
The Future is Dark

woke up in the dark . feeling like i had lost something. ....What was it

winter_ace · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Tomb fot Thought

I woke up because of a sound when i opened my eyes i saw nothing it was dark very dark until i started looking around my vision began clearing and i saw that i was in a room covered with cobwebs and a sea of dust.

Standing in front of me was a being smelling of brimstone and giving of lots of heat it's skin seemed to be coloured deep red and full of sharp protrusions.

But what confuses me the most to this day is that it was shaking in fear this being that would cloud my nightmares is fearful of something and i don't know about you but i felt like shiting my pants at that taught and then i realised i had no pants heck not even a pair of legs or a torso or arms

just a head covered with what seemed to be blue flames.

Seeing the being I'L call a demon from now on still not moving and stil staring at the throne o woke up on i began trying to move but i didn't know how so i first tried moving my jaw but that lead to me faling but as it tearned out this was a good thing because i learned i could float but clearly not without a cost because it put quite a lot of strain on my mind and i could only keep it up for a couple of seconds before failing to the ground and hurling my jaw a couple of meters away.

The noise i made seemed to snap the demon out of it's fear induced coma and what was funny was how quickly it started running away almost stepping on my jaw in the process it just soek it a bit farther away from me after all the excitement

like waking up in a strangeroom seeing a demon and losing my jaw i couldn't stay awake and fell asleep.

After waking up and my mind being clearer then i thought it would be i notice that my jaw is back in place and as good as new.

Geting back to wear i left of trying to float again this time it went just a bit better then before but i could only float for a few feet before i fell again thou i don't lose my jaw this time and just like beforehand i fall asleep again.

I keep doing this for what feels like days and finally i come across a doorframe that seemed to lead to a haal full of skeletons some standing upright some lying on the ground and others that had seen beter days.

After the days of float training i could keep it up for what seemed to be a long time so i could float without problem. I began floating to the nearest skeleton out of curiosity but this seemed to be a bad idea because it's eyes began to glo an ominous red and it started swinging at me with the sword it had in its hands it missed most of the stricks but one managed to hit me and sends me right back from whence i came full of cracks and in a lot of pain so much that i fall asleep again but this one differs from the others because i dream of spells,demons and a figure covered in pitch black flames as the dream ends and everything turns black i begin to wake up with a lot of questions about memories that shouldn't exist incomplete memories that make no sense memories that seem to be mine but feel foren and now because of them i know how to cast spells like Dark Flames,Blinding spark and Reinforce.

"Dark Flames" like the name is basically flames created by undead energy mixed with dark energy merged together to cause unimaginable pain to undead beings.

"Blinding spark" is just a flash bomb.

"Reinforce" is not really a spell it's just a way to use magical energy to reinforce yourself and make you more damage resistant.

And with the memories to help me i already know how to use them so i go back to get my revenge on the skeleton that treated me like a baseball

first i get the skeleton' s attention and lure it towards me then i blast it with dark flames and watch as it screams in pain before ultimately losing its spark its eyes lose their flame and go black but then i notice that i could absorb the undead energy that is contained in the skeleton and like a ravenous beast i do the first thing that changes is that the flames surrounding me become a darker shade of blue and the energy that i spent casting the spell is replenished and even growing somewhat.

After experiencing it once i couldn't stop i went after skeleton after skeleton yes i did almost die time and time again but the feeling of absorbing the undead energy was too intoxicating to stop and the feeling of getting stronger with every kill never stopped After their were no more skeletons in the tomb i could finally stop and think about what i had just done because after a couple of skeletons i began seeing their memories while i was absorbing their energy and now that i could think about all the memories thay broke my mind all the hartbroken,betrayed and broken minds of the people i absorbed left me broken and wandering the halls of my tomb the one that traps me and will keep doing so till the day a adventurous dumbass frees me untill that day i shall slowly heal my mind and mastering that which I've learned and hapilly skullking around.