
Chapter 5


I was so tired that I quickly fell asleep after laying down on my bed.


"*Sniff* *Hic* *Hic*"

I woke up because of the crying of a child. Wait..Child!? It's impossible for my apartment to have children because I don't have any children to take care of.

I opened my eyes to see who the child was. When I opened my eyes, my old room in our mansion was revealed to me, it was simple and there were many books scattered in the room.

"*Hic*...*Sniff*...Brother Shawn.."

I stopped thinking when I heard the cry again. I looked where it was coming from and saw a girl crying.

I wanted to ask her why she was crying but no words or any sound came out of my mouth, as if something was stuck in my throat.

"Brother Shawn---------"

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

I woke up because of the ringing of my cellphone. I immediately took out my cell phone to see who was calling me. When I that it was just Eunice, I immediately answered the call.

<On the Call>

"Brother Shawn are you free today?" Eunice asked me.

"Yes why?"

"You will know later. Just go to the ******* Cafe, bye~"

After she said the address she immediately ended the call.

I was about to get up to get dressed but I remembered my dream. The child seems to be saying something but I can't hear what she was saying.

"*Sigh* It's okay, it was just a dream." I said. "I need to get dressed, Eunice might be waiting for me."

To be continued...