
The Gardener’s Daughter

Austin Byers was amazed by the growth of the girl he had known.He had once known her as a chubby little girl who he was fond of as a little sister. Spending years apart,they became strangers.He wishes to amend their brotherly sisterly relationship but his body wanted something different.He wanted to inherit her and make her his,but then,he was like a brother and a boss to her.Could he do a good job of not crossing the line?

Kenny120 · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

chapter Nine

Lilian was engrossed in the numerous books she had chosen to read.She needed to prepare for her exams as it was nearing day by day.It had been a while since she studied so she finds it a little hard to comprehend what was imprinted in the textbooks.Several times,her mind had drifted back to her last conversation with Austin.Whenever she remembered his face,she would furrow her brows and then stare into the texts in the books to make her not think of him though her mind wouldn't stop working on it own.She hated him more for not coming back to her that night.A part of her had expected him to knock countless times on her door,even if she had insisted on not opening the door,he should have broken open the door and swing her into his arms.He should have tried to apologize to her but just as she had thought,he didn't.

Has she been so drown in love to have noticed how awful his character is?

She tried to remember how he was when they were kids.He was gentle and cheerful,all the things she wanted in him now but couldn't find anymore.

Lilian closed her textbook in frustration as she sees she wouldn't stop thinking of him.She stands up and head over to the mini fridge to bring out a bottle of water.She gulped it down and then looks up to check the wall clock.

It was evening already.Her stomach twists at the thought of Austin coming back from work.She sighs and opens her fridge once again to check if there's enough ingredient to make pasta,Mac and cheese.She groans as she sees she would have to go get some cheese and flour.She had been craving for it and she doesn't want to deprive herself of it anymore.

She went over to her bedroom and gets off the shorts she had on.She replaced it with jean overalls on top of the t-shirt she had on and wears a shirt on top of it because of the breeze.She packed up her hair and then search around the living room for her phone which she had tossed on the sofa before she left the cottage locked.

Before she could pass by Austin's car, she watched from the distance separating the cottage and the mansion to see if Austin wasn't outdoor.When she confirmed that,she passed by without sparing the mansion a glance.Her mouth twists up in a smile as she thinks of their situation but then instantly turns to a snort when she thought of how stupid it was for her to think of him in that manner when the only thing he had ever offered her was her tears.

Unknowingly to her,Austin was watching her from inside his study.He had stayed beside the window as usual,with his hands firmly in his pockets and gazing at the breezy night.He had always found peace in the whether,it was perfect for not thinking of what had occupied his mind almost all day.Then again,his mind drifts back to her.Just as he was about to ponder on going to meet her,he sights her.His heart leapt up and he found himself wanting to run after her.But he wouldn't.The best he thought he could do was to stay away from her as much as he could.

Lilian walks into the mini grocery store and picked out all the necessary things she needed.When she was done,she stopped by the fridge full of alcoholic drinks.She had never bought alcoholic drinks before and it made her wondered how wasteful her life had been.She pondered on whether or not to buy it before she decided to pick two cans.While on that,a man had been staring at her intently.Lilian noticed but didn't pay much attention to him as she thought he was just part of the men that found her attractive and stares at her all long without coming up to her.

She went over to the cashier's counter,the young lady who sat behind the counter had passed her a smile and she smiles back awkwardly.She paid for everything she bought,and after she was done,she heads out.As she was walking,she notices the man from the grocery store trailing behind her.She at first thought he was going to pass by her but when she stopped for him to pass,he had stopped also.Lilian begins to get scared and she started walking briskly towards the lane that would get her home.She huffs continuously as she walks with her legs twisting anxiously.

Lilian panics when she sees the man still following behind her and she begins to run.The path she had passed was a hallway and it just had a little light illuminating from the small bulb fixed on a pole.The man grins as he runs after her.Suddenly,Lilian felt a hand pull her and she hits her head on a solid chest.Her hands were shaking and her mouth was quivering from the cold.She at first thought it was the man but a scent she perceived made her think otherwise.

"Lilian,are you okay"Lilian heard the very familiar voice she wanted to avoid the rest of her life.She looks up slowly and her honey brown eyes met with Austin's blue ones.Her hands grabbed his shirt as she whispers something Austin couldn't hear.At the moment,she wants to hold on to Austin forever without letting go.She felt her heart beats racing as she realizes she would at least need him for the time being.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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