
Chapter Lii

They got him cornet

He rode into town going after his victim, this what an murder do finds a victim to kill, study them and then go after them to kill, but his killing spheres will end today tonight, the bounty of law is in Dallas, will they catch him? I don't know, will it be tonight? I don't know, we will have to see how it plays out. Back to the story, they find his hideout, Jessie and Hank got off their horses, " do you see him inside Cooper? Asked. Jessie, " the house is empty grandma, said. Cooper, " we miss him, lets check the house anyway. ( heads up Jordan he is heading your way. We are at his house, said. Jessie, " Marco what is going on? Report please!?"( gals report ,what is going on?) Jessie kick in the door and they walked in, Jordan spot him,"( I got him club's regroup move in slow, stay out of sight, someone beat him to that victim now! Jessie what do you got?)-(" nothing right now dad, you know when we got him shackled,) said. Jordan , when he know we will all know what happens! Back to the story, " ( we are in the house looking around, we do not see anything,) said. Jessie, " Marco, "( look harder he got to have weapons or something,) they are at the house, Preston and Toni got to the old msn, but he is right them, " ( he just slam the door on us and won't let him get him safe! I hate old people!) Said. Preston, "( son pleased to hos better half and do it now, everyone get ready to strike on my count wait for him to get off the wagon, ) said. Jordan, " ( do not let his ∆$$ get away Jordan.) Said, Marco, " he is in the city. They look and didn't see or find anything, "( nope nothing we done here and heading back, clubs move out. Said, Jessie, you need to move now, back to the story, " this is unacceptable Marco how we going to bust him if they does not have anything on him! Tell her to continue to look! Said, Dilbert. "( Jes I need you to continue to look,) they look at her, " Mount up ! Will you let me run my team and track and search my way , we have different way to nail him to the murders uncle Marco! I don't tell you how to run Houston you don't tell us how to do our jobs,) they got on their horses and head back to the City, she cut him off,"( Jes I need you now!)-(" we are on the way!) They arrived in the city,Cameron and Kelsey go help Preston and Toni, they got off their horses and ran up the city, they got off their horse and slowly walk up, the whole team is back together now this should go smoothly now, back to the story. They knock on the door," bounty of law sir we here to help you! Please open up the door,( Jes Jordan he won't open up the door,) -(" find a back way and get in the house get him out of harm, ) said. Jessie, "( do I have permission to kick in?) Asked. Preston and Cameron, " ( do what you must to get to him boys mother wolves orders!!) Said. Jordan and Jessie. " have they find anything or got him Marco." Chili you ask us for help let my team work! ( Jessie tell me what you find!)" Tell your grandparents to stop pester and bugging me, said. Jessie, he got off the wagon. " ( nothing grandpa zilch, nona, the hideout was just an hideout, please stop worrying about it, tell your friend take a chill pill call us tomorrow,) said. Weston, "( he is off the wagon move in but slow we do not want to alert him,) said. Jordan, he walked up the city with his killing kit, they move on him. Not letting him see them, " ( boys get that house now!) Ordered. Jessie, they kick open his door. And walked inside, " what do you want!?" Relax we are to keep you alive sir, said. Toni, Kelsey closed and locked the door, Cameron cut the lights off, "( we have the man mom and dad,) " they are in the house Jordan and Jessie, said. Thomas, " good, now he is safe its are turn ( block his exit and move in now!) They got behind him and they move in, he stop in his tracks and turn around, trap like an rat, he drop his case and took off running down the alley. They ran after him, "( somone get that case now!) Devon pick it up, the chase is on, with that old man safe, bounty of law is moving in on Mr. X, back to the story. He ran down the steps, Jordan and Jessie is gang on him," ( someone cut him off!) Said, Jessie, " Frank come on, Teeno and Frankie hall tail up the city and cut through buildings and ran up the alley, *( dad we are in pursue of him and we have is case,) said. Jessie, " ( do not let him get away Jordan and Jessie,) Marco they got his case and they are after him. Dilbert sat down and breath, Marco rubbed his head, "( could you two slow down!?)-(" no keep up,) said. Jessie, "( get those tails moving clubs this is training for you, ) said. Jordan, he saw Teeno and Frankie, he tried to turn around and saw Jordan and Jessie on him, so at this point what do one do when you are corner? Do anyone know? He run out through a building, when Weston and Devon tackle him taken him to the ground." Give it up we got you! Said, Devon. They ran out, he pull off Weston gun and shot them, Weston in his arm and Devon in the shoulder, they fall to the ground,Weston! Cried. Matha, Devon! cried. Dara, Jordan and Jessie ran up, " he stole my freaking gun and shot us! Said. Weston. " lowlife! " you boys going to be okay, keep going after him Hank and Thomas take lead, said. Jordan, " come clubs! They ran the direction he went, they take out the bullets, " iow mom! " I love you my little one, Jordan and Jessie told them, " have they gone backwards? I am a grown man mom, said. Devon," do I look little to you mom? Asked. Weston, they wipe the blood off them, " you love me please to not put the sap on, said. Weston," mom I begging you that stuff burns, said. Devon, " as sweetie you always going to be my little boy, healing you quicker, said. Jessie, she put some on his Arm and bandaged it, put it in a arm sling, she help him up. As it burns , he hold in the pain, Jordan put some on Devon shoulder and wrapped a bandaged on it, " man I can't stand that stuff that not loving me mom! Cried. Devon, " sweetheart mommy want her little man heal up, said. Jordan, " ( Weston and Devon is okay but they been shot, we have two down,) -(" bring them to us, I can not lose two grandsons know this is not the first time they been shot,) said. Marco, " hey that was not our fault! Said. Weston and Devon, " we never said it was boys come on you both out of training until you heal up, they walked up to the office, Marco open the door," my little Weston and Devon, " they tackle and pull his gun on them and shot them, so not he just add more points to him, 900 for murder, 120 for disobey the law and 490 for shooting law officals, said. Jessie, "( do we have him? We on the way) lets go they ran up the city the way they went, do you think they catch him or got away Remember this is Mr. X , back to the story.

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