
The genesis of humanity

Notice: Just in case you managed to miss the "parental guidance suggested" warning, I wanted to warn you that this book is not for everyone and that the things mentioned in this book are not necessarily true, therefore why it's in the fantasy section. I would also like to say that some of the tags will not become true until later in the story and that this story is slow-paced, so if slow-paced books are not your cup of tea you might want to skip this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------- After having his world flipped on its head and seeing everything come to an end, Stevan Ciracio is given a chance to go back to the very beginning of humanity with the sole purpose to try and help it prosper until the interstellar age, unlike things may originally seem though, he is not alone in this quest.

Cuycin · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs


As soon as I was able to open my eyes up again, I was greeted by Omar poking me with a stick, probably to make sure that I was still alive. As for Francisco and Josue, they were both still trying to start a fire, with Daniel and Carlos just staring almost like they were trying to figure out what was going wrong.

It was then that I noticed that 15 minutes had passed, meaning that time did not move at a different pace while I was interacting with the system as I had hoped. Regardless, I decided to forget about it until I was done teaching them how to make a fire, when I tried to move though, although I was able to, it took longer than usual.

Not in the sense that I was moving slower, but in the sense that it took my body a longer period of time to react sort of like it was laging, I also felt a slight sting in my head, but thankfully it wasn't too painful but more of an inconvenience, regardless I made my way over to the fireplace all the same.

Once there, I grabbed one of the planks of wood they were using and with the help of my newly made axe, created an opening from the hole in the wood to the outside, from there, I put some wood and leaves underneath, all of this of course while making sure that they were paying attention, from there I just began twisting the stick until the smoke started to come from the wood until eventually, a flame was born.

All of the nomads were amazed, and looked eager to try it out themselves, so I decided to just move today's hunt to tomorrow, as we already had enough food for today anyway. Thankfully, it didn't take long for them to get the hang of how to start a fire since all they were really missing was the opening, wood and leaves underneath plus the opening from the hole over to the outside.

The first out of all of them to succeed was Fransisco, which then led to him gaining a ton of respect and what I assumed was praise from the others, followed by him helping them. It sort of reminded me of how little kids acted then again, I do suppose that they are in the same situation mentally. All in all it was a success and we were able to have lunch fairly quickly, and as I began to cook the food, I once again heard the system's voice.

"Congratulations host, you taught 6 nomads how to start a fire :D"

'30 points I assume?'

"That would be correct, host, I would also like to inform you that the price for attacking skills has decreased 50% for a limited amount of time, aren't you so lucky? :D"


I knew that the system was probably the person in charge of pricing the system knowledge and skill, so I connected the dots and knew exactly what it was playing at. Not that I would give in, of course, plus, this was also a chance for me to get back at it after all of the times it used me for its own amusement.

"Listen here you little… I'm sorry host, this limited-time offer was picked at random and I had no say over it"

'Does that mean that If I wait long enough I can get a discount on other types of skills?'


There was a long silence before I felt the system's presence disappear, I was intrigued by how the system communicated with me, after all, I used to believe that it could just read my thoughts and then answer my questions, but it seemed that it was only able to understand questions I asked myself, or those that I wanted an answer to. Otherwise knowing the system it would have just called me out.

With that done, I just began to do my daily training routine leaving the nomads to do their own thing, they wouldn't leave anyway since they knew that this place was basically a safe haven for them. It was only around halfway through my workout that I began to think about how I should be spending my RP, after all it was the most valuable thing I possessed.

For now, I should be able to make due without spending any RP, but I had no idea how much RP it costed to extend my lifetime, plus I still had to spend RP on knowledge down the road, meaning that I should probably never buy any unnecessary skills, at least not until I actually knew the cost of extending my lifespan.

I had also begun to notice that although I wasn't able to meet my goal whenever I worked out, it was starting to take longer for me to start getting tired. So I decided to check my stats for the first time in over a month to see how much progress I had made, to my surprise though, I had almost not improved at all.

[Name: Stevan Ciracio]

[Body age: 16]

[Life Expectancy: 4 years]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 7]

[Endurance: 7]

[RP: 60]

[Store: Technology, Skills ]

[Tips: Start building a house]

Although it was really disappointing that all of my hard work was barely worth a couple of points, it was still encouraging to see that I still had a lot of improving to do, as it showed just how much potential there was when it came to my physical capabilities. As for the house, it was already planned to start tomorrow.

Although starting out in the middle of the jungle instead of a normal forest was challenging in the start, once we can start a settlement and establish ourselves as the true apex predator of the jungle, there will only be a mountain of resources at our disposal, still, before I start thinking too much about the future, I noticed that the rest of the nomads were running after me.

They probably thought that I was running away from something, after all to them I had just started running for no reason right after doing weird movements for a while. I found it to be hilarious, but I couldn't tell if it was because I was deprived of good comedy for too long or I just genuinely found it funny, regardless, it was a nice feeling, one I could only wish to never go away.