
The Gift of Pathoseia

Elinora’s mother informed her of a mysterious inherited power hours before her death. Monumental details of this ancestral magic became lost in the same fire that took her parents’ lives. With no godparents or cordial familial bonds, Elinora found herself left to her own devices at the age of 17. Five years later, Elinora uses her unique ability to understand and manipulate emotions as a career advantage. When bubbly coworker, Holly, coerces the introverted Elinora into a frivolous party, an undiscovered facet of her personality freely gives itself to the loving community of misfits that Holly calls family. Elinora will find everything she understands of reality tested and warped on a journey toward self-understanding and acceptance. With help from her new kinship to Holly’s pack of gypsies and the undeniable pull she feels toward their declared leader, Alec, she uncovers the power of her assumed weakness. Before accepting an intricate, unconditional bond she never thought possible, Elinora must face the demons that walk the earth. Taken, bound, beaten, and unleashed, she must fight her way back to the home she found within Alec. It's sink or swim as Elinora faces an enemy from a part of reality she thought only existed in movies and books. Will she be overcome by the malice lurking in plain sight or master her gift and seal her fate?

IsabelEyu · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A Step Away



Holly and Zin hastily made their way into the foyer with a pep in their step, recognizing the voice. Though the exterior seemed designed to appear antique, the interior was modern and minimalist. The walls were all white or natural stone or brick, with pops of blues and greens in the few decorations sprinkled throughout the part of the space I could see. The only visible hints of wealth within the interior were gold embellishments and accents on various fixtures.

Footsteps from my left took my attention from admiring this new and oddly cozy space.

"Is this the mystery best friend we've all heard so much about?" the voice from earlier asked.

"REESE!" Holly shrilled, "I've missed you so much."

Another voice followed as they embraced each other, "What am I? Chopped liver?"

"You're probably more of a canned sardine," chaffed Zindra, "at least in my opinion. Forever salty and majorly misunderstood."

Zin's banter earned her a quick glare from the hazel eyes of the unnamed stranger with the curly bush of red hair. The "canned sardine" reached out her hand in introduction, "I'm Victoria, but most people just call me Vicky."

I shook her hand briefly as Zin fired off again, "She also responds to Icky Vicky, but that right is reserved for inner-circle only." Which earned her a glare; if looks could kill, ya know?

"Yeah…" I started, basking in the visible comfort and joy on the four faces before me, "I think I'll stick with just Vicky."

I turned to Reese, extending my hand, "It's nice to finally meet the both of you. I am, in fact, the mystery best friend." I pulled my hand away to address my two new acquaintances, "I'm Elinora, but I answer to Elli, Nora, or really any sound you can rip from my name."

"Well, everyone is ecstatic to finally meet you, too." Commented Vicky, "For a while, I thought maybe Holly was making you up, but then Zindra vouched for you."

Reese agreed, "Definitely thought you were some fanciful character that Holly used to convince us she wasn't lonely while in school. But, it's nice to put a face to the name; the curiosity was eating away at me."

"You guys talk about me like I am a child!" Holly groaned.

"If the shoe fits, baby," concluded Zindra, trying to get a rise out of Holly.

It was working.

Crossing her arms indignantly, Holly responded, "Yeah, well, at least I picked out my own outfit for tonight. I didn't need someone else to do it for me."

Her nose up in the air, I couldn't help but laugh at Holly's dramatic and childish display.

"Oh, hold on just a damn minute," I defended, "I can easily dress myself. I just don't like hearing you whine about how casual my choice in attire is, so I save myself the argument and let you pick out my clothes."

Just as Zin opened her mouth in retaliation, our sisterly bickering was cut short by a sudden clap from Reese, "Alright, ladies, forget about it. Let's get to the party and show Elinora around."

"Agreed." Vicky nodded, throwing a thumb back to signal the way, "The sooner we make an appearance, the sooner we can step away."

Delivered almost like an order, we silently followed without question.

I allowed my senses to consume me, trapping me inside my thoughts, my emotions. Taking in the intricate tracery along the corridor, I pondered the swirls of new sentiments overtaking my body. There is comfort and happiness, love and lust, apprehension and embarrassment. Though growing more potent as we approached a party's thumping music and chatter, none of these intruder emotions were drowning me. An almost entirely neutral group of people; not a single hateful, agitated, or malicious intent in range of the ambiguous radar I seem to have inherited.

The most exhausting part of being a sponge for the constantly leaking feelings of humans was the bitterness some projected. Envy, greed, wrath, pride, gluttony, sloth, and even nonconsensual lust were shadows stifling the positive growth of more jaded minds. Negativity of that caliber felt sticky, catching me in a glue trap to wriggle and writhe unseen until I give into the panic or somehow escape.

Zindra's arm hooking my elbow sprung me from my concentration as we reached a grand doorway of deep emerald green.

Zin leaned over to whisper, "Stick with me, kid. We'll just do a once around of the bigger party before retreating to the den." She paused briefly before adding, "Think of this crowd as our extended family."

I nodded in understanding before squeezing her closer to me in preparation. Holly was already darting around the room as Zindra leisurely led me through the crowd, nodding at and greeting each new clique of characters. I followed her lead with shy salutations of my own as we filtered through the sea of individuals.

Though noticeably an ornate ballroom, it felt more welcoming than I would assume, considering the oppressive societies customarily associated with such grandiose spaces. Holly was right, it felt like home, but I couldn't tell if that was my own discernment or the feelings of the fresh faces spread out across the room.

Finally content with our measly attempt at mingling, Vicky led us out through a second door that opened into a sizeable dining room. Each threshold we passed through left me more and more in awe. It's no wonder they didn't want to let this place go.

Reaching an astonishing private library, Reese softly shut the door behind us.

"So, is this the den?" I questioned.

Holly snickered in reply, dragging a finger across the spines of a row of books. She stopped at one foiled in gold before hooking her finger around the head and pulling it downward at an angle. The whole bookshelf clicked and retreated a few inches into the wall.

Vicky noticed my jaw hit the floor, "Seems Zindra failed to mention that the so-called den is actually more of a secret lair--immediate family only!"

Bewildered by the hidden stairway, I could only mumble something indistinct before inquisitiveness took over, and I started my descent.

A spiral staircase opened up into a massive living space. Slits of windows extended the room's width where the ceiling met the far wall, letting in the glow of twilight outside. At the same time, the window's height indicated we were nearly entirely underground.

A square, sectional sofa sat in the middle of the room facing the wall lined with windows, a fluffy rug peeking out from beneath it. I chortled in amusement at the pair of beanbag chairs sharing the carpeted space before, without a second thought, running and jumping into a rotund mound of cushion and coziness. I landed with a giggle before a thump next to me signaled someone had joined the fun.

Pure bliss emulated from the soul beside me, her face overtook by a broad grin.

"Alec and I are the only ones that take advantage of these bad boys!" She exclaimed. "It's like jumping into a leaf pile, but softer. AND, you don't have to rake it back up every few jumps." She looked across at me expectantly until realizing her lack of introduction.

"Oh, shit, right. You don't know me yet. I'm Jo. Not Jojo. Not Joey. Not even Joseph. Just Jo."

"Well, just Jo, I'm just Elinora," I reciprocated her bright smile.

"That's a lie!" Called out Reese. "She answers to many nicknames!"

Jo scoffed, "I don't care about her nicknames as long as she doesn't try to come up with any for me."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I answered, "especially considering the list of ideas for not-nicknames you already gave me, Joseph."

"Touche, Elinora," she conceded, "Touche."

"Oooh, I knew I would like her!" Reese said to no one in particular, making me grin even wider.

As the rest of the group settled into seats on the sofa, I studied the resemblance between Reese and Jo. Signaling the two of them with a wave of my finger, I prompted, "Are you two...?"

"Related?" Questioned Jo before Reese confirmed, "You guessed it. She's 2 years older, but we've always been treated more like twins."

Jo pressed the subject, "What gave it away?"

"Other than the fact you're both strawberry blonde with brown eyes, freckles, and those adorable button noses?" I responded, winning me a snigger from Vicky.

"Aaaaand, that's two for Nora, zilch for Jo." Zindra chimed in, not being able to resist inciting banter.

Jo conceded, "Alright, you have a point," rolling her eyes. "There's a slight family resemblance."

"Slight?" The rest of us, besides Reese, challenged in unison.

Reese just shook his head. "Like I said, we were treated more like twins." Ending the discussion with a shrug.

As a new silence fell over the room, we heard the familiar click of the bookcase. The steps of a couple pairs of feet echoed throughout the room as newcomers circled down the stairs, wafting the smell of pizza into our noses.

Growing closer, a man's voice questioned, "What? Are you guys too good to hang out with the rest of the pack?" Rounding the bend of the last few stairs, he stopped abruptly, finding my eyes.

Suddenly, I was lost in the mossy green of his eyes, projecting nothing but adoration... and love? An unquestionable force pulled me to him. I was stunned, swallowed up by his sincere ardor.

I took my time admiring the sight of him. Beyond his eyes, he had lightly tanned skin coated in a spray of pale freckles and a full head of hair, not quite as dark as Zindra's, but close. He was tall, probably around 6′ if I had to guess, and I could just barely make out the toned muscles under his t-shirt.

After a split-second of eye contact that felt like a millennium, he dropped his eyes stumbling forward as the last of the 7 came barreling down the stairs behind him.