

I've always enjoyed all those fantastic stories but I never expected that I would become one more person of those stories NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). - WORLDS : Marvel, dc, rwby, mha, demonslayer, kenichi : The Mightiest Disciple, Hsdxd - WORD COUNT : 521.73K WORDS - Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 - ----here link to my patreon https://patreon.com/Xue_fang_1?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare OR THIS https://www.patreon.com/Xue_fang_1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble --- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
237 Chs


I just open my eyes as I look around to see the place as if a bomb had been dropped.

'What just happened.'- I thought about it looking around.

[someone just attacked your house sir]

'so there was a motherfucker that attacked.'- I thought about it so I got up to start removing some of the debris.

I started walking towards the kitchen because I remembered that's where Ariza is.

With fear I start to run.

I enter the kitchen where I can find everything destroyed so my running stops.

Richard: 'Who does that son of a bitch think he is?'- I thought about it seeing in front of me a guy who is holding Shigure by the neck while she is struggling to get free.

[a mission has been created]

[this is not a game]

(teach the invader that attacking your home and hurting your loved ones pays dearly, destroy him until when he hears the tone of your voice he wets the bed)

Invader 0/1


Faction respect ?

Faction respect ?

Less faction respect ?


Increase in overall stats.


Death of a loved one.

Enslavement of people you love.

Loss of a limb.

Contempt of ?

I just sighed and clenched my fists as I started walking towards him.

"who do you think you are to attack my house and have your fucking hands on a loved one of mine."- I said it in a serious tone.

The guy just turned to look at me and gave me a cocky grin.

He has the appearance of a cheap soap opera star with an unbuttoned t-shirt and a red wine jacket, bright blond hair and dark blue eyes with wings of fire from his back while showing a height of six feet tall, his body doesn't show much muscle and he only shows an arrogant smile.

?? : "So that wimpy brat is the reason why you won't join raiser."- He said it with mockery while pointing at me.

Shigure: "Run away."- She said it with tears while showing something I've never seen her afraid of.

"Shigure."- I said it seeing her state my body just started to tremble because of the anger I started to feel.

[sir control yourself you may lose control of your quirk or your ability.]

I just started to take deep breaths to relax.

Richard: "You know you are a very lucky guy."- I said it in a calm tone.

'see his condition.'- I thought it serious.

Name: raiser phenex

Title: arrogant devil, phenex clan member, rapist, society scum, blood pride, race buffoon, pervert.

Level: 50

Threat Level: -D

Quirk: none

Ability: Fire control, air control, demonic power.

Passive Ability: accelerated mana regeneration, fire resistance, pain resistance, longevity, air resistance, flying, charm, aura of terror, phoenix tears, survival instinct, king control, insatiable.

How he sees you: he just sees that you're a piece of shit who's meddling in what he wants and doesn't mind destroying and killing you to break shigure.


"I've always been a peace lover and even though I love violence I always look for the alternative to get to a point, but you."- I said this as my body began to release a lot of steam.

"You are the first person I am not excited to fight, it just makes me angry to have you in front of me since you are touching one of the people I am willing to murder any being if you touch her."

He just watched as the 5'6" guy disappeared and a version of a dark-skinned man with bristly hair that reached down his back and large, noticeable horns and a height of 6'4" appeared in front of him.

"I've always looked for someone stronger to measure my abilities, but right now I'm going to use it to crush you."- I said it to disappear in a blur of speed all he could see was my fist impacting his face to rip his head off in one motion as I grab shigure to cut her hand off with a swift motion of my hand to kick hard through the air to change my direction to get back to where I am as she stays in my arms.

Shigure: "Quickly."- She said it with wide eyes.

Richard: "yes shigure this strength I got it to protect you and the others."- I said it in a soft tone as I hold her tighter to my chest.

I saw the body I cut off his arm and head began to regenerate as I just felt his hand clutch my chest.

Raiser: "That's all you have, you can't beat Raiser with that."- He said it with mockery to generate multiple magic circles to throw many fireballs at me just clenched my fist to throw it into the air to throw hard, but with a lot of speed to dispel the fireballs.

I caught it to bring it down.

Richard: "Shigure, check on mom's condition and see if there is anyone else, because when I arrived I was alone with the rabbit and there was no one else."- I said it calmly.

Shigure: "mitsuri go with the others to buy clothes, John go to a job, chamuel don't know...."

Richard: "look for the others shigure."- I said it seriously.

She understood to run away.

Riser just threw himself at her.

I stretched out my muscles to shoot out at him.

Richard: "onigami style: world breaking fist (Wārudoburēkāfisuto)."

At that moment my fist hit his chest causing it to explode into pieces leaving only the bottom part to regenerate quickly so he could get his hands on my head.

Raiser: "haaaaaaaaaa."

From a scream of rage he throws from his hands a flame of fire in my face I just kicked his head to free my head.

I just touch my face which has some slight burns on it.

Richard: 'I should be thankful that my resistance to the increased heat didn't hurt me too much.'- I thought as I touched some first degree burns.

Raiser: "Damn human, how dare you mock Raiser."- He said it with fury.

I looked to the side where Shigure put the doe safe to go back to look for Ariza.

With that he didn't notice and focused on me to engage our fight, he attacked from a distance when he noticed that he had no chance in the physical fight.

Richard: 'I have to keep my effort to a minimum I can't waste the Ps this will be a fight of attrition and he must have large amounts of mana.'- I thought seriously avoiding the fireballs and a wind attack that only boosted the fireballs.

Shigure charges an Ariza who is bleeding from the head which shows that she is unconscious.

I only see that she is exhausted so she slips and falls that caught the attention of raiser who saw my concern to laugh.

Raiser: "I see."- He said it to generate a magic circle underneath her so that they would disappear.

Raiser: "See you, you weak piece of shit. He said it to build a magic circle on his feet."

Richard: "onigami style: divine step (Kami no suteppu)."

At that moment I reached in front of him to put my hand on his face to make us disappear.

I threw him away to see that I'm in hell in a mansion.

Richard: "Where are they?"- I said in annoyance.

Raiser: "You are no longer in your human world, you are on my land."- He said this to throw a fireball at me.

That I just hit it making it disappear.

Richard: 'He doesn't have any physical strength, everything he is strong is because of his magic and regeneration.'- I thought as I walked towards him.

Raiser didn't take off that smug smile.

At that moment I felt my survival instinct go wild as I just circled on the ground avoiding an attack from a sword and a spear.

I see two maids who are armed and showing great skill in one move I throw a kick to send one of them flying and then catch the spear and break the spear on the head of the other one.

Just keep walking.

Richard: "Where is my mother and shigure."- I said it as my tone got deeper.

I only felt other presences approaching me so that I growled in rage so that from my back other arms came out to catch the maids to throw against the ground.

?? : "Brother, are you alright?"- Said a female voice that sounds about my age.

Richard: "who's this blonde shit.?"

Raiser: "You really think you're going to win."- He said it with mockery to launch more powerful fire attack.

I only disappeared to appear in front of him only to have my hand stopped by a more adult version of that son of a bitch.

I didn't know when but I only saw that he was flying out the window to crash into the trees and I felt like my bones were broken and my hand suffered a second degree burn.

I stood up with some difficulty to see him, raiser shows a smug smile while his other version shows a serious look and a little girl about my age is behind them.

Richard: "Get out of my way, my problem is not with you?"- I said it seriously as I walk.

In pain.

Richard: "onigami style: paradise (Paradaisu)."

At that moment my wounds started to heal and heal slowly.

The devil noticed that I was recovering so he moved quickly to attack me.

Richard: "Wait."

He steps a few feet closer as he clenches his fist.

'Now.'- I thought as I saw his fist in front of my face I impacted my fist into his stomach with all my strength which lifted him up in the air a few inches, but he didn't show any change in his look.

Richard: "If this didn't hurt, this will."- I said it with fury.

Richard: "onigami style: world breaker (Wārudoburēkā)."

At that moment he only opened his eyes when I thrust my ki into my fist which impacted on his face.

He flew into the mansion where he crashed to stop his flight.

I breathed a little heavily from the Ps consumption.

Out of the smoke trail comes the guy who touches his cheek which is not healing and his nose is bleeding while showing a little blood coming out of his forehead.

?? : "What?"- He said it in surprise.

Richard: "You are not immortal."- I said it with a serious tone.

That caused the guy to flinch as did the other two nearby.

Raiser: "You think you'll win, we're stronger than you human."- He said it with fury.

I got ready to fight to see the three devils ready to fight.

'helpi what are the chances of my winning.'- I thought seriously.

[your chances of winning without any wounds is 10% of losing a limb, but winning is 20% the rest is getting killed sir]

Richard: 'don't worry having 30% is a wonder.'- I thought about it while showing a smile.

Before we move to attack we hear an explosion coming from the mansion.

I see Shigure carrying Ariza who is running away from some fetish dressed girls but the main attacker is a purple haired woman with a very sexy body with D cup breasts and hips with a height of one meter 78 centimeters while in her hand she wields a wand.

Shigure shows signs of having many wounds such as burns while wielding a European sword.

I felt a sense of worry come over me to see her in such a state.

Raiser: "yubelluna catch my future knight now and get rid of the nuisance at once."- He said it in annoyance.

The guy saw shigure to lose his fighting stance and see the concern on my face to understand.

?? : "What were you doing?"- He said it seriously.

Raiser: "bringing my new knight when this brat got in my way."

?? "What's up big brother Ruval?"- Asked the little girl seeing that the fighting calmed down.

Ruval: "raiser you attacked a house and kidnapped a little girl."

Richard: "Shigure, hold on, I'm on my way."- I said it to ignore them to run to the aid of her who saw me with concern.

Shigure: "Don't come, it's dangerous."- She said it while throwing her sword at one of them, which she managed to stab into her leg, leaving one less.

Yubelluna: "Aim at the fainted woman."- She said it with fury so that all of them jump to attack Ariza.

Shigure starts to move.

I move towards her only to be stopped by a fireball of great heat I avoid it to see an adult version of the girl and a bigger man with a more arrogant appearance than the son of a bitch.

Richard: "Shigure run towards me."- I said worriedly while still avoiding the guy's attacks.

[your chances of survival dropped to zero sir]

Richard: 'shit.'- I thought frustrated.

I picked up a rock to throw it hard this rock he caught it with his dislocated hand.

He was just surprised.

Richard: "Don't get in the way."

?? : "You think you can come into our territory and attack my family?"

Richard: "Your damn son kidnapped my mother and my fiancée."- I said this in annoyance.

Ruval: "Raiser, you went to the human world just to attack these people."

Raiser: "I really..."

He didn't finish when an explosion was heard so that my eyes widened in horror as I saw how shigure protected Ariza with her body causing her to be pierced in the chest.

"No, no, no."- I said it as I start to run towards her my body returns to its weak state to get in front of her.

Richard: "shigure hold on I can look for a hospital."- I said it while my look showed a lot of fear.

Shigure: "I was happy."- She said it while touching my cheek staining it with her blood.

Richard: "Hold on Shigure there have been a lot of technological advances I will try to recreate the artificial organs faster just hold on more."- I said looking at her with desperation.

Shigure: "At first I hated you, I was only with you because of my commitment to follow my grandfather's orders, but every day every moment I was with you I felt warmer, I felt love, warmth, I felt protected, Richard, I love you."- She said it while I felt her pulse was losing.

Richard: "shigure don't talk just hold on I will find a way to get you here and my mother out of this place."- I said it only to feel all her pulse disappear.

I could only see her lifeless body in my arms.

Her dull breathless gaze.

Richard: "I lost something I love again."- I said it while stroking one of her locks of hair.

[Sir, control yourself, it's very dangerous, your mental state is very fragile.]

Richard: "I was taken away from a being that I love."- I said it as my gaze faded.


Richard: "they took one of my precious ones from me tell me why."- I said it as I turn to look at the son of a bitch who took a person I love from me.

Raiser: "she should belong to raiser now get out of my way I'm going to reclaim what belongs to me."- He said it in an arrogant tone.

"you went to my house you hurt my mother, you just killed the ones I love the most and destroyed and kidnapped them in this damn place because you think they belong to you."- I said as I start walking towards him.

Ruval: "raiser what the hell is wrong with you it is forbidden to do that."

Raiser: "raiser will do what he wants after all they are just trash they should know their place."- He said it with fury.

Richard: "I really didn't mean to kill you I just thought I would give you a scare so you would understand to stay away, but you just took something from me and it's completely my fault because I should have ripped your head off and crushed your soul when you destroyed my house."- I said this while ignoring the women who are preparing to attack me.

Richard: "I won't make that mistake again I thought most of the devils would be like serafall but...."

Ruval: "Wait, you know the Devil king Leviathan."- He said it in surprise.

Richard: "I was wrong, your race is an enemy to all mankind."

Raiser: "You won't win, it's your fi..."

I just appeared in front of him so that my fist sank into his chest so that only a sonic boom could be heard so that where Raiser was before, he could only see me in front of him while showing a very heavy aura.

Richard: "There is no more time to play with rubbish, I will not repeat this mistake with your race."- I said

Ruval just swallowed as he saw my demeanor change completely.

Until here.


NOTE : I'm not dropping this work yet....


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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