
The Ghoul Named Hope

In the year 2080, a post-apocalyptic world is plagued by the Undead Virus, which has turned most of the population into zombies and ghouls. Breelynn, a 27-year-old military scientist, resides in Subterra Nova, a subterranean city built to protect people from the virus and radiation. Bree's father, a high-ranking officer in the colony's defense force, raised her in a military family. Although she became a skilled fighter by 18, she decided to pursue her passion for science, training to become a scientist after her older brother became the colony's First Commander. Bree's determination to find a cure for the Undead Virus stems from her loss of her father. She is driven to find a cure for the virus and prevent others from suffering the same fate. Bree raids an illegal lab one day and finds Hope, an eight-year-old half-ghoul girl with unique abilities. The ghouls want Hope, so they raid Subterra Nova, hoping to distract Bree away from Hope. Hope is taken by the ghouls, and Bree decides to find her. While searching for Hope, Bree meets Treyson, a 30-year-old man born a ghoul. Treyson and Bree fall in love as they work together to find Hope. Treyson had a difficult childhood, being rejected by his human family for being a ghoul. Despite his tough exterior, he has a kind heart and is fiercely loyal. Meanwhile, a war is brewing between the Ghouls and humans. The colony is being betrayed by a woman whose son is a ghoul. She is secretly telling her son all about the colony, which is relaying all the information to the Ghoul leader, Bryndon, who is secretly Bree and JR’s uncle. Bryndon and Bree's little sister Zoey, who is now 20 years old, are leading the Ghouls. Bree and Treyson face dangerous challenges while searching for Hope. They meet new allies and enemies along the way, leading to a climactic battle between Bryndon's army of Ghouls and Subterra Nova's defense force. Eventually, Bree and Treyson find Hope and return her to Subterra Nova. However, the war between Ghouls and humans intensifies, leading to a final showdown that determines the fate of the colony.

Jade_Spence_2688 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Ch. 14

I don't know how long we slept, but I awoke with my back against his chest as he spooned me from behind, with his arm wrapped around my waist and my head resting on his other arm. I felt so damn hot that I pushed Trey's arm away, then sat up with a groan as I peeled myself from him in a sigh of relief as the cool air of the room wrapped around my bare body. I slid from the bed, groaning from the ache in my body that felt heavy with fatigue; this was my first time being out of the colony. The journey was starting to take a toll on me, but I wouldn't change it for anything. 

Meeting Trey, the boy who saved me when I was a kid, who had somehow become my lover, and the sweet little girl named Hope, whom I was despite to get back to. 

I peered around the room, which was slightly illuminated by the red glow of the wooden boards, so it was obviously still daytime. After trudging toward the bathroom to take care of business, I returned to the bed and then laid back down on Trey's arm as I studied his sexy sleeping form. 

The scars on his chest caught my attention; I reached out and ran my finger down the rough and jagged skin, wondering how frightened he had to have been as a young blind boy being sent out into the world all alone. I peered up at his handsome face but froze, jumping in fright to see his beautiful golden yellow was looking down at me. 

I reached out and traced the contours of his jaw. His eyes closed as he reached up and cupped the back of my hand as he leaned in to press a kiss to my lips. 

I sighed against his lips as my hand cupped the back of his head to pull him closer. The kiss wasn't rushed and demanding; it was sweet and slow and ignited a burning fire in my soul. 

There were no words said between us as I pushed slightly on his shoulder so that he would roll onto his back so I could straddle his waist. I shivered when he ran his calloused hands over the sensitive skin of my thighs as he looked up at me with burning desire. 

I ran my hands over his muscular chest with a smile and then said, "Good morning, Hott Stuff."

"Hmmm, what a good morning it is, Wild Cat," he purred as he ran his hands over my body before cupping the globes of my breasts, causing me to moan as his touch did wonders to my libido. 

With a sexy smirk, I rose up onto my knees to lower myself onto his stiff cock, moaning as it stretched my aching core. Trey hissed as I rolled my hips, causing me to shiver from his reaction. I leaned down to press my lips to his in a hungry kiss, moaning as the taste of him touched my tongue. 

Who knew that a man could taste so good? It was an earthy, spicy flavor that had you begging for more that I just couldn't seem to get enough of. 

Trey rose to a sitting position as he, grabbed handfuls of my ass as he tangled his tongue with mine. We just couldn't seem to get enough of each other as our bodies moved together in this delicious dance of desire and passion. 

After our delightful rendezvous in the bed, we took another bath and then dozed off until someone woke us up with a knock on the door. 

I pulled myself from Trey with a resentful sigh, then yelled, "Just a minute!" As I pulled on my clothes. 

I opened the door to see the face of my brother on the other side. 

"Good evening, little sister. Were you asleep?" JR asked with a raised brow. 

I nodded and stifled a yawn as Trey trudged up behind me. My brother's look wasn't very pleasant as he looked from me to Trey, but thankfully, he kept his opinions to himself. 

"Good evening, Bubba; how did the kids do last night?" I asked as I motioned for him to enter.

JR's jaw tightened at the sight of the messy bed and the scattered clothing on the floor, then turned to me to say, "They tossed and turned most of the night after crying themselves to sleep," he said as he pinched the bridge between his nose with a scowl. He must be absolutely exhausted… 

"I really want to hunt down every last fucker that demolished this fortress and killed all those people," I growled, clenching my fists in rage at the thought of what these poor people have gone through… "So, what will happen to those boys?" 

JR sighed as he ran a tired hand through his hair, then said, "I can't help but remember how we struggled after father's death... So, I asked the boys if they would be alright if Izzy and I brought them with us to the Subterra Nova and raised them as ours." 

I gaped at my brother, utterly surprised, then smiled, "So, does this mean I now have three adorable little nephews?" I asked as I rubbed my hands together with glee.

My brother's face glowed with a rare smile as he nodded, "Yes, dear sister, the boys agreed to come with us." 

I squealed in delight as I threw my arms around JR, I knew the circumstance was horrible, but I had quickly grown fond of those three little heathens, "I can't wait to see what great men they grow up to be." 

JR chuckled as he hugged me back, then pulled away, "I don't want to raise them as Father did to us, but I believe all three of them have the potential to be great soldiers, or whatever they decide to be when they get older…" JR cleared his throat as he peered at the ever-stoic Trey, who stood like a sexy statue behind me with his arms crossed as he watched. The expressionless look on his face changed when his eyes connected with mine. 

I walked over with a smile and then said, "Did you hear that the boys decided to live in the colony with us?" 

Trey relaxed his stance, and the corner of his lips lifted in a smile. "Yes, I heard everything clearly, Wild Cat." 

JR coughed and cleared his throat as I turned back to him. He scowled at Trey and then said, "The sun has now set. We need to pack up and head out after we grab something to eat." 

"Alright, give us thirty minutes, and we will be right out…I'm really worried about Hope." 

JR nodded and headed for the door, never taking his eyes off Trey until the door closed behind him. Sigh. I really hope JR will learn to like him. 

Trey's whole demeanor changed as soon as the door closed. His arms came uncrossed as he took a few steps towards me, then wrapped them around my waist to lean in for a kiss. "I don't think your brother likes me very much," he mumbled as he pulled away.

I rolled my eyes with a scoff. "JR doesn't like anyone…" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck so I could rub my nose against his. JR has tried to be like my father in every aspect…He has had it tough, running Subterra Nova after my father passed away. If he gives you a hard time, just let me know, and I will kick his ass for you; he has never beaten me in a fight..." 

Trey's mouth lifted into a smile as he leaned in to press his lips to mine, "Thank you, Wild Cat. I trust you to have my back," he replied with a sweet kiss to my forehead, then pulled away with a sigh…"I think we should get ready to head back. As much as I have enjoyed our night, we must make our way back to the group." 

I nodded with a sigh, "I agree, Hott Stuff; let's get dressed and return to Hope and that rose-lion mutant thingy." 

Trey chuckled as he shook his head, then headed for his bag to pull out clean clothes. 

Once we were ready, I hooked my arm through Trey's as we made our way towards the canteen, where I spotted JR, Izzy, and the boys sitting with Miss Joanna. 

Izzy and the boys were picking at their food while my brother nodded at whatever Jonanna was talking about. 

"Go ahead and take a seat," says Trey, "I will go get us some food. Is there anything in particular you like?" 

"Hmm, not really, I'm not very picky about my food." 

Trey leaned down to kiss my temple and then said, "Alright, I will return quickly." 

After Trey walked away, I chose the empty chair next to little Rusty. 

"Hey, little guy, how are you doing?" 

Rusty tried to manage a smile but failed as his lip trembled and his eyes filled with tears, "I'm okay, I guess, maybe a little tired." he mumbled as tears streamed down his precious face.

I swallowed back the tears as I wrapped an arm around him and then pulled him close. "I'm a little tired too, little guy…" I managed to say as I ran my fingers through his rust-colored hair. But I am excited to hear that you and your big brothers will be coming with us." 

"I'm a little excited to see what your home looks like. Will you tell me what it's like?" asked Matt. 

"I want to know too!" says Drew, "Is it really under the ground?" 

With a chuckle, I talked to the boys about Subterra Nova as Trey returned with two plates of food, placing one of them in front of me before sliding into the chair next to me."Try to eat while you have the chance, Wild Cat; you will need it for the journey ahead."

"Thanks, I will eat my full," I said with a smile that turned into a scowl when I noticed some of the people staring and pointing at Trey… I understood why they were nervous to have a Ghoul around, but this man saved them, they should be praising him instead. 

"Don't mind them, Wild Cat," Trey whispered as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I will try…" I mumbled, "The way they look at you makes me think about what I felt about Ghouls…especially after my father was killed… but after meeting you, I realized that Ghouls are humans too; they can be both good and bad… and I understand why they hate us after the way they have been treated."

Trey reached up and caressed the back of my neck with his thumb, making me shiver, and then said, "I understand that you feel upset about it, but try to remember that Ghouls tend to be more animalistic than regular humans and that they do require fresh meat to keep them satisfied. Ghouls like me and the others in my village are uncommon, so you should still be weary anytime you meet other Ghouls." 

I nodded, understanding his words… but I still felt that if they had been treated properly, they wouldn't be as bad as they are now…and that my poor little sister could have grown up with us like she should have.

"Now, please eat some of your food; we need to get going soon," Trey explained as he pressed his lips to the top of my head. 

I pulled away with a sign and picked up a piece of bacon. While taking a bite, I felt like I was being watched. When I turned to see who it was, I spotted JR looking at me with a frown. I felt a blush rush to my face at being caught being cutesy with Trey…

A little while later, after everyone had had their fill, we all made our way back to the duplex. 

"We need to get going soon. After gathering our things, we need to stop by the boys' house to get some things they will need for the journey." JR explained.

"I agree," I said with a nod, "I'm getting worried about Hope and the others being alone for so long." 

"They will be just fine, Wold Cat; they have the mutant with them and a few skilled fighters to keep them safe," Trey explained as he reached up to cup my cheek.

I looked up into those glowing golden orbs of his, easily trusting every word he said. I knew what this growing feeling in my heart was called, but I wasn't quite ready to accept it yet… It was scary how fast I had grown attached to his man…but it was already far too late to ignore this growing connection between us… So, I sucked in a deep breath, then nodded. 

"Alright, Ghoul Boy, I will try not to worry so much…" 

Trey made a low humming-purr sound as he caressed my face. His lips curved into a rare, crooked smile that made butterflies flutter in my stomach, making me feel giddy and shy. Damn, this man…making me feel in ways I have never felt before…me, giddy and shy? 

JR cleared his throat, causing me to jump in fright. I pulled away from Trey, feeling embarrassed. "Let's meet at the gate in an hour," JR says before turning to head to the place next door. 

Izzy gave me a smile and a nod before following my brother through the door. 

I covered my face with my hands, groaning as I felt all the blood in my body rush towards my face.

Trey chuckled as he guided me through the door of our building. When I heard the door close behind us, I lowered my hands from my face, and then looked up at Trey, who was looking down at me with a face full of affection. 

My heart thundered in my chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him in so I could touch my lips to his, sparking the burning flame of desire between us. 

Trey lifted me into his arms as the kiss deepened, pressing me against the door. My core burned to be filled by the hardness I could feel bulging in his pants. 

After pulling away from the door, Trey carried me to the bed and sat me on its edge. My hands went for the button of his pants so I could pull his erection free, making him moan when I wrapped my fingers around its thick girth. 

"We don't have time to play, Wild Cat," Trey growled through clenched teeth, "I want to see you bent over the bed as I take you from behind." 

My hands shook from the rush of adrenaline that pumped through my veins as I pulled off my clothes and then turned around to do as he asked. 

Trey's rough, calloused hands ran up the bare skin of my back, making me shiver as gooseflesh spread over my exposed body. I gripped the sheets as I felt him position himself at my core, anticipating the stretch of his thick cock entering my aching pussy.

With a rough grip on my hips, Trey thrust into me, making me gasp as he pounded into me with sheer abandon. 

"Trey!" I gasped his name as the pleasure burned like molten lava. 

"Hmmm, Bree," Trey hissed between his teeth, "My sexy Wild Cat…" 

Trey leaned forward to press a kiss to my shoulder before biting down, making me gasp as an orgasm rushed through me at the same him he climaxed with a long and sexy groan. The feeling of Trey's tongue against my sensitive skin made me moan as my back arched against his chest while his arm wrapped around my waist to guide me to my knees. 

I hooked an arm around his neck and then rubbed my cheek against his as he began to soften inside me. With his free hand, Trey wrapped his hand around my neck gently before caressing the sensitive skin with his thumb.

Trey tightened his grip around my waist as he snuggled his face in the crook of my neck. I could easily stay like this for hours, but I knew we had to get going soon. With a sigh, I twisted in his arms so I could wrap my arms around his neck and then pressed my lips to his. 

Reluctantly, we pulled away from each other and then started preparing to leave. After we were dressed and ready to go, we left the safety of the duplex to make our way towards the gate to meet my brother and Izzy. 

As we walked through the fortress, we saw people gathering bodies of their comrads and carting dead Ghouls and zombies out to burn them. The ground was covered in dried blood that burned my nostrils. I wish we had time to help them clean up, but we also had a home that was waiting for us. 

That thought made me wonder where I would be...whether Trey would be there next to me… and what I was going to do about Hope… Would he leave his home to come to mine? 

"What are you thinking so hard about, Wild Cat?" asked Trey as he laced his fingers through mine. 

I scratched at the back of my neck with a sigh, then said, "I was just thinking about home, and about what will happen to us… and about Hope…The future…"

"Hmmm, I see," he replied with a light squeeze of my hand, "Well, you don't have to worry about me, Bree. Because I will be wherever you decide to go…Whether it's to your colony, my village, or even somewhere else. I will go there as long as you continue to be by my side, but about everything else, we will see what happens and figure it out together." 

I wrapped my arms around Trey's as I smiled at him. "I like the sound of that…" I stated, and then said, "We will figure it out together." 

Trey made that humming-purr sound again, then pulled me closer to his side before leaning down to kiss my forehead, "Together." 

Once we got to the gate, we didn't have to wait long before JR and Izzy appeared with three freshly washed boys who now each carried a backpack. 

"Well, boys, are you ready for an adventure?" I asked as they approached. 

All three boys nodded. "Yes," Drew answered, "We are a little scared but excited at the same time." 

Matt and Rusty nodded in agreement.

"The journey will be a little rough," I explained, " but I believe you brave and strong boys will do well." 

All three boys smiled at me while JR headed for the gate where Miss Joanna waited for us. 

"I thank you all for what you have done for us. Without any of you, we wouldn't have survived this ordeal. You are all welcome to the Fortress at any time." She said with a tired smile. 

We all said our thanks and then made our way through the gate. It was time to return to Hope and our friends.