
The Game[WebNovel](Hiatus)

follow the story of a boy named ??? as he battles his amnesia to find out his past as he is trapped in the in-between dimension of life and death where his soul lies in as he tries to win he needs to beat all of his enemies and he will get 5 wishes at the end will he get them or will he fail?

yaboinethertank · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Round 1

As me and Yoto stare at the people we examine there features, and they have green hair and eyes, pale white skin looking ghostly and menacing and they're pretty tall, one has a katana, and the other one has a spear.

[Yikon and Yukon are tactical and rational thinkers, they use there weapons to catch the enemies off guard. these two people are known as, "The Silent Duo".]

"Yoto do you ha-"

As I get cut off by Yoto, I look at him and he puts his hands up, and he looks ready to fight. so I do the same, but my body feels weird it. feels like I've been here before, my eyes start to strain itself as I remember a piece of my past. and it's like I'm going through neurons in my brain, and I see a memory.

- I punch a punching bag, as it flies back and forth and then I punch it again and again and again. Each time it rips, falling down faster and faster, but I keep hitting it, and I'm analyzing every detail, and calculating before I attack again. -

But then I come back to reality and I look at Yoto. Yoto kicks Yikon, but then Yukon punches Yoto and Yoto flies back. then Yukon runs at Yoto, and pulls out his spear as he gets ready to pierce Yoto in the stomach. he thrusts at Yoto, my sight goes black and everything silent, my legs move as I reach out my hands. I yell in pain, the spear pierces my hand.

"I'll... Kill you."

I said as I clench my teeth, and my eyes glow.

"You're dead!"

I punch Yukon, but Yikon protected Yukon with his katana. and Yukon kicks me in the chest sending me back and ripping the spear out of my hand, I yell in pain and in rage I try punching Yukon, but Yikon spin kicks my chin, and Yoto catches me and he lets me go.

"I guess.... I'll get serious."

Yoto said as he stretches, his voice dark and grimy ready to kill. and he runs at Yikon and Yukon, but Yikon used his katana to try and slice Yoto in half, but Yoto smiles.

•Dragon Spiral•

All of a sudden, a dragon appears behind Yoto, and Yoto punches Yukon, setting him on fire and Yikon looks surprised, as he jumped back.

"What is that!?"

I said confused, but then the system appeared, and explained to me what Yoto used.

[What Yoto used was called a Constellation attack, Constellations are humans that were chosen by gods to be there sponsor, as I explained last message. but let me go more in depth to explain, constellations are the incarnations of gods that chose them in this case. Yoto was chosen by the lightning god Thor, but the weapons that the Constellations gain are different from the Sponsors, as the Constellations aren't the exact same as God's.]

(Brother no!)

Yikon thought to himself, as he remembers what his mother told him.

- Yikon runs at his mom, as Yukon runs at him.

"Help me mom!"

Yikon said as he cries, but Yukon started laughing but he then starts running away, when his pet geese chased him.


Yanil laughs as Yukon runs, so she goes to catch Yukon and she grabs Yukon, and she glares at the geese.


The geese sit's.

"Calm down I'll always be here for you, ok. and make sure you protect each other, ok?"

The mother smiles. -

Yikon looks angry and he cries as he runs at Yoto, but Yoto takes out a katana.

•Dragon Katana•

A katana with a dragon as the hilt appears on Yoto's katana, and he runs at Yikon, and Yikon is surprised as he drops to the floor crying with a X scar on his chest, bleeding heavily.

"I'm... Sorry... Brother..."

Yikon spits blood as he slowly bleeds out, his eyes slowly losing light as he dies.