without her permission.

"When is your event?" She asked.

"Saturday, July second, at six in the evening," he replied.

"I'll send you all the details. I'll have a car pick you up on June twenty-fourth, and take you to the airport, for your flight." he stated.

"What?" She asked, surprised. "That's a week before the event. Why would I need to arrive a week before?" She asked.

"My employer, would like you to shadow him for the week prior to the event. He would also like to make sure, there is time to acquire everything required for the event.

"Where is it being held?" She asked, curiously.

"At the Lucian estate. All your accommodations will be taken care of, you don't have to worry about any of the expenses," he replied.

She didn't know what to say. Could she even go? Would her mother approve? She wouldn't be eighteen for several months, but by then the opportunity would have passed her by.

"Is there a problem, Miss Hannah?" He asked.

His words brought her back to their conversation.

"I'm only seventeen, Mr. Angelo. I need my mother's permission to leave the state," she said.

"Oh. I can make accommodations for her as well," he replied.

A big smile graced her face, "you'd do that?" She asked.

He laughed, "My employer is willing to do whatever it takes, to have you on the team," he stated.

"Okay!" She said, excitedly.

"I'll send you the invite through the mail, and I'll email you the rest of the information," he stated.

"Thank you, for the opportunity, Mr. Angelo." She replied.

"The pleasure is all mine. We'll be in touch." He stated. "It was very nice to meet you, Miss Hannah." He bowed and walked away.

She stood there, thinking about how odd his behavior was.

"Hannah!" She heard her name, bringing her out of her thoughts. She turned around and saw her mother and Amber coming toward her.

"Who was that, you were speaking to?" Asked her mother, but before she could respond, Amber chimed in. "That was Mr. Angelo! He's some big time corporate elitist, with the Lucian Institute. What did he want Hannah?" Amber asked excitedly.

"He offered me a job!" She replied, excitedly.

Amber's eyes went wide in disbelief. "No way! Seriously?" She asked baffled.

"I'm just as surprised as you are," she replied.

"What kind of job?" Her mother asked, skeptically.

"A paid internship. Apparently he has seen my file and extended me an offer," she said, happily.

"I'm so happy for you Han," Amber said excitedly, hugging her. The girls were lost in their excitement and neither one of them saw the concern that marred her mother's face. She quickly schooled her features when they turned to her. "Ready to celebrate?" Her mother asked.

"Where are we going?" Hannah asked, excitedly.

"It's a surprise!" Her mother replied, secretly.