
Help from the almighty

The heat pounced into the sand of the desert as the Jackrixis in the mines were sheltered from its grasp as they continued to work.After the Sand Striders found this strange rocky hole in the desert and they began to explore it.

Now, they had started to mine the weird rocks and material that they found and would give it to the little blues to test on.Many hours were spent testing and failing to make any use of these materials until they eventually made progress.

In front of the tribal leader and elder of the Sand Striders, it was a group of 3 blues who presented a crudely made short sword.

Well, calling it a sword was being very kind as it had many faults and indents in its body, but the sun still reflected off of the rough metal. The leaders could tell that with improvements, this would be the future of weapons, and so they order the refinement in the making of these weapons.

One of the interested parties in this new found invention was of course the god of knowledge who decided to talk to the god of war about this useful tool.

Minerva opened a portal from her vast crystal library of floating scrolls and shifting tablets as she walked through it.She then appeared in the domain of Nyx as he sat on a throne of rock and bone that floated off the ground.

"Ohh, nenny, I've got some brilliant news for you"-Minerva

The annoyance was clear on his face as she called him the nickname he hated as it was demeaning to a god of war. He grited his razor-sharp teeth and glared at his annoying sibling and coworker of godly duties.

"Please just tell me what you have found even though you already know about it oh wise god of books"-Nyx

"Hmm, nenny, no need to be petty and pouty. I'm just happy to see you is all, and I bring you happy information."Minerva

"Then present it please"-Nyx

Minerva, whose hand went behind her back, then she showed Nyx the blade that was made, though, of course, it was a copy.

The blade was twirled between Minervas claws as she whistled at her shocked onlooker who recognised the item.

"Is this true? Have they really forged a blade from metal already so soon how!?"-Nyx

Minerva smiled as she grabbed the handle of the blade and threw it at Nyx, who, of course, caught the blade.

Nyx inspected the weapon, and all though it was of its time as in the stone age where everything was at the basics and beginning.

He soon rose from his throne and walked towards Minerva.

"Answer me, Minerva, how can they have made this it is too soon even for the rixis, and the time they are in"-Nyx

Minerva was very tranquil and regal in front of Jack,Nancy, and the other gods as she fit the mould off the all-knowing god of knowledge.

But for whatever reason, in front of Nyx, she became much more playful and cunning as she strode around her taller friend.

"Well, nenny, you underestimate the amount of intelligence and wisdom that Nancy's skills managed to cram into those small blue heads of her race"-Minerva

"Even with their help, it still should have taken much longer than this"-Nyx

"Well, I have blessings to you know I don't just sit around knowing everything and keeping it logged and safe from decay"-Minerva

"This was your doing..why would it do better in some jungle or water tribe than a desert, or even the front line?"-Nyx

"Maybe, but the jackrixis need to be shown their is more in the ground to be used and allow for more research.And discovery to emerge that will also highlight the blues abilities"-Minerva

"Well, I can't deny this will be a big boost to the warriors' abilities to kill the hounds, and maybe the chance to create heirloom for faimly and clans"-Nyx

Minerva slowly walked away from Nyx as she waved to him and a portal open infant of her as she spoke to him.

"Well, no need to thank me dear, enjoy the gift i'll see you later"-Minerva

She left before he could reply as he flicked the small sword that was like a knife in his hand up in the air before it crumbled to dust.

"I'm the god of war, and yet it seems like I'm the one who gets annoyed by the others the most"-Nyx

"Well, anyway, I'll reach out to my followers in the desert and Crimson Gaurd and start to spread the knowledge and information on this"-Nyx

Going back to the desert, it was a week after the first weapon was made, and many more were crafted and left in the failed pile.The few that were successful were gifted to the leader and strongest warriors who won them in a fight.

An important thing that Jack reminded the gods when interfering was that because the focus was on civilizations, they couldn't take away too much of the benefits from them.

This meant the information of making metal weapons wouldn't be shared for free, and they must go to the desert tribe and try to trade or pray, and do the gods bidding to get the knowledge.

This is to stop the damage towards businesses and countries as competition and differences were healthy for thriving tribes and kingdoms and businesses alike.

Now, the Sand Striders had a thriving business starting up as more tribes came to discuss the trade of materials and knowledge.

A benefit of this was the improvement of relations between tribes and also opened new lines of dialogue between the tribes.Lets not forget the new strategies that the gods spoke of aswell that those in the border tribes would now start implementing.

This meant that they were improving in both tactics and technology and would soon bring these new advantages against the hounds.

thanks for reading.

MRgold1creators' thoughts