
The Genius Prince

In a realm where kingdoms rise and fall like the ebb and flow of the tide, one young prince embarks on a journey that will shape the destiny of his people and his land. James Vi Heisenberg, the third prince of his kingdom, finds himself thrust into the forefront of leadership as he sets out to govern the coastal region of Heisenport.

Daoist8g69MA · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Making Education Free for Everyone II

The courtyard outside the Lord's House buzzed with anticipation as 4,768 hopeful applicants gathered, their future uncertain. James, the guiding hand behind the ambitious plan to educate them all, now faced a daunting challenge: the lack of teachers and facilities.

"Ah, we only have 10 classrooms for this many people," James lamented, his brow furrowed with concern. "How do we manage this without disappointing them?"

Frederick, ever the strategist, jumped in with a suggestion. "Why not give them a choice?" he proposed, his eyes alight with possibility. "Education or the military?"

Bahrian, her gaze steely with determination, quickly backed Frederick's idea. "Yes, let's establish the Heisenport Military," she urged, eager to see it come to fruition.

James nodded thoughtfully, grateful for their input. "Thank you both. We'll offer them a new path," he declared, his voice firm with resolve.

With swift action, James created a new course: the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment. It was a bold move, but one that would provide an alternative for those seeking employment and serve the kingdom in a different capacity.

James stood before the gathered crowd, his voice projecting with authority as he addressed them from the steps of the Lord's House.

"Dear citizens of Heisenberg," he began, his words measured yet resolute. "Today, you are faced with a choice: to enroll in the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment and become the guardians of our land, or to embark on a path of education and skill-building through our offered courses."

The murmurs among the applicants swirled as they contemplated their options, uncertainty clouding their expressions. Yet, within the hour, a decision emerged, driven by the collective will of the people.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the throng, a middle-aged man named Yohan, his robust presence commanding attention as he made his way to the forefront. With a voice that rang out clear and strong, he spoke on behalf of the assembly.

"Governor! Governor!" Yohan's voice boomed, cutting through the chatter. "I, as Representative of the People, suggest that those aged 27 and up enroll in the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment, while the younger generation pursue the courses you have offered."

His words ignited a fervor among the crowd, their unified response echoing through the courtyard.

"Yes! Let the young ones learn it!" they cried, their voices rising in enthusiastic support of Yohan's proposal. It was a moment of solidarity, a decisive step forward in shaping the future of Heisenberg.

Hearing Yohan's proposal and the resounding support of the crowd, James nodded in acknowledgment, his expression one of gratitude and determination.

"As you wish," he declared, his voice carrying across the courtyard. "Those who wish to enlist in the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment, gather on the right side. And those who seek to pursue our other courses, stand in line at the front of the rooms with the course's name on their doors."

With a sweep of his hand, James gestured toward the designated areas, guiding the applicants to their chosen paths. The crowd began to shift, some moving toward the right, their resolve evident in their steps, while others made their way to the rooms, anticipation sparking in their eyes.

As the crowd began to disperse, a clear divide emerged. The majority of individuals aged 27 to 40 gravitated toward the right side, where the enlistment for the Heisenport Military Reserve Regiment was taking place. Their numbers totaled 4,168, reflecting a strong sense of duty and commitment to protect their homeland.

Meanwhile, a younger contingent, mostly aged between 18 and 25, made their way to the front of the rooms designated for the various courses offered by the kingdom. With eager anticipation, they eagerly awaited the opportunity to embark on their chosen paths, their numbers totaling 600.

The courtyard buzzed with activity as individuals sorted themselves into their respective groups, each driven by their aspirations and motivations. It was a moment of pivotal decision-making, one that would shape the future of Heisenberg and its people for years to come.

After the people had organized themselves, James directed Bahrian to oversee the guidance of the 4,168 individuals who had chosen the military path.

"Captain!" James's voice rang out, cutting through the noise of the crowd, and Bahrian swiftly turned her attention to him. With purposeful strides, she approached the 3rd prince, her expression expectant.

"What are your commands, my lord?" Bahrian inquired respectfully, her gaze fixed on James as she awaited his instructions.

James's brows furrowed in concentration as he outlined his directives to Bahrian. "Send some knights on horseback to swiftly return to the Capital City," he began, his tone firm yet urgent. "Notify the Queen of our actions and plans. Request experts in finance and the kingdom's history to assist us."

He paused briefly before continuing, his eyes alight with determination. "Additionally, instruct the knights to compile a list of the individuals who have applied for the military course. Once completed, disperse the applicants and ask them to return next week. We'll need time to organize teaching materials and identify suitable areas for instruction."

Bahrian nodded solemnly, absorbing James's instructions with unwavering focus. "As you command, my lord," she affirmed, her resolve mirrored in her steely gaze. With a respectful bow, she turned on her heel and set about executing her assigned tasks with efficiency and diligence.

After instructing Bahrian, James turned his attention to Frederick, beckoning him over with a firm call. "Frederick!" he called out, his voice carrying across the courtyard, "Come here, please."

Frederick, ever dutiful, hastened to James's side, his demeanor respectful yet eager. "Yes, Your Highness?" he responded, his tone deferential as he awaited James's commands.

With a thoughtful expression, James outlined his next directive to Frederick. "I need you to organize the people in front of the prepared rooms," he began, his words measured and clear. "Prepare them for the orientation I'll be holding shortly."

Understanding the gravity of the task at hand, Frederick nodded solemnly, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Of course, Your Highness," he replied earnestly, "I'll see to it right away."

With a grateful nod, James watched as Frederick set off to fulfill his orders, his steps purposeful and determined. As the crowd began to disperse and Frederick sprang into action, James took a moment to gather his thoughts, steeling himself for the responsibilities that lay ahead.

As James observed the orderly execution of his instructions, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. Despite his youth and status, the people respected and followed his directives without hesitation, a testament to their loyalty and trust in his leadership.

Reflecting on his newfound responsibilities and the opportunities afforded to him in his second life, James couldn't help but feel grateful. Born into a noble family in a kingdom ripe with potential, he recognized the privilege bestowed upon him and vowed to make the most of it.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the courtyard, James's thoughts turned to the deity of Life and Death, a figure from his past life whose presence lingered in his memories. Recalling the promise he had made to establish a religion in the deity's honor, James felt a renewed sense of purpose stir within him.

"I mustn't forget my promise," James murmured to himself, his gaze drifting skyward as if seeking guidance from the heavens above. "It's time to fulfill my pledge and usher in a new era of faith and devotion."

With determination fueling his resolve, James made a silent vow to embark on the journey of establishing the deity's religion, knowing that it would be a monumental task but one that he was willing to undertake with unwavering dedication.

As James addressed the assembled crowd, now officially designated as students, he spoke with clarity and conviction, outlining the course description and the path that lay ahead for each of them.

"My fellow learners," James began, his voice carrying across the courtyard with authority, "today marks the beginning of a journey—a journey of knowledge, growth, and transformation. As students of Heisenport, you have chosen to embark on a path of learning that will shape not only your future but the future of our kingdom."

With unwavering confidence, James continued, "In the coming days and months, you will delve into the depths of your chosen fields, guided by our esteemed professors. Together, you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in your respective domains."

Pausing for emphasis, James's gaze swept across the attentive faces before him. "But remember," he emphasized, "your education does not end with graduation. Upon completing your studies, you will join the ranks of our esteemed teaching faculty, imparting your wisdom to future generations of learners."

The crowd listened intently, absorbing James's words with a sense of purpose and determination. With each passing moment, their commitment to their chosen paths solidified, fueled by the promise of a brighter future and the opportunity to contribute to the greater good.

As James concluded his orientation, a wave of applause rippled through the assembled crowd. Hands clapped together in appreciation, echoing off the walls of the courtyard with a resounding energy. It was a gesture of solidarity, a collective affirmation of their commitment to their shared endeavor.

Moved by the show of support, James smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a sense of pride and gratitude. The applause served as a testament to the unity and determination of the students of Heisenport, reaffirming their resolve to forge ahead on their journey of learning and growth.

Encouraged by the enthusiasm of the crowd, James nodded in acknowledgment, acknowledging their appreciation with a gracious bow. It was a moment of celebration—a symbol of the collective spirit that bound them together as they embarked on this transformative endeavor. With the echoes of applause still ringing in the air, the students of Heisenport stood ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, united in their pursuit of knowledge and excellence.