
The Future of Kimmy Brown

Ellie Kona is a normal college student. She finds a notebook on the floor one day, next to a trash can. She opens it to see who it belongs to. She sees the words, Kimmy Brown will die from a murderer in 7 days. She finds Kimmy Brown at a cafe, and becomes friends with her. 7 days later, Kimmy is dead. The notebook rules then states that she would have to save them before they died...

Kist · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The beginning of a nightmare

Ellie was walking to the dorms after school, she was thinking whether to cook food or order food. She lazily sat on a bench to read some novels and rest. After 30 minutes in, she realized she needed to get home soon or else it was going to rain. (The clouds were dark.)

She got up, cleaned herself a bit and headed back towards the dorm. She took some junk paper, and went to throw it in the trash can. As she threw away the paper, she saw a red notebook right behind the trash can.

Confused, she picked it up and opened it.

"Bound to Ellie Kona." a gender neutral voice sounded.

"Huh?" Ellie thought. Thinking someone was there, she called out.

"Hello?" Ellie asked the dark park.

No answer. Ellie thought it must have been her imagination, so she looked into the notebook again.

[Kimmy Brown will die by a murderer in 7 days.]

"That's hella creepy." Ellie thought. "Must be some guy who hates this Kimmy Brown person. Maybe a victim of a bully?"

Ellie flipped through the book, at the last page she found some words.

[People in this book are bound by fate to die. We have challenged fate and have created this notebook. You have 5 chances to fail. Once they're done, you die. Fate has saw us and sent people to get rid of the notebook users. Beware, they can see the people who have been found by the notebook. To survive, kill them.]

"Man some dark otaku had some weird ideas..." Ellie thought. "But props to them, that sounded really creepy."

Ellie shrugged to herself, and continued back to her dorm. If she had known what the notebook would do, she would have burned the book the second she saw it.....

Ellie ordered some Chinese food and waited for the order to come. When it came, she happily munched and did her homework.

The next day, she went to class and talked to her friends.

"Yo, did you know what I found yesterday?" Ellie asked her friends.

"What is it?" Connie, one of Ellie's friends asked.

"I found this notebook that said Kimmy something will die in 3 days. And that there's some type of fate that sent out people to hunt down the 'note book users'." Ellie exaggerated her voice as she said that.

"Man, the person who wrote that must have been watching too much anime!" Laughed her other friend Yvonne.

"I know right? Who writes stuff like this..." Ellie talked about it one last time, then continued on to other subjects.

After school, she had a craving for shoyu ramen. She looked up a Japanese restaurant and followed the GPS instructions. As she was walking, she saw a girl wearing a gray hat. She had an over sized gray hoodie and gray sweat pants.

Normally, Ellie wouldn't pay attention to her. But today she felt an attraction towards the girl,(Not in a romantic way).

The girl also felt Ellie's presence and motioned her to come over. She was sitting near a cafe, so Ellie sat across her.

"Hey do I know you or something?" Ellie asked, eyes glistening with curiosity.

"Haha, that's what I want to ask you!" Laughed the girl. She had pretty black hair that made her look like the silent beauty type.

"Oh, then i'm Ellie Kona a college student,nice to meet you..." Ellie said with a question at the end.

"Ah, I'm Kimmy Brown! I'm a restaurant waitress, but i'm on an off day today."

"Ah! Hold up! Is this yours?" Ellie remembered the name from earlier, then took the notebook out of her backpack. She then opened the page to the [Kimmy Brown] part and showed it to her.

"Ah, that's not mine, but that's kinda creepy how it says that i'll die." Kimmy said, a bit freaked out.

"Hmmm... do you have any people who don't like you or anything?" Asked Ellie.

"Well, not really." Kimmy replied while thinking to herself.

After this, the girls chatted for a few more hours and became friends. They exchanged numbers and left.

"Man, that was a fun day..." Ellie thought.


Author's thought is not working, but anyways i'm writing this on a whim. Once the whim's over, slower updates yada yada. Also there might be a few mistakes in the book cuz I speed read the chapter.