
the generous

*Bang* She was hit and as her back felt the cold floor, she also felt something soft and sweet on her lips. Wait a second! She had just hit a guy and it turns out that their lips had touched. They Kissed! Standing up furiously, Mano said, "Marry me or you die?" ******* Who was Mano? Well only the most feared Mafia CEO of all Graceland. She was the first child of the Fredlock family. A family known and feared all around Graceland because they ruled the mafia world. She was a girl who learned how to Fire a Gun at the age of five. A girl who Accidentally killed her grandpa when he called her cute but that wasn't the only interesting and intriguing thing about her. She was also the girl who took over her father's company after threatening him with a gun. So yah, she's a badass. And as they say, the Apple don't always fall far from he tree. Her family also had their own criminal talents. Her mom, who was a slut who seduced has much men as she could and flew away with their money. Her sister, an assassin who is paid to kill rich billionaires and get Millions of dollars. Her brother, a con artist... has the brain and the look and her father, the Kind of all mafias. Who would wish to get involved with that Fredlock family... well no one if course but sometimes, things happen unknowingly and before you realize it... you become the husband to the Mafia CEO of Graceland.

Sharon_Rose18 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs


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Upon hearing the words of Tedo, Sharon was a little confused, "Wife? Since when did you two get engaged and aren't you and Mano engaged?"

Sharon asked as she demanded answers and hearing that, Tedo replied, "Yes Sister Sharon, I and Mano were once together but not anymore. We have both parted ways and I've found the love of my life and that's Sophie."

Tedo said as he took hold is Sophie's and held her firmly.

Meanwhile, Linton was still trying to understand the situation. 'Was Tedo the guy who was supposed to marry miss Fredlock?'

He thought to himself as everything was still confusing to him, but he them came back to his senses when the soft and gentle voice of Sophie was heard.

"Linton? What are you doing here?" She asked and hearing that, everyone's attention was then directed to Linton.

'So this boy know the woman who stole my man' Mano thought as. smirked then appeared on her red lips.

Just as Linton was finding the right words, the mischievous voice of Mano was heard, "Well of course he has to be here since he accompanied his wife which you all could guess is me."

Mano said and hearing that, both Tedo And Sophie was shocked and so was Sharon.

"You are also married Mano?" Sharon asked as she was astounded by the news.

Hearing that, Mano replied with a confident smile, "Yes I am Master, We just got married yesterday... Right Linton?"

"Y-yes!" Linton replied being a little embarrassed.

"Well that's really surprising, the best couples I Know are now sperated and married...Sigh! to bad but let's get the business now... that's enough drama for one night!"

Sharon said and hearing that, Tedo who was literally throwing dagger at Linton, nodded and went on ahead to set beside Mano.

Seeing as things were now getting serious, Linton stood up and said to Mano, "I'm gonna got outside and when you are done, you can come find me at the balcony if I can find one."

Hearing that, Mano nodded And with that Linton left the room and Sophie followed along.

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Resting on the railings of the cool balcony was Linton as he embraced the beautiful wind.

Just then, the sounds of heels was Heard abs walking towards him was Sophie and she didn't seem happy at all.

"What's all this Linton? You are married? How? When? and why is it to Mano Fredlock of all women in the whole of Graceland?"

Sophie questioned and hearing that, Linton furrowed his brow as he then answered, "It's a long story sopgiey... Don't bother yourself about it."

He said genuinely and hearing that made Sophie more pissed, "Don't bother myself about it? Why won't I bother about it Linton."

"You told me that you were gonna move on and forget me and now you do this. How did you even meet Mano and you even decided and she just coincidentally have to be Tedo's ex."

Sophie was hearing that, Linton was a little confused, "What are you talking about Sophie."

"What I'm saying is, Mano is a crazy woman who won't leave Tedo alone after he had repeatedly told her his love for me. But now, all she did was try to keep him for herself but he finally was able to get away from her and marry me and here you are claiming to be her husband." Sophie voiced out.

"You are literally betraying me like this, I know she would do anything to break us up and you are now saying that you are her husband. Aren't you my best friend, how could you side with a woman who could take away my happiness."

Sophie cried out and seeing this, Linton was lost fir words. He hated seeing Sophie cry and he understood her but how was he gonna explain to her that he had no other choice but to marry Mano unless he would be dead by now.

Although he didn't know that Tedo and Mano were once in as relationship, he still felt like something was off about Tedo.

"Listen Sophie, Don't cry! you know very well that I hate it when you cry and about Mano, Don't worry... it's only for tonight ok...So don't cry, although I Know nothing about she and Tedo's relationship, I'm still not interested in getting myself into any of this so rest your mind."

Linton said it comfort the crying beauty and hearing that, Sophie said, "Are you sure?"

Nodding, Linton said, "Yes I'm sure." Saying that, he pulled Sophie closer as he gave her a comforting hug and she didn't seem to mind as she hugged him too.

But little did her know that his journey with Mano had just begun.

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