
The Barbarian Clan

Ferric jolted awake, his hand instinctively grabbing his stomach. He stared at his body as he remembered the feeling of the sword stabbing into his gut.

"How you feeling?" someone said.

Ferric looked up to see Dagi's face looking down at him. "I've been better," he said, grimacing.

Dagi nodded. "Not exactly a good time, having a god's sword run through you, now is it? You should've just believed me, friend, and saved yourself the trouble."

Ferric grinned. "When can I try again?"

Dagi looked at him, shocked for a second, before throwing back his head and laughing. "So, you really think you can pierce through that... thing's armor, do you? Well best of luck to you with that!"

Ferric's ecstatic expression remained on his face. "Just answer the damn question, Dagi."

Dagi looked down at him again. "Oh, you're serious? Well, I'm not sure, since very few people choose to try again. You'd have to go back and ask Heimdallr."

Ferric slowly stood up from the bed. "Well? What are we waiting for? Lead the way!"

Dagi stared at him for a couple seconds, an internal battle in his head, before finally deciding that it wasn't worth the argument. "Come along then," he said reluctantly.

The two walked out of the room. Ferric looked back to see a plaque that said 'Revival Center' hanging over the door. Looking at it for a second, Ferric took a minute to wrap his head around everything that had happened recently. Just a day ago, or at least what felt like one, he was a mighty warrior. He looked down on everything he saw, knowing that it was his to conquer. Now, Ferric was just another warrior, a lowly cog in the realm of gods. It was a lot to take in at once. Thankfully, Ferric had a goal to concentrate on, so he wouldn't feel lost and purposeless.

Dagi interrupted him from his reminiscing. "Come on," he said, "are we going, or not?"

Ferric turned to him and firmly nodded. "Let's go."

As they walked through the halls, Ferric payed closer attention to the surroundings than the last time he had taken this route with Kargo. They passed by many double doors that constantly opened and closed with a steady stream of traffic. Above these doors were plaques that bore many different names. Ferric's eyes narrowed when he passed a plaque that said "Barbarian Clan" written across the top of it. Ares had mentioned the leader before, when Ferric hit him in the knee. Making the god of war stumble was no small feat, but apparently this man had accomplished it. The door opened to reveal a heavily built man. On his back hung a huge battle-ax and on his waist hung a pair of tomahawks. Ferric was still staring at the Barbarian Clan's plaque when this man exited the doors. Noticing Ferric's gaze, the man sauntered over to where Dagi and Ferric were walking.

"You interested in joining the clan?" the man said. His voice was low and guttural. His accent reminded Ferric of the tribes he had conquered years ago in the mountains of his home country, Inici.

Ferric shook his head. "No, just thinking about something Ares said."

The man looked surprised. "Ares spoke with you, huh? Looks like you're no ordinary man." He raised his hand and put it on Ferric's shoulder, making Ferric involuntary tense up and reach for his weapon. Noticing the movement, the man took a step back. "Now, now. We're all brothers here at the Barbarian Clan. And we have a very strong showing at the war games, much better than any of these other clans here. We crush our enemies bones like nothing, and stand on mountains of their bodies. My name is Styrkur. Come, join us, and you will have whatever you desire."

Ferric didn't know exactly what these war games were or what it meant to join a clan, so he turned to Dagi for help. Looking incredibly uncomfortable, Dagi gave a nearly imperceptible shake of his head. However, Styrkur caught the movement and looked at Dagi disdainfully. "Come now, don't listen to this puny Egyptian. I could snap him like a toothpick. Join us, where you won't have to keep such weak company."

Ferric's expression changed. "Well, Dagi is my friend, and I don't find him weak at all. If you pick a fight with him, you pick a fight with me, Styrkur. And I know you don't want that. So I suggest you apologize right now and save me the time and trouble of teaching you a lesson."

Styrkur looked at him and shook his head. "Are you sure you want to do this, greenie? You don't want the Barbarian Clan as your enemy."

Ferric spit at the ground and laughed in his face. "You think I'm scared of a bunch of brainless buffoons? If they're all like you, I'd rather die by Ares ten more times than join your shitty clan."

Styrkur's face turned bright red. Noticing the commotion, the passing warriors had turned to look at the excitement. Here was some newcomer no one had ever seen, insulting him outside of his clan's gates, and he hadn't done anything about it. Turning and seeing Dagi barely stifling laughter, Styrkur had had enough. Roaring, he pulled the axe off of his back and swung it at Ferric.

Ferric was a little surprised, but he had mostly expected this when he started taunting Styrkur and his clan. Rolling away from the axe swing, Ferric reached for his own weapon before realizing he had lost it after the fight with Ares. Looking back at Styrkur's enraged expression, Ferric let out a sigh before preparing to fight unarmed. However, at this moment Dagi tapped him on the shoulder. Ferric turned to look at him.

"Here, take this," Dagi said, handing him his khopesh. "Although you might not know how to use it, its better than nothing."

Ferric smiled warmly and took it before turning to face Styrkur again. At this point the crowd had moved back, instinctively making a small circle around the two. Styrkur had wrenched his axe out of the ground from where it struck, and prepared to jump back at Ferric. Styrkur looked at the curved blade in Ferric's hand and his expression relaxed.

"Hahahaha!", Styrkur laughed. "You want to beat me with that kitchen knife! You'd have a better chance with a toothpick."

Ferric didn't respond, his face a mask of concentration. He waved the khopesh experimentally, flicking it around. Ferric then nodded and turned to fully face Styrkur, his body in a ready position. Styrkur roared and rushed towards Ferric again. Ferric deftly avoided Styrkur's axe swing and whipped the khopesh towards him. The blade whistled as it passed through the air. Surprised at the power behind the swing, Styrkur tried to roll out of the way. The blade nicked his forehead as Styrkur rolled, leaving a long gash on his face. Styrkur stood up with a displeased expression, touching his forehead as the blood ran down his face. Ferric settled into his stance, an obvious sneer on his face. Styrkur stamped the ground before running at Ferric once more, lifting his axe up to swing. However, before he could bring the axe down, a hand reached out and grabbed the shaft, stopping it in its descent.