

When the call came serafall just stood up seriously to start preparing a magic circle to teleport.

Sona: "onee-sama what's wrong."

Serafall: "nothing so-so I have things to do."- She said it with a cheerful smile on her face.

Serafall at that moment teleported into a room where all the maou were waiting with a serious look on their faces as they were all summoned by an older demon and this is lord bael one of the devils who was in the war against the biblical god.

The guy has white hair with a thick beard and a relaxed look with white skin and a face with thick features that shows maturity and white eyes that have a red sclera which is the most striking thing about him, he is about one meter 94 centimetres tall with a small smile.

Zekram: "I see you take a long time to arrive Lord Leviathan."- He said it in a calm tone.

Serafall just sat there waiting for the lecture to begin.

Zekram: "I am here not to speak as one of the heads of one of the remaining 34 clans, I come as a veteran of the old wars to speak to you."- He said it seriously.

Zekram: "serafall sitri what are you doing spending your time with a human child and why are you allowing him to do that."

Serafall: "It is an important matter."

Zekram: "You can't fool me with those stupid words it may be the maou but I can ask you to kill him for being a danger to the integrity of a maou and you can't refuse because serafall will lose the title immediately if you refuse."- He said seriously.

Serafall: "I'm seeing if I can make Richard become my queen."

Zekram: "You want to make a child your queen of a thousand chances you want a stupid brat to be the right hand of one of the maou."- He said it with fury.

Serafall: "Yes."

The room fell silent.

Sirzechs: "Chief of the Bael clan cannot interfere in anyone's choice of nobility."

Zekram: "You are public figures and she is the image of the devils if she has a child as queen it will be a stupid joke to the other factions so I can meddle."

Sirzechs could only sigh as he had a point, the image of the devils to the other factions is something that must be maintained so that they don't have unnecessary confrontations.

Sirzechs: "Your request will be heard, but he is an onigami so it is also something important to stress lord bael."- He said it seriously.

Zekram: "What's so special about him having one thousandth of the blood of those stupid beasts."

While they are still arguing about me, Ajuka gets a message that makes him excited.

Ajuka: "The boy is amazing."- He said it with a smile on his face.

Everyone turned to look at him.

Zekram: "Lord beelzebub could you tell us why you're excited."

Ajuka: "The child you are interested in is like a chimera or something more incredible it is like he is the ancestor of all races well a percentage of his DNA shows signs of all races so it is possible if he becomes a demon he will have an immunity against holy magic."- He said this while continuing to read.

Ajuka: "That's strange."

Serafall: "What's wrong with Richard."- she ask in fear.

Ajuka: "His genetic code is being replaced by the ancestor."

Serafall: "Richard's quirk."

That's what made them see her.

Zekram: *What do you mean by quirk."

Serafall: "Richard besides being a percentage yokai has a quirk that is very powerful."

Ajuka: "What does the boy's quirk play into with the DNA sample you gave me."

Serafall: *His quirk is adaptation which gives him the ability to adapt his body to constant strengthening so his genetic code is seeking to break free from human limitations to become stronger."

Zekram: "are those the abilities that the current humans of this planet have."

Sirzechs: "Yes, Lord Bael, as you can see, the possible piece of Serafall is showing great ability with the constant study we have, plus he is the son of one of the most brilliant minds among humans."

Serafall: "And Richard is very clever. He created a miniature energy reactor that could power a city for an entire year."

Ajuka: "Yes, I've heard that John Stars has the future in his possession and he didn't show it because he doesn't own it, so I think he's amazing."

Serafall: "Richard has super intelligence, although he has the problem that he uses nitroglycerine or he blow things up, he's usually very good at inventing things, but once a week he ends up blowing up the test workshop and ends up getting bandaged up with chemical burns."- she said this to pull out her phone to show Richard with bandages on his chest and covering his eye.

Ajuka: "That's what he looks like, I thought he would be smaller, but he's already taller than you."

Zekram: "Cut the crap, this is a serious matter, the devils of the other houses are doubting the boy and even if you show interest in him it won't change how the devils see him."

Sirzechs: "I'm sorry lord bael but we can't end up losing a possible source that can help us connect with the people with quirk since many devils have tried and their success rate is very low or non-existent because of some devils that are killed he could end up being the key to enter the world of people with super powers."

Zekram just sighed and reluctantly accepted the comment.

Zekram: "Well I will accept that but none of you can intervene if he is attacked by super natural beings because he is not of our faction and if the other factions discover the interest they have in the boy I don't think the boy or his loved ones will survive another day."

Serafall: "Well he has amarok."- She mutter it.

Zekram: "Another thing we need to talk about is the compromises that will generate for the young devils, the only one with a compromise is rias gremory, the council will be looking for more devils of pure lineage to compromise to keep the blood so it will be good for them to think about how they will be able to have more freedom."- He said this to begin to walk away.

Serafall just relaxed as he walked out.

Sirzechs: "well what do you have on Richard's information besides he has a very particular quirk."

Serafall: "well he has a strange way of attracting strong people around him for example on his birthday he was talking to the granddaughter of the strongest man in the world."

Ajuka: "And how powerful it would be."

Serafall: "Richard has him in an A category so he is very strong maybe at my level."

Ajuka: "I still don't understand how that kid can categorize people into levels just by being around them."

Serafall: "He said it's more instinct because he's guided by instinct so it's very easy to know who he has a chance against and who he has a chance against and it's a losing fight altogether."

Ajuka was starting to write down all the information that serafall gives.

Ajuka: "when you bring the boy it would be good to see him in person to get a better understanding in person."

Serafall: "When he accepts to be my queen."

Sirzechs: "he is a child serafall I don't think he likes the idea of seeing all his loved ones die."

Serafall: "I already proposed to him that he could turn the others into devil as well doll doesn't need it she's a machine it would just be some maintenance that he already does."

Grayfia: "If I can intervene, why don't you have him live with children of his age from our race, for example Sona, rias, among other children who can accept him."

Serafall: "Well yesterday was the idea before he was kidnapped and used for fighting."

Grayfia: "who would use a child for such an abomination."

Serafall: "Aliens"- She said it with a smile.

Sirzechs: "you know we accepted the alien idea but I don't understand why they wanted him."

Serafall: "I wondered too but a gentleman in black gave me this video we can watch it."- she said it with emotion.

Ajuka saw the disc only to summon a screen to place the disc on.

Ajuka: "Very primitive technology for a so-called alien race."

A video began to play showing children of different appearances to see a man sitting on his throne.

Smith: "well we see the human specimen with the greatest potential to fight not only to prove that he is a good enough adept to be the next emperor of this galaxy and seven others."- He said this to show with an axe that he carries to fight other robots.

Gid is sitting there watching the fight with a little smile on his face while his wife is watching the fight.

Just watching as Richard smash the machines to move on to the second round where He go up against stronger machines where he show more strength and fighting ability.

Then he get to his last fight where he bring out his full potential and you can see how he end up with my body destroyed and recovering with a ki technique.

Gid approaches the camera as everyone is leaving.

Gid: "Little boy you are a diamond in the rough and I was thinking of destroying your planet when they made the offence of shooting down one of my ships I hope you treat one of my daughters well because no matter what you will be part of this family."

Sephie: "Honey do you think it's a good idea to threaten him that he has to marry one of our girls."

Gid: "come on it's the only way people of my kind understand the boy is a young version of me only he's a genius the rest with the desire to fight beings like me so I know how to deal with kids like him."

Sephie: *Honey, keep quiet, that's why I'm in charge of diplomatic relations and you're in charge of destroying and conquering planets."- She said it seriously.

Gid: "That's fine, but you're taking the fun out of it."

Sephie: "Richard agustus Parker I hope you will accept with great enthusiasm that you are titled in the top ranks to possibly be the new ruler of this and the other seven so enjoy your great victory in defeating one of the best war creations we have and look forward to the gift we will send you which is two tons of the rarest metal in your sector gumdaniun."

Sephie: "See you and thank you for protecting my child."

Without further ado the video cuts off.

Ajuka: "the boy has a large amount of that metal and he is being promoted as the next king of the galaxy that can be considered a great excuse for us to have a good deal with him because if he dies they will possibly destroy this planet."

They were all deep in thought about what they had just seen.

Serafall: *Now I just have to convince him to become my queen and there will be no problems."- she said it smiling to put the disc away to teleport it to the workshop.

Without anything else you could hear Serafall's stomach growl so that she was embarrassed.

Sirzechs: "You look hungry if you want you can come with us to eat."

Serafall: "Richard have prepared me some food."- she said this to show a toper full of meatloaf.

She just opened it so they could smell the aroma.

Grayfia walked over to see the food Richard prepared to try some without Serafall's permission which upset her.

Grayfia: "He made it."- She said impressed.

Serafall: "Yes rich-tan is a very good cook."- She said proudly.

Sirzechs took a bite to taste it.

Serafall: *hey this is mine."- She said annoyed.

Without further ado serafall grabbed her toper to start running out of the meeting room to teleport to her office to eat alone.

Sona: "onee-sama are you alright."

Serafall: *yeah so-so I just got called away for some things."

The two girls saw that she was eating something.

Rias: "serafall-sama what are you eating."

Serafall: "this is food that my rich-tan made."

She showed the toper with food.

Sona: "It looks weird, it's brown and kind of strange."- She said it with distaste.

Serafall: "try it so-so you'll like it, it tastes good."- She said handing her a spoon to look at it without much appetite to taste and savour it.

Sona: "onee-sama who made it.?"

Serafall: "rich-tan made it do you want to see him."

Sona nodded rias grabbed a mouthful curious for her eyes to sparkle with excitement.

Rias: "I want to meet him."- She said it, jumping up and down with excitement.

Serafall just made a portal so you could see where Richard was.

With Richard

At this moment I can be seen running one last lap around the track.

PE teacher: "good boy you managed to keep your speed and show more endurance now you have to go faster and do more laps than the previous three you will add at least three more."

Honey: "Teacher, isn't that a bit extreme?"

"no the boy and his look says so."

Honey: "I know he has super powers, but it's too extreme as far as I'm concerned, even Zelda gets to rest, but not Richard."

PE teacher: "little girl before I ended up like this I was a boxing coach I always generate champions because I push them to their limits and the kid didn't come close to his limit."

I just breathed relaxing my muscles to move my feet smoothly.

Richard: "onigami style: divine step (Kami no suteppu)."

From one moment to the next there were only several versions of me, standing around the dance floor astonishing everyone.

Honey: "are they his clones."

PE teacher: "Residual image, I would never in my life see that."

I stopped abruptly as I was completely exhausted and gasped for breath to see him and smiled.

Zelda: 'how is it possible he has so much ability my parents mentioned that they could see people's abilities that's why they adopted me, but he shows himself to be so superior.'- She thought about it frustrated with all the effort she has put in so she could surpass Richard.

Honey: "teacher why is he showing all of his abilities."

PE teacher: "the kid is hero material I've seen him save people and he doesn't care about exposing his abilities as he always believes in himself."

Gogo: "Wow I never expected to see the teacher so serious."

PE teacher: "Tomogo, you should run to strengthen your legs for the junior cycling race."

She looked at me to just drop down.

I just jumped off to prevent her from getting hurt.

Gogo: "You are a very confident person."

Richard: "You gain too much confidence with people."- I mention it while I am on her back.

Physics teacher: "Alright Richard this video is going to go some hero agency to start opening up here so show your skills so we have some internships in this city that really has a lot of crime going on."

I just nodded.

Director: "I really don't know how you convinced me to use Richard as an advertising medium to attract more people with quirk."- He said it by looking at the window.

John: "That's simple, you want to fulfill your dream, not a world where the only thing that differentiates us is our ideals."

Director: "Yes I want to see this fractured world be built and create a wonder and the boy will achieve it I don't know but I feel it."

John: "Well he is the first person with a quirk that has mana in his body and he has a slight yokai trait so he is a unique being he will be the one that brings all people together and he will always be a dreamer because of the way he always behaves."

I only saw some weights that were placed for me to prepare myself.

I just lifted it up with one hand making everyone look surprised and I changed my hand.

Director: "That would be a wonderful thing to see wouldn't it my best apprentice."

John: "you're not wrong here mephisto."- He said it smiling.

Mephisto: "Putting my hopes in a hybrid is something I never expected, but who am I to judge, they are a devil who loves to teach humans."

John: "Yes, I never expected a demon to aid in the knowledge of magic."

Mephisto: "I've always been a curious devil and humanity is the one thing that has always intrigued me. First it was Merlin who could completely copy all the magics of the 72 pillars and write them down in his book, something that no one can touch or destroy."

John: "Yeah too bad it would be useless to the boy if he was my son of blood."

Mephisto: "Don't mock me, descendant of merlin."

John: "Well I'll see you later, I have to go with Ariza, she wants to do the shopping for Richard to make lasagna."

Without further ado John just snapped his fingers to disappear.

Mephisto: "See you, brat."

He settled into his desk quietly enjoying the softness of his chair.

So far.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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