
The Gifted One (werewolf edition)

Xander has been the Immortal Alpha King since the Great War between packs. His immortality was supposed to be a blessing for his victory, but after living thousands of years, it has become a curse. His heart once warm and beating now frozen since his wife’s heart beat its last. Xander had given up hope he would ever find a mate worthy of him. He rules with an iron fist and the slightest mistakes receive the cruelest of punishments. His wolf refuses to deal with him until he finds a queen but once he sets eyes on Hannah, his whole world is turned upside down. Can he change his wicked ways and win her love or is he doomed to remain mateless for all eternity?

Joanzie · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 3 A deep sleep

Once Gabe moved the car, he made his way to the delivery waiting area. On the way Albert was making his way there as well. "Did she kick you out already?" he asked jokingly. The look on Al's face alerted him that something was off. "What's wrong?" he asked, taking the man's shoulders and shaking him a bit. "Th....They had to rush her to OR. The baby's in distress and they have to get it out quickly." He spoke in a low voice and appeared to be shocked. "You didn't go with her?" he asked, surprised. "They said, I'm not allowed in there!" He snapped.

"Why not?" He asked half raising his voice.

"I don't know, they said something about there not being enough time to properly sterilize me and get the pup out in time." he ran his fingers through his hair several times and slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a hole behind.

"They aren't going to like that." he stated, raising his eyebrows.

Albert turned to glare at him. "I don't give a shit what they like!" he replied angrily. He paced the waiting room and watched the clock on the wall tick by. He felt like he was going out of his mind. "I never should've let them take her without me," he stated in frustration. "I'm surprised you did," Gabe replied.

"What was I supposed to do? Put my pup's life in danger?" he asked frustrated.

"Everything will be fine Al. Adam is a great doctor, he'll get your pup out safely.

"I know man, I know." He said exasperated.

They waited and waited. An hour passed, then two. "What's taking so long?" He yelled. Gabe was getting frustrated also, but he tried to keep Al calm, to no avail. "I'm going to the nurses station." He said getting up from his seat and heading to the door. Gabe blocked him. "Move Gabe!" He growled. "How about you wait right here and let me go see what's taking so long?" He said with raised hands.

Al huffed and ran his fingers through his hair again. "You have exactly three minutes, before I lose my shit!"

"That's all I need," he turned quickly and raced down the hall to the nurses station. He found a tiny little blonde woman there, that he had never met before. "Hi, I'm Gabriel, and my sister is in surgery giving birth. Can you tell me why we haven't heard anything yet?" He asked.

The woman behind the desk was hesitant to answer. She looked around as if making sure there was no one within ear shot. "There have been some complications with the surgery. I'm not sure if I should be the one to tell you. The Doctor is on his way here now. He should be the one to explain. His heart fell, "Is my sister alive?" He asked.

"Yes, she is alive and so is baby." She replied.

I don't want to be the one to deliver the news. In that moment Adam came around the corner. "Hey Gabe, I was just coming to see you and Albert."

"How are they Doc?" He asked.

"Where is Albert?"

"In the waiting room, on the verge of losing his sanity." Gabe replied.

"Well, not a moment to lose them. Let's go before he tears up the place." They swiftly made their way to Albert, who was pacing the waiting room, in full frustration.

When he saw them, he stopped, "How are they Adam?" He asked.

"Congratulations Al, you have a beautiful healthy baby girl!" He said with a smile on his face, but it quickly fell. "There were some complications with Anna. She is alive, but she has slipped into a coma. I can't wake her."

His eyes bore into him, "aren't you supposed to be the best doctor in this whole damn place?!" He growled.

Adam knew he was barely holding it together, but this was not the time to lose it. "Al I am the best damn doctor here, but somethings are even out of my hands," he replied sympathetically.

"I want to see her. Maybe my proximity will help," he stated walking past them and out the door. "She's in room 313," he called after and they followed him.

When Albert found the room, he barged right in, without knocking, followed by the two tailing him. There she laid in the bed, hooked up to tubes and wires, connected to machines, that monitored her vital organs. His heart sank, he barely noticed the two nurses inside, until one greeted him. "Hello Albert," the nurse named Clara, said, with a bright smile. His eyes narrowed when he recognized her. "What are you doing here?" He growled. Before anyone could stop him, he was across the room, and had Clara pinned against the wall, by her throat, feet dangling and gasping for air. "YOU DID THIS!" He screamed.

He wasn't happy to see her near his mate. Clara and Albert used to be involved before he found his mate. She didn't take it very well that he had mated and tried to come between them.

Which is against the laws. No person shall come between fated mates. Although there were some who had, in the past, ignored the laws, the moon goddess would wreak havoc on their lives and set things back in their rightful place. It was never wise to take on the goddess.

"ALBERT!" Adam yelled, "release her, right this instant!" But Albert was ready to end the woman who had caused so many issues in the past.

She gasped for breath, struggling to get the words out. "She's done this! She's to blame!" Adam approached him, "she has found her mate, Albert! She is no longer interested in you!" He yelled at him.

He loosened his grip and she slide down the wall. She coughed filling her lungs with air. The realization of what he had done set in. "I…I'm sorry Clara.

"I…swear... I mean no harm Albert." She struggled out.

"I'm sorry that I ever tried to come between you two. I now know the importance of the mate bond and what can happen when you try to intervene." She said sadly.

Albert relaxed a bit, "I'm happy for you Clara." He turned his attention back to his wife, "how is she?" He asked.

"She's in a deep sleep." She replied.

"She does look like she's just resting." He said, going to her side and picking up her hand, in both of his. Clara pushed the chair with wheels to him, "Have a seat Al." She ordered and turned to leave.

She stopped and asked, "Have you seen your daughter yet?" He didn't look up, but instead kept his eyes on his mate. "No." He stated numbly. "I can bring her to you, if you'd like." She suggested.

Their eyes met, in that moment he was grateful to her. "I'd appreciate it, Clara. Thank you." He said turning back to his mate.

She left the room and headed to the nursery.

Her heart was filled with happiness, this day had finally come.

She signed the baby out and carried her back to the room, knocked and entered. Albert was alone with his mate, still sitting tears streaming down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away and turned to see his child bundled up in a soft pink blanket. Clara carefully laid her in his arms, with a big smile. She's fast asleep. They said she just ate, burped and changed her. I'll let you two get better acquainted. Just ring the call light when you're ready for me to return her to the nursery." She turned and left, closing the door behind her.

She was breathtaking, just like her mother, he thought. "Look Annie," he said, holding her up to the sleeping woman. "She has your well, your everything," He said, as a few more tears slipped out and ran down.

"Please wake up baby, we need you." He said. Then the dam broke, and spilled over, a few even landing on his precious pup's head. He grabbed the tissues next to the bed and gently dabbed them away. "Look at your old man," he gently whispered. "Falling to pieces, when I've got you to look after. Let's hope your momma will wake soon, so we don't have to leave her here. Do you hear that honey? We want you to come home with us, please wake up." He continued to whisper, as not to frighten his sleeping daughter.

After a few more minutes, Gabe entered the room, not knowing what to expect. He saw his brother in law whispering to the small pink bundle he held in his arms. His face was wet with tears, but whether they were tears of joy or sorrow, he couldn't tell. Maybe a bit of both. He didn't want to disturb them yet, so he quietly backed out, leaving the door slightly open.

He would wait to meet his niece. After all, he had all the time in the world, or so, he thought.