
The Gamer Fanfic

Hello everyone, so this is a very fun and interesting Gamer fanfic i used to read and decided to share. the Autors are on the cover and it was originally posted on Chyoa, but as i said, wanted to share :=) Enjoy it and if you are the author and want me to take it down, give me a heads up

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4 Chs

Crafty and a bit of Info Dump

There was also a different solution, one that involved his newfound powers. He waited for his mom to leave the room to go to the bathroom before walking up to the kitchen counter, grabbing a glass from the table along the way. He then filled the glass halfway with tap water and put it into his inventory. 'Now for the experimental part.' John thought and made one round along the walls of the medium sized room. Once he arrived at the sink again he pulled out the glass.

Not a single drop had been spilled. John smiled and spilled the water into the sink and looked for something a bit tastier in the fridge. He found orange and apple juice as well as milk. He decided to go with the orange juice, filled the glass and put it away for later use. It would also be interesting to find out if the temperature stayed the same later.

A window popped open, His eyes glanced over to the clock, he would have to hurry if he wanted to catch the bus, so he would postpone reading that. He grabbed some edible things, peeled carrots, leftover noodles with pasta sauce and an apple and threw them into his inventory as well. Just as the fruit vanished into the menu and took up one of the 24 Inventory Slots his mom returned.

"You are still here?" She asked, slightly reprimanding. "Yeah, sorry I was still a bit hungry." John said to play over the fact that some items were missing. "Whatever, just go get that bus. We don't want you to get late now, do we?" She smiled at her son and waved him goodbye as John slipped into his shoes.

As he did he finally read the window.

Achievement Unlocked: Not a bad Idea!

You used your brain to solve an easy situation. Congratulations!

+1 Wisdom

+1 Intellect

'I feel a bit mocked by this.' John thought and pressed away the message as he entered the bus. He had a quick look at his MP. As he had continued to stare at random things on the way here his Mana had gone down further. Right now it was at thirty.

He got seated at the back at bus where he was relatively secluded. He looked at his schoolmates inside the bus and checked out their levels. The lowest one he saw was a fat dumb kid he knew from the previous year at level 2 and the highest one was level 12, the leader of the schools' hockey team. With his measly level 3 he was at the bottom of mediocrity though, as most people ranged from level 3 to 5. He thought about using observe on the people to level it further but decided that he had ample time for that later. He wanted to find out something else first.

He clicked around his Character Sheet for a bit. If anyone had watched him it would have looked very stupid but his backpack and the lean of his seat concealed the movements from the few random gazes that wandered his way.

He wanted to find out the definition of his stats. Depending on which game one was playing Agility increased armour rating, sometimes Strength increased Health, sometimes Health Regen, a few times even both. Knowing the resources on his hands would be very important for…. for….

For what exactly? He should probably set himself a goal in the future. Back to the stats though. He finally found a little question mark at the top right corner of a window. He touched it and a stat afterwards, causing another window to open. He did that for all his stats and read through them.

Strength: 8 (+ 0)

Strength is used to increase ones' bodily capabilities, such as lifting weight or punching harder. It increases the HP/per hour by 0,04 (STR*0,005).

Agility: 15 (+ 0)

Agility describes how nimble and quick a character is. Increases the chance of stealth and thief skills to succeed. Increases awareness of traps and sneaking.

Endurance: 7 (+ 0)

Endurance shows how much punishment the Gamer can take physically. It increases his HP total by 35 (END*5). It also gives the Gamer a higher uptime during physical activities.

Intellect: 25 (+ 1)

Intellect shows how smart a person is. Increases logical thinking and problem-solving skills. It increases MP total by 50 (INT*2). Certain books may not be absorbed if Intellect is under the required number.

Wisdom: 10 (+ 1)

Wisdom describes how much the Gamer is able to use what he is learnt in a productive manner. It increases MP/per Minute by 0,075 (WIS*0,0075).

Charisma: 5 (+ 0)

Charisma is used to represent how likeable a person acts and speaks. High Charisma result in easy negotiations and persuasions.

Libido: 19 (+ 0)

Libido represents how horny the Gamer is. While higher numbers mean that a person comes faster (Libido increases sensitivity) they also mean that the recharge time is lower.

That answered more questions than he had thought. It was very convenient that they also gave him the little math that was used to calculate his MP and HP. Although the comment about books was a bit confusing, but he had none with him to test things as books were handed out in class. He closed all of the windows and had a look at his Health and Mana.

Health Points: 45

Shows how much Health the Gamer has. Base 10 + 35 from other sources. Regenerates at the rate of 0,265 per hour.

Mana Points: 60

Shows how much magical power the Gamer can store to cast spells with. Base 10 + 50 from other sources. Regenerates at the rate of 0,525 per minute.

That was slightly disappointing, the formula to show how his regeneration came together wasn't shown. Whatever had designed this interface either didn't want him to know or had gotten lazy. It was also interesting that the number he had seen earlier only went one digit after the comma. That meant that, with the breakfast buff he had regenerated 1,1 Mana per minute. Sadly it had run out already by the time the bus came to a stop in front of the school.

ull. That was the one word to describe everything his first class was. Mrs Flung was a 60-year-old woman that was not sexy at all and looked dull. She taught the subject of traditional English literature that was, most of the time, dull. The book they were speaking about today was about the bombardments of the Nazis and spoke about how the grey of the clouds were a good sign as rain meant that the planes wouldn't come. An interesting topic but Mrs Flung managed to make that dull as well as she pulled every last detail from every sentence.

John passed the time by using Observe on everyone in the classroom, especially the hot girls, of which there were plenty. From his spot, next to the window at the back of the class very few noticed his intense starring. Halfway through his class members the skill levelled up.

Observe Lvl 2: Now reveals how friendly a person is towards you.

Interesting, but also pretty sobering. He looked at the hot girls in his class again and none of them were higher than 10 on a scale that went from -200 to 200. The few that were above 0 were known as the generally nice girls, so they probably had even higher score with everyone else.

John sighed silently. That was the fate of people that kept to themselves and played videogames all day. If you never socialize of course other people won't like you that much. Seems like masturbating would be his only solace in the near future.

He looked outside the window. There was not much use in spending attention to class. He had read the book already and with his high intellect he would be able to recollect most or all of the question Mrs Flung could fling at him anyway. She knew that, he knew that, he usually got a perfect grade in this class and they both moved on with their life.

From where he sat he had a good look at the school's courtyard, including the large sports field. As it was summer and one of the indoor halls was currently closed for renovations multiple classes were currently on the field, running laps, playing soccer or doing some athletics.

What he wouldn't give to look at the young ladies down there, working up a sweat as their bodies heated up in the sun that was slowly rising to the horizon. Their white shirts slowly becoming transparent but still running as their breasts swayed with every step of their long, sultry legs and…

Okay this was getting out of hand. Something else wanted to try and get out of his pants. He breathed slowly to try and calm his rising erection. Now horny within this very dull class John ogled outside of the window again. I mean sure, the girls in here were hot but they were sitting, out their they wore hot pants and ran around. If only there was a way to watch them.

Wait, maybe there was a way to watch them? He had gotten some weird magical powers after all, might as well try if he could create another skill. He concentrated on his eyes as he stared out the window, imagining them to suddenly become better. As he did he stared on one's girls arse.

She stuck it high into the air as she waited for the signal to start running. He could vividly imagine how it slowly pulled between her butt cheeks. 'How much I would love to be that piece of cloth right now' His mind enviously side tracked.

New Skill gained: Possession Lvl 1:

Allows the caster to take control of an inanimate object. Costs 10 MP at the activation and 1 MP for every 10 seconds after the initial 10.

Not what he had planned but this should work at well. Actually, now that he thought about it this was even better. If he took control of a girls pants he was as close to her as he could ever hope to be. He peeked over to his mana bar. Only 15 MP. Figured, he used Observe a lot of times. Still that would make for a whole minute of being next to a girl's arse. He picked a girl with a particularly curvy body and used the spell.

It was a weird experience. His field of view, suddenly distorted, flew through the window and the air between himself and the target. The flight didn't take a second and then he was the girls pants. Mostly, he still could feel his real body and he was sure that he could shift attention between his current position and his body at will.

He didn't want to however, he was currently firmly clinging to a very nice arse. His senses worked perfectly and he could look around the girls waistband. He felt the rounding of her butt, the soft juggle when she took a step, the disappointment as he discovered he couldn't move. It made sense, he was a piece of cloth, but come on god, or whoever is responsible for all of this, all he wanted to do was tease her pussy by slowly slipping upwards.

He would have to live with just hugging this arse. That was a fine deal all in all. While he felt like pressing his face into the soft meat he watched around. Again, the titles were boring and the levels nothing out of the ordinary.

'Level 4 Sports Fan' 'Level 3 Heiress of the candle shop' 'Level 5 Closet Pervert' 'Level 2 Fat dumb dude', last of which he envied because he actually got to be down here. Then he stopped envying him as a couple of arseholes started bullying him.

To his surprise somebody stepped in. He knew that girl, she always got on a few stations after him. He hadn't paid attention in the bus today so he didn't notice her at all earlier. "Stop that!" the sexy redhead said and as she gave those bullies a piece of her mind John looked at the words that floated above her.

The eyes and mouth of his main body opened wide.

Lady Moira Brighton, Lvl 17

Warden of the Golden Rose

He tried to use observe on her to find out a bit more. It didn't work and she stopped in her tirade to turn her head in his direction with a confused expression.

"JOHN NEWMAN!" Just as he cancelled the spell the unusual loud voice of Mrs Flung shouted at him. "Y-yes, I am very sorry." He apologized immediately, he must have zoned out. To his defence he had been at two different places at once and one was a lot more interesting. "Please, read page 175 for the class."

"Of course." He flipped through the pages, glancing outside the window for a moment as he did. He could have sworn there was a single person, distanced from the rest of the students and teachers, looking up to him.