
The Future of Kimmy Brown

Ellie Kona is a normal college student. She finds a notebook on the floor one day, next to a trash can. She opens it to see who it belongs to. She sees the words, Kimmy Brown will die from a murderer in 7 days. She finds Kimmy Brown at a cafe, and becomes friends with her. 7 days later, Kimmy is dead. The notebook rules then states that she would have to save them before they died...

Kist · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The death.

2 days later, Ellie planned to meet with Kimmy today after school. Ellie looked at the red notebook on the floor, and picked it up.

"Hmmm... maybe I can use this, if I just tear out the weird stuff..." Ellie thought.

Ellie went to tear out the used pages, when she felt as if a shock ran though her hand.

"Ow!" Ellie shouted as she dropped the book.

"What the? What was that!?" Ellie thought as she cradled her wounded hand.

Ellie slowly opened the notebook with a spatula, and nothing happened. Cautiously, she opened the book with her other hand. Nothing happened.

"What?" Ellie was so confused. She thought it was her imagination, but her wounded hand said otherwise.

"Did the owner put something in this book?" Ellie pondered.

Ellie sighed, dropped the book and got ready to school. Unknown to her, while she was trying to rip out the last page. The page in front changed to [Kimmy Brown will die by a murderer in 5 days.]

-------time skip

After school, Ellie went back to cafe where she met Kimmy. They talked about an assortment of things and got as close as best friends,then said goodbye for the day.

5 days later, Ellie was browsing on her phone in her dorm.

*Knock knock* (The door)

"Who is it?" Shouted Ellie from her bed, thinking it was one of her friends.

"It's the police, we would like to ask you a few questions regarding Kimmy Brown."

Huh? Was she a criminal of something?! Ellie jumped out of the bed, put some shorts on, then answered the door. There, a few police officers were there.

"Is Kimmy a criminal or something?" Ellie anxiously asked.

"No, we're here because Kimmy died today but a masked individual." Answered the police officer in front.

"D-Died?" Ellie thought. "How?"

She remembered the book, She ran inside to get it surprising the officers. She picked it up and showed the police officers the book.

"Look! It said that Kimmy Brown will die in 7 days! I got this 7 days ago! Maybe the person was the owner of this book!" Ellie said.

The police officers were confused. One made a secret "Crazy" sign to another officer.

"Sigh ma'am, this is not the time for playing jokes." Said the leading police officer.

"Huh?? W-What do you mean?" Ellie opened her book and saw the words [Kimmy Brown] (failed). {Resting period: 2 days.}.

"You know what we mean, you don't show a blank page to police officers looking for a murderer." The police officer annoyed, said.

"What? Don't you see the words?" Ellie was scared.

"Sigh we'll come back in 5 days to check again. Well then, good evening ma'am," The police officers left leaving a dazed Ellie behind.

"How....how did it change!" Ellie looked at the notebook, she wiped her eyes then looked again. Nothing happened.

"Kimmy is dead...and i'm hallucinating?" Ellie dropped the book, then slept on the bed. Hoping to wake up and see it was a dream.


Uh author's thought not working... Also might be a few mistakes.... and yeah i'm sleeping.