
The Gifted One (werewolf edition)

Xander has been the Immortal Alpha King since the Great War between packs. His immortality was supposed to be a blessing for his victory, but after living thousands of years, it has become a curse. His heart once warm and beating now frozen since his wife’s heart beat its last. Xander had given up hope he would ever find a mate worthy of him. He rules with an iron fist and the slightest mistakes receive the cruelest of punishments. His wolf refuses to deal with him until he finds a queen but once he sets eyes on Hannah, his whole world is turned upside down. Can he change his wicked ways and win her love or is he doomed to remain mateless for all eternity?

Joanzie · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 4 Unleashed

Three days had gone by, and Albert refused to leave his wife's side. He was sprawled out in the recliner chair the nurse, named Clara, had pushed at him on the first day, wide awake. His mind had been muddled with so much lately, that he couldn't shut it down.

He had sent his sweet baby girl back to the nursery, after spending most of the day with her.

There had been no change in his wife's condition. As each day went by his hope of her waking up, began to fizzle away. He didn't want to be around anyone but her. Those who came to visit, didn't stay long. Probably due to his less than hospitable nature. He missed everything about her, her voice, her smile, her words of encouragement, her arms wrapped around him, he missed it all.

His mind had been boggled down from the revelations of the last few days.

On the second day, the nurse had brought his baby girl to him, per his request.

She gently placed the baby girl in his arms. His baby was wearing a pink mitten cuff onesie, with her hands covered. He pulled back the cuffs to count her little fingers, and she immediately wrapped her tiny hand around his finger. He didn't notice the dark red circle on the palm of her right hand. He cooed at her when her eyes started to flutter open. He gasped when he saw their deep violet color, sparkling back at him.

His mouth went dry, "No…" He whispered, his heart started beating rapidly in his chest.

He replayed their last conversation before her water broke, the one regarding the king. At least he hadn't lost her completely, like the king had lost his mate. He had started to sympathize with the retched beast, something he never thought he could ever do. No one knew why his heart held so much hatred for the king and he wasn't about to tell any of them. After all, he left that life behind and never looked back. Hell, the beast probably wouldn't even recognize him if they came face to face.

His parents were once the alphas of the Blue Moon pack. They were offered a high counsel position by the king himself, five years before his birth. His father handed the alpha position to his young brother, Cozbi, to take one the high council position. His uncle was more than happy to seize control over their pack. His uncle had coveted the alpha status, since it was handed to his older brother.

He was born and had grown up in the palace, until that day. His parents were the kings most trusted counsel, until the day he ordered their deaths. Treason. He was only seven when they were taken from him. He didn't witness their deaths, his parents wouldn't allow such a thing.

His Aunt Emma took him away from the palace when they were convicted, but he had seen his majesty's brutality first hand, on other occasions. Not even the Alphas were safe from his evil deeds, no one was.

Her words the night she went into labor echoed in his thoughts. Silly woman, with her heart of gold, had no idea what she had done. Hell even he didn't know until he saw it, with his own eyes.

'How am I going to raise her, without you?' He thought.

Sure Gabriel and Ginger had been helping out by running the bar for him, these last few days, but what about further down the line? His mind was drowning in the unknown, and it scared the shit out of him.

He got up from the chair and leaned over her, his eyes scanned his beautiful wife's face, "You know you just made everything a thousand times more difficult and you've left me alone to deal with it," he whispered to her. It wasn't her fault, her heart was in the right place. "I miss you Annie, please come back to me." His eyes began to water, it seemed that's all he could do these days, cry like a baby. It's what he felt like without her, a defenseless baby.

He laid down on the bed beside her and snuggled in. He kissed her cheek and felt the tingle on his lips. "Mmmmm," the sound tingled his throat in response. Even asleep, she had this effect on him. His very own sleeping beauty, at least the Disney version. He wrapped his arm around her and his body relaxed. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

He didn't notice the pair of eyes watching him from the other side of the privacy curtain.


The next day, Albert called the nurse to bring him his daughter. When she entered their room, she looked around confused. "Hello, where's the baby?" He asked.

The nurse, named Teresa, was hesitant to answer. "I'm so sorry. Give me just a moment, Mr. Heptner," and quickly left the room.

'How did she forget the baby?' He thought to himself.

Half an hour passed before the doctor, Adam, came into the room. "Good morning Albert," he spoke, concern marred his face. Al knew something was wrong. "Where's my baby?" He asked, a slight growl reverberating in his throat.

Adam didn't know how to tell him the news. His friend had already been through so much, these last few days, he didn't want to add to it. They had been friends since he came to the dark moon pack, over twenty years ago. He took a deep breath and just came out with it. "She's missing, Albert," he replied.

"What in the hell do you mean, she's missing?" His voice boomed as he stood up. Adam knew what was coming. Before he could even braise himself for it, Al's fist struck his jaw, sending him back out the door and into the wall across the hall. Several nurses came running to help the hood doctor.

Albert was standing in the doorway, his chest heaving, ready to strike him again. Adam held his hands up in surrender, he knew the only one who could control him now, was the Alpha. He mind linked him, to ask for his assistance. 'Alpha, please come quickly, before Albert destroys the hospital.' Adam had already alerted him to the situation before he told Albert the news. Alpha Ramon immediately responded. 'I'm already in the building,' he replied.

He tried to keep Albert busy until the alpha made it to him. "Al, please calm down. We'll find her, I promise you," he tried to appease him.

Albert eyes were seething with rage. All he wanted to do was choke the life out of everyone within reach. As far as he was concerned, they were all guilty. They all had to be punished, for their ignorance. Three nurses were frozen in fear, in their place, unable to move. His aura changed, something inside him released. Something he had denied himself, and had laid dormant all these years.

Adam felt the pain deep in his bones, and knew what was happening. "Please Albert, don't hurt them. Focus on me. We'll find her," he wheezed.

The nurses cried out in pain, bringing him back to his senses. He released his aura and everyone gasped for breath. "Find my daughter, now!" He ordered, before turning around and going back inside, slamming the door behind him.