
The Visit / Chapter 9

"CASE STOP!" I yelled, trembling in fear as Harley slowly stopped fighting.

Case stopped mid punch, I had no idea what he was thinking or what he would do next.

Cases P.O.V. (point of view)

She looked so scared. Her eyes were full of tears and it broke my heart. But what could I do? If I started a fight with Tom or Jacob, she could be seriously hurt. On top of that, my enemies would target her if they thought I cared.

She would be in more danger.

But what was I supposed to do? I knew Tom had no remorse. I had no options. Either way she would be hurt.

Alex was fun. Spending time with her was great, I even enjoyed her fake break up. Once it was confirmed that it was fake.

Of course then I had to distance myself from her so no one would think I really cared.

Which I didn't. I mean she was just some girl...what did I care about her?

I didn't.

But still, this...this was wrong. She was a kid.

I saw his hands creep under her shirt...she was trembling badly.

I lost it. I pulled Tom away from her and pinned him to the wall, forcing him to let go of her. Alex was smart enough to take her chance and bolt. I beat the crap out of Tom, dodging his punches easily. The ones that hit me barley hurt. He fell limply to the ground once I was done.

Jacob seemed to have disappeared.

But now I had a problem. I just ruined a much needed alliance.

And the members of my gang...to put it simply, they would be pissed.

And if they figured out it was for, no it was because of a girl....

They would be really pissed.

You don't want to see my "friends" pissed.

I could make up some story. Tell them not to argue. As long as they didn't know it was because of some silly girl, I was in the clear.

I went home, to my nice little house on the east side of Rockdale.

Laying on my couch, I started to think.

Where had Jacob left to? The wuss probably just ran off.

But I felt guilty. I mean, I kinda dragged her into this. Didn't that mean I had to protect her?

I didn't have to do anything.

I didn't....

A bit later




I waited for her to answer. I knew she was here. Unless she was with her abusive mother,

Which yes, I knew about. If there was something I wanted to know about, I'd figure out.

I had my sources.

And I wanted to know where Alex had gotten those bruises that she hid under her concealer.

She had been staying with her brother. This was her brothers apartment.

I knocked again. A bit louder.

No answer.

I panicked just a little.

I knocked on the door again and it swung open.

The small teen had pepper spray pointed at my face.


I wasn't in control of my body. I knew from reflex what to do.

Ducking out of the way of the spray I grabbed her wrist and squeezed. She dropped it and I twisted her arm behind her back as gently as possible.

"You seriously thought that would work?" I smirked,

We argued for a bit,

Then her brother woke...

He was taller than me by like six inches.

Harley had whitish hair...like Alex, except hers was actually white.

I didn't even know that was possible.

His fists were clenched.  Experience told me a hit from someone like him would hurt.

But I knew he couldn't fight. He didn't know how.

Which was perfect.

In my defense;

He threw the fist punch.

And dammit, it hurt.

I pushed Alex away, hoping she'd stay out of it so she wouldn't be accidentally hurt.

The fight was quick after that, within minutes I had Harley pinned to the ground. But he was still fighting, and I needed him to stop.

Alex was screaming for me to stop. But I knew I needed to explain everything without her seemingly overprotective brother interfering.

Thankfully, he eventually started to lie still. I pulled back my fist to hit him again, just for good measure, but Alex's terrified cry stopped me. Looking at her, I saw how scared she was.

Standing quickly, I turned to talk to Alex, but rushed past me to Harley, kneeling next to him.

I knew he was ok.

Alex didn't.

I gently pulled her to look at me.

"He's fine Alex." I said firmly

Alex's P.O.V.

He said my name for the first time.

The idiot looked so annoying calm as though he hadn't just beat up my brother.

I slapped him hard across the face, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I yelled.

He looked angry for a second,  but his expression quickly changed.

"I need to talk to you."

"I DON'T CARE!" I screamed. "GET OUT!"

Case crossed his arms. "No."

Glaring, I knelt back by Harley,

brushing hair out of his face, the bruises were already forming.

"I swear Case you better get out right now, I'm about to call the police." I growled,

He looked unimpressed. "With what?"

"With my-" I paused as he held up my phone, a smug expression on his face.

Dammit I hated him.

"I told you I need to talk to you. I promise, he's fine. Just knocked out." Case explained.

"He's bleeding." I argued,

"So?" He shrugged. "I'm not leaving until I talk to you."

"Your talking to me right now." I mumbled, trying to lift Harley onto the couch.

Case mumbled something, probably a cuss word, and put Harley on the couch.

Grabbing a few paper towels, I cleaned the blood off my brothers face.

"Alex..?" Harley mumbled, opening his eyes just a bit.

"Shh, I'm fine...go back to sleep.." I whispered to him,

He nodded and passed out again.

So he was ok. Good.

Case was still standing there, looking impatient.

"Isn't this place kinda small for the two of you?" Case asked,

"No."  I snapped.

He rolled his eyes. "So are you going to listen?"

"Why did you hurt Harley? That wasn't necessary! He's my brother!" I yelled.

He shrugged, "So maybe it wasn't, but he wasn't going to let me talk to you."

"Because your insane!" Why didn't he just leave? What could be so important?

"Just listen!" He yelled at me angrily.

I forced myself not to flinch at his yell,

"And then you'll leave?"

"Yes and then I'll leave." He rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. "Though we both know you don't want me to." He smirked,

I rolled my eyes. "Say what you came to say."

"Fine. So, I'm sure you know about the-"

"Insane gang your apart of. Yes." I finished for him,

"Don't interrupt." He snapped. "Anywho, you interrupted something very important, forcing me to ruin something very important, long story short, people are going to try and hurt you."

He was too angry to be subtle.

"I don't care." I lied

"Obviously." He sighed. "Listen, I know you do care, you proved that during your little run in with Thomas."

frowning, I looked away, "Fine. How can you help?" I asked,

He shrugged, "You have my number, you have pepper spray, your all set." Case said sarcastically,

"Oh perfect. You can leave." I was not amused.

"It was a joke. Loosen up Princes."

So I guess we're back to the nicknames, huh?

"Just...tell me..." I sighed.

He must have noticed something in my voice, the pleading tone hidden in it, the desperation for things just to be normal again. His expression softened,

"Ok Love. So here's the thing, I've got a lot of enemies, and they all want ways to...I don't know.."

"Hurt you." I said.

He shrugged, "Something like that. And since it is believed we are dating-"

"Were dating." I corrected.

He sighed. "Yeah. So you are-"

"I understood all this before you said it, I'm not stupid. I want to know how you can help." I was annoyed he didn't think I could figure this out.

"Dammit, can't you just shut up?"

"Apparently not." I shot back.

"The point is, your not safe." He said

"No duh." I rolled my eyes.

"This doesn't worry you?" He asked,

"Not at all." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on! I'm trying to help you!"

"By doing what? Beating up my brother and telling me I'm in danger?" I raised an eyebrow.

He seemed to be wondering what to say. "I...I mean...I thought you should know.."

"Uh huh..." I glanced at Harley and felt a sudden burst of anger, "can I have my phone? So I'll be able to call you?" I asked,

He sighed and tossed it to me, I caught it,

"thanks.." I mumbled, then stood and bolted to the bathroom,

He ran after me, probably knowing what I was up to.

But I slammed the door, locking it before he could stop me.

"Please don't call the police!" He yelled, banging on the door.

"You beat up my brother!" I yelled, as I started to dial,

"I'm serious Alex!" He yelled.

He said my name again.

"Hello, 911 what is your emergency?" Asked a calm woman.

I heard the sound of Cases shoes hitting the ground as he ran out,

The door slammed.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Nothing. False alarm. I'm sorry."

I hung up.

When I went out, he was gone.

And hopefully he wouldn't come back.


Sorry about the late update guys! Between school and babysitting it's hard to find time. I might change it to one update a week. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!

Picture- Case knocking (cause I couldn't think of anything else😅)