
The Gambler’s Deceit

In the glittering world of London's elite, the Whitmore family reigns supreme - until a mysterious stranger, Victor Mallory, arrives and upends everything. The Whitmores become entangled in Victor's web of secrets and lies, With a gripping blend of high-stakes thrills, simmering romance, and suspenseful twists, Can the Whitmores survive Victor's machinations unscathed? Victor’s Motto - “The ends justify the means when it comes to fulfilling my goals.” Warning: 1. There will be no set word limit, according to need some chapters can be large and some small. 2. Read at least 4 chapters before giving review. 3. Some scenes can be really detailed so be prepared. 4. Be attach to any characters at your own risk. Disclaimer -All characters and settings are fictional, any similarity with reality is purely coincidence. PS : It's my first work, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this novel progresses forward.

Victor_Mallory · สมจริง
53 Chs

Chapter 11:Behind The Meeting

The grand doors of the Whitmore manor closed behind them, sealing off the tumultuous events of the afternoon ride. Sarah and Emily made their way through the lavishly adorned corridors, the echoes of their footsteps reverberating against the polished marble floors like the muffled cadence of a solemn procession.

The air was thick with the cloying scents of lemon oil and beeswax – the hallmark fragrances of meticulous upkeep. Sarah's gaze lingered on the portraits lining the walls, feeling the weight of a thousand scrutinizing eyes boring into her very soul. The stern visages of generations past seemed to judge her for the unbidden desires that had begun to take root, like the first tendrils of an insidious vine slithering through the cracks of her well-cultivated facade.

"Emily," she began her voice a hushed murmur that seemed to absorb the grandeur of their surroundings. "Do you ever feel... trapped by all of this?" She gestured vaguely, her slender fingers tracing invisible patterns in the air as if trying to capture the intangible essence of her unease.

Emily's brow furrowed as she considered her sister's words, her gaze following the sweep of Sarah's hand. "Trapped? By our home, our family?" A slight shake of her head sent loose tendrils of burnished copper dancing across her shoulders. "No, I can't say that I do. This has always been a place of comfort and security for me."

A rueful smile tugged at the corners of Sarah's mouth as she regarded her younger sibling, envy mingling with a profound sense of affection. "And that's precisely why I envy you, dear sister." Her tone held no trace of bitterness, only a gentle longing that seemed to emanate from the very depths of her being.

Emily's eyes widened, her lips parting in a silent 'oh' of understanding as the weight of Sarah's words settled over her like the first drops of rain after a prolonged drought. "You mean... Do you feel constrained by our way of life? By the expectations placed upon us?"

Sarah nodded, her gaze growing distant as she conjured the phantoms of her innermost desires. "I've spent so much of my life adhering to the rules, following the path laid out for me by our family, by society." Her voice took on a wistful edge, tinged with a hint of defiance that sent a shiver of trepidation down Emily's spine. "But now, I can't help but wonder if there's more to life than duty and obligation."

Empathy shone in Emily's luminous eyes, her youthful innocence lending itself to a boundless capacity for understanding. She nodded, silently urging her sister to continue, to unburden herself of the weight that had been pressing down upon her shoulders for far too long.

Sarah paused, wetting her lips with the very tip of her tongue in an unconscious gesture of wanton longing – a fleeting glimpse of the awakened passion simmering just beneath the surface. "When I was on that horse when the wind was whipping through my hair and the pounding hoofbeats thudded in time with my heart...I've never felt more alive. More unchained from the weight of my burdens."

Emily listened raptly, her breath seeming to still in her chest as she absorbed every hushed confidence like a sponge greedily soaking up the first drops of rain after a drought. When Sarah fell silent once more, she immediately pounced, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

"But what about love, Sarah?" The question hovered between them, heavy with implication. "What about marrying James and finding happiness with him? Isn't that why you accepted his proposal – so you could experience the kind of love and passion you've been missing?"

Sarah opened her mouth to respond, to give voice to the increasingly insistent whispers of doubt that had been taking root ever since that first heated clash on the beach. But the words shrivelled on her tongue before she could speak them, choked back by a lifetime's worth of ingrained decorum and unshakable duty.

Instead, she settled for a vague murmur, neither an agreement nor a denial. "I thought that I did...that it was expected of me. That the requirements of tradition would be enough." Her grip on Emily's arm tightened, allowing the familiar scent of her sister's perfume and the comforting weight of her presence to ground her against the swell of uncertainty.

"But now I'm not so sure anymore. Too much has happened – too much has changed inside me that I can't ignore or undo." A tremulous sigh escaped her lips, her shoulders sagging ever so slightly beneath the weight of her own admission. "I feel as if I've been wandering through life half-asleep, only to be jolted awake by the exhilaration of...of something more."

She faltered once more, struggling to untangle the knot of emotions that had taken root within her breast. "I don't know, Emily. I thought I had resigned myself to this path, to the duties and obligations that come with being a Whitmore." Her voice grew thick with emotion, the rawness of her vulnerability laid bare before the one person she trusted above all others. "But now, I can't shake the feeling that something is missing – some crucial piece of the puzzle that has eluded me all this time."

Emily's features softened with understanding, her unbound youth and innocence lending itself to a profound wisdom that belied her tender years.

"Whatever it is you're searching for – this missing piece you've been longing for without even realizing it – we'll find it together." A fragile smile curved her lips, illuminating her face with a tender light that seemed to chase away the shadows of doubt and uncertainty clouding Sarah's heart. "I'll be the one to show you how to embrace true freedom, to seize the happiness that's yours for the taking."

"Thank you," Sarah whispered gratefully, her voice thick with emotion that threatened to spill over at any moment. "Thank you for seeing me, for understanding me in a way that so few ever have." Yet, even as she uttered the words, a sigh of resignation escaped her lips, a silent acknowledgement that her beloved sister's boundless optimism and naive idealism could never truly comprehend the weight of her internal turmoil.

Seeking to shift the conversation, Sarah asked, "What do you think of him?" The question emerged before she could think better of voicing it aloud. "Victor, I mean."

Emily tilted her head, musing over Sarah's inquiry for several beats as they continued their unhurried pace through the grand hallways. "He's...intriguing," she replied, at last, each word chosen with deliberate care. "Unlike any other man we've met, that's for certain. And not simply because of his exceptional skill on the track and in the saddle."

Her gaze grew distant, seeing beyond the gilded halls they strode to some undisclosed horizon only she could envision. "There's something different about Victor – something I can't quite put my finger on, yet it draws me to him nonetheless. Like the thrill of a delicious secret yet to be uncovered."

She blinked rapidly, seeming to shake off the momentary reverie with a sheepish grin that caused her cheeks to flush ever so slightly. "Of course, he's one of the attractive ones as well. If I'm being perfectly honest, I feel as though I can truly be myself around him in a way polite society would never permit."

Sarah felt a flicker of unease coiling in the pit of her belly at her sister's ardent description of the charismatic newcomer. Was Emily projecting her own naive infatuation onto Victor, whitewashing over the enigmatic hints of mystery and danger that lurked behind those smouldering azure eyes? Or had she glimpsed some kernel of truth that Sarah herself had been too blinded to discern?

But her unease was swiftly dispelled as Emily declared with a guileless smile, "I can confidently declare him as my number two friend!"

Sarah arched an inquisitive brow, curiosity piqued despite her lingering reservations. "And who might be fortunate enough to claim the top spot?"

Emily's smile widened, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes. "Of course, that would be Jennifer – James' sister."

The mention of the name caused a flicker of pity to flit across Sarah's features, though it went unnoticed by her oblivious sibling.

"Jennifer doesn't quite behave as one might expect from a member of an elite family," she explained with a slight shake of her head. "She likes to live life more akin to the general public and possesses a remarkably compassionate spirit. Why, she's even formed friendships with some of the servants and takes great pleasure in simply listening to their stories. She even mentioned sometimes how she misses Sophie, her personal maid in the Shaw estate and she even joked with me about how she looks more like your younger sister than I do."

Sarah asked, "You talk regularly with her?"

Emily nodded eagerly, her enthusiasm undimmed by Sarah's more reserved appraisal. "Indeed! We've kept up a regular correspondence ever since she left for Guildford to pursue her studies. 

It's our little secret," she confided in a conspiratorial whisper, leaning in closer as if to shield them from prying eyes and ears.

"Jennifer told me that she's found someone she loves there – someone who shares her compassionate spirit and down-to-earth sensibilities." A girlish giggle escaped her lips, tinged with a hint of giddy delight. "She says he's a lot like her in that regard; comfortable mingling with people from all walks of life without letting societal prejudices cloud his judgment but also share deep similarities which do not cause her to feel insecure with him about her anomaly"

Sarah felt a pang of concern knit her brows together, unable to fully share in her sister's unabashed enthusiasm. "Are you certain this young man isn't simply using her affections as a means to ingratiate himself with the Shaw family name and all the privileges it affords?" She posed the question delicately, her tone laced with a hint of protective scepticism.

But Emily was already shaking her head, those loose copper tresses swaying with the vehement denial. "Not at all! Jennifer confessed that he doesn't even know about her connection to our prestigious family. They met quite by chance when he was still studying, and now that he's a newly-minted law graduate seeking employment going to surrounding cities, she plans to propose to him once he returns to Guildford."

Sarah's eyes widened fractionally at this unexpected revelation, her lips parting in a silent 'oh' of surprise. "She intends to propose to him? Rather than await his courtship in the traditional manner?" A hint of disapproval crept into her tone, borne of years of upholding the societal mores that had been so deeply ingrained.

Emily, however, seemed utterly unfazed by the unconventional notion. Another peal of laughter, bright and effervescent, bubbled forth from her smiling lips. "Indeed! Jennifer told me that he's even shyer than she is in such matters – a quality she finds utterly endearing. So she's resolved to take the matter into her own hands, as befits a modern woman unshackled by the outdated constraints of yesteryear."

But Emily's expression clouded over with trepidation this time. "You don't think they would truly come between Jennifer and her happiness, do you?" she asked, her voice small and tinged with sudden doubt. 

Sarah opened her mouth to offer reassurance, but the words stuck in her throat as a familiar figure emerged from a side corridor. James emerged from a side corridor, James materialized in the arched doorway, his tall, frame seeming to fill the space as he strode towards them.

Sarah felt her breath hitch, casting a sidelong glance at her sister. Emily's serene expression had vanished, replaced by a look of wide-eyed apprehension. Had she, too, wondered if their hushed conversation about Jennifer's relationship had been overheard?

Before she could give voice to her doubts, however, the sound of approaching footsteps heralded the arrival of another. Sarah turned, her gaze falling upon the imposing figure of Mr Higgins, the Whitmore family's ever-present butler.

"Pardon the intrusion," Higgins began, his deep voice slicing through the lingering tension like a well-honed blade. "I was just on my way to inform you all that luncheon has been served in the dining room."

A flicker of relief passed over Sarah's features at the diversion.

"Thank you, Higgins. We shall make our way there."

A new character is introduced and one with a major role. There is a minor foreshadowing in this chapter.

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