
Ch. 1 Suspended

The bell rang as usual, late again. I just decided to say fuck it and go hide out in the bathroom and play some games on my phone. I was in the bathroom for about 15 to 20 minutes and all I hear is, "Alexx come to the office please." Over the announcements. "Shit..." I thought as I grabbed my stuff and went to the office.

When I arived, the princaple was just standing there and he looked at me.

"My office now Miss Alexx." I just rolled my eyes and walked back, but I noticed some boy in the Sherrifes Office. He was cute ain't gonna lie, the police was looking through his stuff and found weed and a knife. He kept on claiming he didn't know how that got there, the cop just kept on saying Bullshit and slamming his hands on the table. The boy looked over and saw I was staring at him, i just rushed back to the principals office like an idiot that I am. I sat down and as soon as I did, he came walking in.

"What's going on Alexx, you have been skipping class lately, it's not like you to do so, is everything going ok at home?" He asked. I knew he was just doing his job and he honestly didn't give a fuck.

"Yea I just got alot on my mind and school is just too much for me right now." I lied, my parents fight all the time and me and my mother get hit all the time by my dad, he is an alcoholic and he does alot of drugs. I have to cover up the bruises he gives me with makeup and long sleeves and turtle necks.

"You know I car-"

"Bullshit, we both know you don't give a flying fuck about me, all you're gonna do is call my mom and I'm gonna get suspended so cut the shit, I am not talking to any counceler or anything so get that shit out of your head." I said just not giving 0 fucks anymore, I am so tired of peoples lies they feed me, I want the truth so I got the truth.

"Alexx! No way to talk to me like that, now I am gonna call your mom and she will come and get you, come back when you have respect." He said sternly. I just walked out and I bumped into that boy that I saw.

"Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean it." I said, my voice was shakey, he was mixed, tall as hell, buff, he had the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen.

"Don't sweat it, it's cool." He said as he walked off. I just stood there, his voice was so deep and smooth. I snapped out of it when my dad walked in the door, I froze, I was so scared.

"Where is mom?"

"Does it fuckin matter get in the car. I will be out in a minute." I ran outside and started crying. I can't go home, he will beat me again, I grabbed his wallet and took all his money and ran off. I didn't have no clue where I was going, all I knew is that I had to get the hell out of there.