
the generous

*Bang* She was hit and as her back felt the cold floor, she also felt something soft and sweet on her lips. Wait a second! She had just hit a guy and it turns out that their lips had touched. They Kissed! Standing up furiously, Mano said, "Marry me or you die?" ******* Who was Mano? Well only the most feared Mafia CEO of all Graceland. She was the first child of the Fredlock family. A family known and feared all around Graceland because they ruled the mafia world. She was a girl who learned how to Fire a Gun at the age of five. A girl who Accidentally killed her grandpa when he called her cute but that wasn't the only interesting and intriguing thing about her. She was also the girl who took over her father's company after threatening him with a gun. So yah, she's a badass. And as they say, the Apple don't always fall far from he tree. Her family also had their own criminal talents. Her mom, who was a slut who seduced has much men as she could and flew away with their money. Her sister, an assassin who is paid to kill rich billionaires and get Millions of dollars. Her brother, a con artist... has the brain and the look and her father, the Kind of all mafias. Who would wish to get involved with that Fredlock family... well no one if course but sometimes, things happen unknowingly and before you realize it... you become the husband to the Mafia CEO of Graceland.

Sharon_Rose18 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs


"Marry me or you die!" Mano said as she pointed the gun at the man who stared at her in shock.

"Huh?" Linton said as he stared at her in confusion, "Marry you, but why?"

"You still dare to ask me that question after you deified me by kissing me. I made a vow to myself that the only person or man that gets to touch of kiss me would be my husband and no one else."

She said and Mano wasn't wrong. When she young she made a promise to herself not to be with any man except her husband.

Even with her extreme love for Tedo, she never once kissed him or key him touch her And now a man had come from nowhere and devirginized her lips, he would either Marty her or die here.

Pulling the trigger, Mano walked closer to him and seeing that the woman wasn't joking, Linton quickly stood up as he said, "Hay! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you... it's obvious that it was an accident."

"Accident? wether or not it was an accident, you still had the gut to kiss the lips of Mano fredlock and so you most pay with your life."

Mano said angrily and hearing what she had said, Linton eyes widened in shock.

Did she just say Mano Fredlock?

If you wanna ask if he knew her then yes, he did because her family were known has one of most feared Mafia family of all Graceland.

She was also known has the 'Mafia CEO' because of her brutality when it came to business.

He noticed something about her, she seemed like she had been crying and seeing the anger that roared out of her, he knew that she wasn't angry because of the kiss but for something else.

But something was for sure, and that was the probability that he would end up dead today.

He then said, "Fine! I'll get married to you." He replied and hearing that, Mano seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"In that case, move it." she said as she then withdrawn her gun and started walking back to the marriage hall.

And with Lucy's intense gaze, Linton quickly followed behind her.


As they got to the Marriage hall, Mano said to the person in charge who was also a little surprised to see her back here.

"Get the marriage papers done but change the name of my spouse from Tedo to..." She turned to look at him and knowing that, Linton finished her words, "Linton."

Hearing that, the person in charge nodded and went to do his job but this left Linton wondering if the Tedo she just spoke of was the same Tedo he knew.

Few minutes later, the person in charge brought to them the marriage papers and placed it on the table with a pen beside.

"Now you can go ahead and I'll be here to supervise." He said and hearing that, Mano walked towards the papers and took the pen without hesitation has she signed it swiftly.

"Done! Now you come and sign it!" She said as she pointed Linton ands hearing thY, Linton swallowed in as he did as he was told.

He walked towards Mano and took the pen carefully before then signing the papers.

Was this it!

Was he know married to a woman who he had just met ten minutes ago and she wasn't just anyone but the queen of hell herself.

"Congratulations, you are both now an husband and wife!" The person in charge as he went on to get their certificate.

Facing Linton, Mano said, "I'll be on my way now. I'll send a driver to pick you hope tomorrow, you must get yourself ready because you are now my husband."

Saying that, she turned around and left leaving Linton to just stare at her in Amusement.

He had to say that she had the most astounding beauty he has every gazed his eyes upon.

Few minutes later, the person in charge came with the certificate and was shocked to see that the Mafia boss was gone, "Give it go me, I'll take it and also do give me the marriage certificate for mister Nilson."

He said and hearing that, the person said, "Oh! that he said that he was gonna send someone to get it. Wait right here let me go get it."

Saying that, the person left and after sometime he brought it and Linton made his way out of the marriage hall.

He couldn't believe that he was now married and at the same time the woman who he has given his heart to was married to another man.

Hiring a taxi, Linton made his way back to the wedding.

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Due to the traffic it was already Five when he got back to the Villa. The wedding still seemed to be in a smooth roll as all the guest were having has much fun as they could dancing and chatting.

He walked the long hall way trying to find Tedo so he decided to go into his room.

But unfortunately he ran into the very person he was trying to avoid all day, 'Sophie'

She was getting her clothes changed with the help of the maids and they were just done with her hair when Linton knocked and entered the room.

Upon seeing him, she quickly dismissed her maids as she stood up and faced him, "How do I look?" She asked with a slight smile.

Hearing that, Linton said, "Beautiful as always...Umm ..I just came in to give Tedo the marriage certificate, I'll take my leave now."

He said as he turned around to leave and seeing that, Sophie quickly stopped him, "Please wait, Don't go Linton." she said as she took hold of his hand.

"Why so I feel like you are ignoring me for some reason. Did I do anything to annoy you, do tell me so I can apologize."

Sophie said sadly and hearing that, Linton said, "Now Sophie! you didn't do anything to anger or annoy me I, I-I-I just think that it's best if I stay away from you for a while."

Linton said truthfully and hearing that, Sophie was even more confused, "But why? Tell me why you are staying away from me,?" She said with teary eyes.

Having no other choice, Linton has to tell her...he has kept his love for her inside for too long ands now that she was about to move on, he should too.

Gaining all his courage, Linton said, "You might not know this Sophie but since the dey we met, I've had romantic feelings for you."

He confessed and hearing that, Sophie was a little taken aback and shocked, " Are you joking with me Linton?"

She asked not being able to believe it but it was true.

"No! I'm not joking with you, trust me when I say that I wish I was but I've absolutely saying the truth.". He said.

"I've liked you since the day met and even till now I still have unconditional feelings for you that you yourself won't be able to believe." Linton voiced out.

Hearing everything Linton had said made Sophie to feel bad and sad somehow. Trying her best to digest this shocking confession, Sophie said, "Then why didn't you tell me Linton? why now of all times? why now that I'm already married?" She asked as silent tears fell down her eyes.

"We had all those years to spend together, why didn't you tell me then? Why now Linton, why now?" She voiced.

And hearing that, Linton just closed his eyes has tsars fell down his cheeks, "But all is fine now! You are married to the man of your choice and I'm sure you both love each other alot so all is well."

"I'm happy that I've finally confessed my feelings to you even though it's on the worst time ever but now I can move on and start a fresh."

Saying that, Linton removed Sophie's hand as she then said, "Have a happy life Sophie." With that he turned around and left.

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