
The Break Up / Chapter 6

To my surprise he actually took me home.

I noticed, as we drove, their was something different about him, he seemed...nervous.

His shoulders tensed when we would pass certain places. I saw his hands tighten on the handle bars.

I was probably imagining things.

But I couldn't forget that he was the leader of a gang. Who knows what insane things he was worried about.

We parked in front of Harley's apartment building, I had told Case to drop me off here instead.

I got off before he lifted me.

Case smiled, "See you at school Monday love?" He asked.

I sighed. "Sadly."

"Don't be like that," Case fake pouted.

I rolled my eyes,

"Thanks for the ride. I hated it." I said as I turned and started to walk off.

"Your welcome." He called after me,

I rolled my eyes. I would have to get revenge for him making me ride on that motorcycle soon.

It was odd, he wasn't being nice, exactly...but he wasn't being mean. I always figured he was a jerk, just seeing him walk through the halls he looked like a jerk.

I guess he kind of was.

It's just odd, that he's not a complete jerk.

Of course, I didn't know him. I knew that he wasn't who he was acting like. Hopefully I could get him to leave me alone before I had to find anything else out about him.

Moving on.

It was a typical day from then on,

I sat on Harley's couch and watched tv while I waited for him to come home.

"Hey sis." He smiled as he opened the door,

"Hey," I said, sitting up,

"Are you hungry?" He asked,

I shrugged,

"I'll make some macaroni." He said.

"I can do it if you want." I offered,

"Nah, your doing the dishes." He smiled as he started to make it.

"Fair trade." I decided.


I got ready for school in the morning,

Harley was getting ready for work, he worked at some fancy restaurant, he hated it, he said everyone was stuck up.

But it paid well.

"Need a ride Alex?" He asked,

"No I'll take the subway," I said, brushing my hair.

"Sure?" He asked,

"Yeah I'm sure." I assured,

"Ok, bye sis." Harley kissed my cheek and jogged out.

"Bye." I said,

I hated the subway.




I got on and tried to ignore all of the people surrounding me. I felt claustrophobic.

I looked at my hands. Trying to focus on them instead of the people.

Why is it when your on the subways everyone looked like a psycho killer?

The subway stopped, I hurried off. Walking the block to school.

Walking in, I saw that people were still staring and talking about me.

I couldn't care less.

But it still wanted to get back at Case for getting me into this.

I went to my first few classes, glad that he wasn't there. He was probably skipping.


Lunch came around.

Oh joy.

I sat at a table in the back of the lunch room, it mostly had band nerds. All talking about reeds and stuff. I didn't have anything against band, but these guys were just weird.

I only sat there because it was better than sitting with the other groups.

The jocks. They were all hot, but were idiots obsessed with sex.

The cheerleaders. Kinda the same as jocks.

The druggies. Pretty self explanatory, they all talked funny and could often be found exchanging money for little packets of weed.

The art kids. They all figured they were better than the rest of the school. Because, we didn't understand real art.

Drama kids. They were kinda cool I guess, always practicing lines and singing way too often.

Nerds. Carried calculators everywhere.

Gangs. I was pretty sure Case and his buddies were the only people who attended gangs in this school.

Thank God.

They were barely ever there and the table was usually empty.

But no one dared to sit there.

It took one kid, one trip to the hospital to teach us that.

That was about it.

The band kids were comparing violins to Cellos. I was trying not to listen.

I didn't really eat much, I never really did anymore.

I glanced up, of course it had all been too good to be true.

I suppose you can guess who walked in at that moment.

Case sat at his table. Talking to his gang friends. Looking intimidating.

I sighed, looking away and listening to the conversation going on at my table.

I decided that Cellos were better from what they were saying.

I rolled my eyes at Case. Over there, everyone, including himself, thought he was sooo cool.

Didn't even sit next to the girl who he made up a fake relationship with.

The nerve.

I smiled a little, standing and walking over to his table.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Hey love." He said carelessly, kissing my cheek.

That was the last straw. Just kissing my cheek, acting like it was a normal thing.

Oh he had no idea what was coming.

I let tears come to my eyes.

"How could you?" I yelled, getting everyone's attention.

He looked confused now.

"After what you did last night you think you can just act like nothing happened!" I yelled.

"Princess what are you-" I cut Case off,

"WITH HER!" I pointed to one of the cheerleaders who made it her life's goal to ruin my day. Every day.

He looked surprised. Like he was trying to figure out if I was joking.


"Don't 'love' me! I cared about you and you cheated on me!" I yelled,

"Are you serious?" He asked,

"Yes! I am serious! Were you not...? Was this all a joke to you...?" I asked, making my voice fill with hurt.

"I.." he frowned. "Sorry..?"

"I don't want your apology!" I yelled at him.

Oh he was freaked out all right.

"I thought...it was a joke.." he looked confused and uncomfortable.

Have a taste of your own medicine buddy.

"How could you do this to me?" I cried, letting my tears fall down my cheeks.

I mean, what did I have to lose by doing this? I was really enjoying myself. Watching Case be rendered speechless.

He was never speechless.

And it was freakin nice to be in control for once.

Everyone was buying it. Case even seemed to be wondering if I was serious.

I was putting on a pretty good act. Maybe I should sit with the drama kids.

Everyone was silent.

I "stormed" out. Slamming the door as I left.

Leaving everyone confused.

I cracked up as soon as I left.

Yeah, I was being a bitch, but honestly I didn't care.

I took a cab back to Harley's. I knew it would be awhile since he was back.

I worked on homework for a good three hours before my phone buzzed with a text.

Unknown- What was that? Were you serious?

I figured it was Case. Unless I faked a break up with someone else.

I was pretty sure I hadn't.

100% -Alex

Unknown- Why would you do that?

Cause you told everyone we were dating and I couldn't think of a better way to end it. -Alex

Unknown- Your completely insane.

You just can't take rejection. -Alex

Unknown- you had to do it in front of everybody?

Everyone had to know -Alex

Unknown- you were convincing.

I'm awesome that way. -Alex

Unknown- I'm mad at you.

Boo hoo. -Alex

I felt good. I was pretty sure I'd gotten rid of him.

Why do you want to do that..? Asked a small voice in my head.

I labeled the voice as stupid and told it to leave.

I did another math problem. Figuring he was ignoring me now.

I groaned as my phone lit up,

Unknown- I decided I'm not mad.


Why not? -Alex

Unknown- Cause you want me to be.

Uhg. Now what?

Oh. -Alex

Wow good reply Alex. I though sarcastically

I didn't get a reply. That was good.

I labeled the number as 'Case🙄'.

After about two more hours Harley walked in.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey.." I mumbled, trying to finish a math problem.

Harley came over and looked at my work.

"You forgot to cancel the sevens." He told me, then walked to his room.

I groaned loudly, erasing all that all I had been working on for the past ten minutes.

I hated math with passion.

Next Day

He wasn't at school that day.

Or the next day.

Or the next day.

Or the next day.

I was wondering if he was seriously mad at me.

He hadn't text me at all, I hadn't text him.

Oh well. Probably gang stuff.

I didn't want to get out of my bed. I was having one of those moments, those,

Aww fuck it imma sleep in, moments.

The couch was so nice and warm...

I forced myself to get up, I needed the money. I didn't like Harley paying for everything for me.

It was Saturday. Which meant

woo hoo

my weekend job.

It wasn't too bad, I gave ice skating lessons to stuck up rich kids.

I loved ice skating. I wasn't too bad at it, I was good enough that one day when Harley had taken my skating a lady had asked if I gave lessons.

Ten dollars a lesson, she had four kids.

Her eleven year old son was constantly hitting on me. It was amusing.

I got dressed, Harley was asleep in his room and I wasn't going to wake him up. I left a note on the counter and walked out.

Looking back, I really wish I had just slept in.

Things would be a lot less complicated.


Ok guys, I promise that you will LOVE the next chapter.

It's gonna be crazy awesome.

Thanks so much for reading! I love you guys! It means so much that you guys vote and read my story!

Leave comments with any suggestions, ideas, or questions!

Pic- Harley (credits to @sawyer3000 )