
the generous

*Bang* She was hit and as her back felt the cold floor, she also felt something soft and sweet on her lips. Wait a second! She had just hit a guy and it turns out that their lips had touched. They Kissed! Standing up furiously, Mano said, "Marry me or you die?" ******* Who was Mano? Well only the most feared Mafia CEO of all Graceland. She was the first child of the Fredlock family. A family known and feared all around Graceland because they ruled the mafia world. She was a girl who learned how to Fire a Gun at the age of five. A girl who Accidentally killed her grandpa when he called her cute but that wasn't the only interesting and intriguing thing about her. She was also the girl who took over her father's company after threatening him with a gun. So yah, she's a badass. And as they say, the Apple don't always fall far from he tree. Her family also had their own criminal talents. Her mom, who was a slut who seduced has much men as she could and flew away with their money. Her sister, an assassin who is paid to kill rich billionaires and get Millions of dollars. Her brother, a con artist... has the brain and the look and her father, the Kind of all mafias. Who would wish to get involved with that Fredlock family... well no one if course but sometimes, things happen unknowingly and before you realize it... you become the husband to the Mafia CEO of Graceland.

Sharon_Rose18 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs


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Get ready Linton, because you are going shopping!

"Shopping? listen ma'am, I know that we are married even though it's in a weird way but I hope that we could just forget about all this. I have no wish to be your husband, or go shopping with you talk less of assisting you to a party that I know nothing about."

Linton said sincerely and hearing that, Mano rolled her eyes at his words.

Walking closer to him, she said as she folded her hands, "I see that you aren't happy about being my husband but it's fine. It's not likes I wanted to marry you in the first place."

"The thing is, I wasn't in my right mind and you angered me more to get married to you by Force but now I'm thinking straight, I also think that we should just forget about all this." Mano said.

And hearing that, Linton sighed in relief but then frozed when he heard what she said next, "But it won't change the fact that your are now my husband and Anyway, I need a partner for this party and if you be my partner for tonight...then Maybe I might reconsider not divorcing you."

She said with a slight grin and hearing that, Linton knew that there was no way that he was getting away from this Mafia boss without losing something.

"Fine then, I'll go to the party with you and about the shopping?"

"Leave the shopping to me and I'll get you wrapped up in millons."

And she wasn't wrong, Few Minutes later, Linton found himself inside a car with Mano beside him and that weird guy from before.

Oh! Man...how did all this turn this way!

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They arrived at the Graceland Luxury Mall were only billionaires and millionaire could shop in there and that's to tell you how expensive and Luxurious Their items and products were.

Mano took Linton from one store to another, getting him to try different tuxedo and suites that made him look Charming.

Both she and Raymond judge his outfit and non of them were to their liking.

Poor Linton was already tired if changing but as he saw the guns held by Mano's bodyguards, he knew very well that he might either wear the clothes or they would wear him.

Evening soon came by and still they haven't chosen a clothe for him, "Argh! this is more frustrating than the time I took my mom for her birthday shopping."


Just then, Linton came across something that caught his eyes, it wasn't something that fancy but it wasa eye catching.

He took it and then showed it to Mano, "You wanna wear that?" She asked and hearing that, Linton said, "You and Raymond have been choosing my outfit all day, I want this is let's just get this over with."

He said and hearing that, Mano just rolled her eyes as she said, "Then text it and see if it fits."

Nodding, Linton left to go Change and few minutes later, he came outside with the suite on and upon seeing him, both Mano and Raymond widened their eyes in shock as they both gazed at Linton.

It was like he was glowing as the beautiful suite fitted him perfectly. Even some girls were gasping na drooling.

"Perfect!" Mano said as she walked closer to him and said to the sales woman, "Wrapped up this and all the clothes that I've chosen."

With that she turned around and said to Linton, "It looks like you are ready for the party!"