
The Game of Escape

Two Superstar Singers Michael & Andria had a very successful life...Until Andria planned to take Michael to her old house near forest & planned to accept him as her boyfriend..... Little did they know that they were under a watch & soon kidnapped.... This story revolved around them. Will they be escaped from there or not? will they Find the real truth & real kidnappers? What secrets are there? Follow this story full of Romance,Thrills & Suspense & find out what happens?.....

Rakesh_patel · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 6 : Seems a Successful Escape

I looked at Michael, his brows were knotted together like when he was so pissed. I had seen him a couple of times when he was pissed and I knew this time, he was beyond angry.

I knew someone had got to be brave and think straight for the both of us right now, and I was glad that it was him. But I hoped that nothing bad would happen when he lost his temper. I didn't like taking risk when our life were depend on it.

"You've got one fine young lady there with you curly." the monster said, slowly walking towards us. I could clearly hear every step he made, making my teeth chatter in coldness and in fright. Two things I hated feeling right now. It made me feel weak.

Michael pulled my hand as he turned and faced the monster. I was standing behind him, his shoulders were moving up and down as he breathed heavily. I could tell he was furious.

"Don't you dare lay one finger on her." he said though gritted teeth.

"Ohh, so Mr. Curly's getting angry. I'm scared." the monster in a mask said in a mocking tone, playing with the gun in his hand. The gun rotated around his finger as he swung it by the trigger.

"Is that the only thing you're good at?" he spite back, with a smirk playing in his lips. "Coz I'm so sure if you don't have that gun in your hands, I'll destroy that mask on your face." he said, his tone was sure and full of confidence.

The beat of my heart was drumming inside my chest and the feeling that I'm gonna vomit came to me at once, making me want to puke my heart out. What is he doing? It will make things worse.

The gun stopped from swinging into the man's finger, stopped right in his palm and pointed it towards Michael's face. Made me want to grab that gun and threw it away, but no.. One wrong move could lead into something dreadful.

"I won't regret having a bullet through that pretty little face of yours, curly boy." he walked closer, the end point of the gun pressed against Michael's forehead. "Watch your mouth curly, you'll never like what I'd do to her if you continued playing tough here." he said. I could picture him smirking behind his mask, and I bet it was better seeing his mask than his face, his face was probably a bit more scary than his mask that looked somewhat smiling.

Now I remembered something, the man in mask behind the bushes.. His mask was different, it had a straight face on it like a regular mask.. without expression. Michael was right when he said there are more than one monster in mask. And the thought made my knees shake.

The wind whistled as it blew, small drops of rain were beginning to moisten my skin, like a storm was about to approach. Another set of birds flew from a distance, making us all look to where they came from; to know if someone was there, watching our little conversation.

But the next scene happened so fast....

Michael pushed him hard, a gunfire as he stumbled back. Harry kicked the gun out of his hand and striked him with several punches on the face until his mask cracked, exposing the lower part of his face.

I winced in pain as I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder. But I chose to ignore it when I saw Harry picked the gun and pointed it on that monster, his hand was shaking with adrenaline and anger.

"Michael? Michael, don't. L-let's go, let's just go and call the police.. let them handle this." I tugged on his arm as his gaze still never leaves the man's bloody face. "Please."

His features softened as his furious gaze met mine, slowly nodding as he turned to walk with me. I heard the man chuckling as we walked towards the motorcycle.

"You cannot escape." he said.

I heard faint sounds of footsteps approching as the rain drops were getting bigger slowly soaking us under the sky.

"Andria, quick." Michael said as he jumped on the motorcycle, looking for something that seems to be missing. "Shit! The keys are not here."

His voice startled me as I kept staring at the path, where four silhouettes of a man came running towards us. The feeling of nervousness and fear escalated in me. "They're coming.." I muttered.

Michael grabbed my arm, dragging me along with him as he made quick steps towards the road..

Someone grabbed my ankle that made me screamed, that man lying on the ground. "You cannot get away. You'll die in here." those words came from his bloody mouth as he laughed....

Michael kicked him one last time before we ran into the road. Water splashed in each step we made on the wet road.. There was No looking back.. We were running fast.. Until we ran out of breath............