
The General's Heart

Renese Morgan Cagney decided to go on a mission when the members of her team were abducted by an unknown organization in another country. But she met a man named Augustus Demitrov--a man who boldly wanted her to become his woman but she rejected him and married another man because she thought the man was her childhood friend who got arranged by her parents when they were children. As she avoided Augustus, she slowly fell in love with him. But the truth was revealed when she discovered that Augustus is the son of her enemy who targeted the country where she lived, the one who put Tiero Salve to the torch when she was a child, and the one responsible for her parents' deaths in front of her. Will Renese choose to follow her heart, embracing the love she shares with Augustus, or will the wounds of her past lead her down a path of vengeance?

Ms_alexa · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Renese had spent several days preparing until the time came for her departure. However, as she was about to get into her car, she was abruptly halted by a sudden kick aimed at her, causing her to pause in her tracks.

She quickly grabbed the foot and pushed it away. Her cousin Achlys grinned and adjusted her attire before approaching Renese.

Renese narrowed her eyes as she recognized the mischievous grin on her cousin Achlys' face. She let go of Achlys' foot and crossed her arms, looking both annoyed and amused.

"What are you doing, Achlys?" Renese asked, her voice showing a mix of irritation and amusement.

Achlys chuckled and fixed her clothes, seemingly unaffected by Renese's reaction. "I just wanted to give you a surprise before you leave for your mission. Can't let you go without a little excitement, right?"

Renese rolled her eyes, unable to hide a small smile. "You always find ways to keep things interesting, don't you?"

Achlys playfully shrugged. "Life would be boring without a little mischief, right?"

Renese sighed, her expression softening. "I appreciate the thought, but I have a serious task ahead. I need to focus on ensuring the safety of our people."

Achlys nodded, her playful expression fading a bit. "I understand, Renese. Just remember to take care of yourself too. We're all counting on you."

Renese nodded in agreement. "I will, Achlys. Thank you for always being there for me."

"Take care, Renese. Don't let your anger consume you when you face the enemy," her cousin reminded her, handing her the mask she always carried with her.

The mask was something she wore everywhere, as her true face had been unknown to everyone since she took over as the leader of the Organization. It was one of the rules of their Organization to keep the leader's life private, to avoid jealousy and attempts of betrayal from their own people.

"I won't, Achlys," Renese replied simply, taking the mask and putting it on her face.

"And you should be here at your engagement party. Your future husband can't wait to see you," Achlys teased, but Renese just rolled her eyes in response.

Renese adjusted the mask on her face. "My duty to Tiero Salve comes first, Achlys. I'll return soon, and we'll celebrate then."

Achlys nodded understandingly but couldn't hide a hint of concern in her eyes. "Just be careful out there. These are dangerous times."

Renese and her team finally boarded the ship, heading towards various islands before reaching Palawan. Their first stop was an island where the rest of her team was stationed.

After several hours of travel, they arrived in a city where Renese received information about the enemy's hideout. However, they needed to plan their approach before launching an attack.

Renese purchased a property to serve as their base while on the mission. As she was inside the living room, she heard a knock on the door.

Castigo, one of her team members, approached the door, finding a man standing outside.

"Good day, sir. Pizza delivery!" the man cheerfully greeted.

Castigo furrowed his brow and looked back at the people inside. "Pizza? What is that?"

Renese stood up, and the others fell silent, observing her as she approached the man.

"How much?" Renese asked.

"Ah... it's only 430 pesos, ma'am!" he replied.

The people with Renese exchanged confused looks as they couldn't understand what the man was saying. They were in a foreign country, and they didn't know the local language, except for one woman who was the leader of an Organization.

"Thank you. Keep the change," Renese said shortly. The man couldn't believe what he received, since it wasn't just a small amount, but a 50,000-peso bill due to its thickness.

He hesitated to protest, but the intimidating stares from Renese's team made him think otherwise. They had a presence that resembled characters from an anime, with their vibrant and diverse hair colors. Renese, with her golden hair, stood out the most among them.

The men gathered around as Renese placed the pizza on the table and opened it. Their curiosity was evident, as they had never encountered such food in Tiero Salve. Their country lacked advanced technology and had a different cuisine.

The enticing aroma of the pizza filled the room, capturing their attention. Renese couldn't help but smile, understanding their curiosity and fascination.

"Is this even edible?" Lucius asked, swallowing. He couldn't explain why the sight of the food in front of them looked so appetizing.

Renese took a slice, and they couldn't take their eyes off the food as they swallowed.

Renese paused in the middle of eating and looked at them. They quickly separated from each other, afraid that their leader might get angry.

"If you want to eat, pick a slice," she announced, and within seconds, everyone reached for a slice.

 The men hesitated for a moment before cautiously reaching for a slice of pizza. Their eyes widened as they took their first bite, savoring the unfamiliar flavors. The combination of cheese, sauce, and toppings brought a delightful surprise to their taste buds.

Renese shook her head but was also amused that their gathering didn't become awkward. Especially since only her team knew her true face.

It was moments like these that reminded her of the human side of their mission, amidst all the strategies and risks they faced.

But they couldn't immediately proceed with their mission because they lacked knowledge of the technology they had purchased from another country. They needed to wait for the expert, Sebastian, who was currently conducting an investigation.

"Let's just stay vigilant and wait for Sebastian's instructions. Alright?" Renese said to her team.

They nodded and resumed their normal routine, guarding their residence throughout the night.

Their country didn't have access to advanced technology from other countries because the Prime Minister didn't want to establish connections. That's why Renese had decided to marry a foreign man, forcing the Prime Minister to allow her to do what she wanted.

That's why they couldn't immediately succeed in rescuing their people, as they were at a disadvantage. They couldn't compete with those who had access to advanced technology. Unlike them, who were used to fighting without relying on any gadgets to defeat an enemy.