
The Fuhrer ( aot )(completed)

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

Darkraven · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Chapter 6

"Wait, you want to do what?"

"Did I stutter, Rommel? I said I want to take those of the Kräfte on an elite mission to recover what could lead to scientific advances in regards to aviation."

"Yes, I heard you, but the prospect you are laying down is too serious. You want to take people into Titan infested territory and reclaim something that could very well not exist."

Eren gave a sigh at Rommel's stubbornness. He had snuck out of the training camp to meet up with Rommel and relay the plans he had for finding the aircraft that Armin had mentioned. They were currently meeting in a shack that had long been abandoned.

Naturally, they had Rommel's personal guards outside to ward off anyone that may stumble upon them. Every Noble had something akin to a personal guard. If it wasn't that it was the Military police.

"Listen, I know it sounds ridiculous, but look at our achievements so far, is the item I described so far-fetched?"

"No, in fact, I do believe that something like that could be achieved." Rommel said, "I mean, look at our engineers. They have already come up with a functioning unit that can fly with the iceburst stone. Now that we have access to the Industrial City, it's schedule will speed up more than we ever expected. No, what I am concerned for is that you are taking some men and women into Titan territory simply because a friend of yours recalled his parents made a flying beast."

Eren slammed his hand on the nearby desk in a fit of anger.

"Rommel, who am I?"

"Eren, I don-"


Eren simply said his name, but the tone of voice called for, no, demanded obedience.

"...The Führer." Rommel said after some hesitancy.

"Yes, I am. A year has almost past in my training regiment. Every year we get exactly one week to visit family and friends. It's some needed R&R for those who are training so vigorously for the top spot. I plan to use that week not lazying around, but looking for a critical piece of equipment. I except the Kräfte to be briefed and ready to go by the time I arrive at Utgard castle, do I make myself clear?"

Rommel couldn't help but gulp at the tone of voice Eren had taken.

So this was his Führer's masquerade?

It was one that spoke of hard cold truths and determination. You either follow it or be crushed by it.

"Understood." Was all Rommel had to say on the matter. Eren had made up his mind. "But do you really plan to lead the expedition yourself?"

"Yes, as this mission requires the utmost care. The plane could be in bad shape. I would rather trust myself with its movement. Also, on that note, do not tell those of the Kräfte that I am The Führer. Their… resolve may be shaken if they knew a child was leading them."

"What should I say then?"

"I trust you can handle that matter."

With that said and done, Eren left the shack of a house. As he did, the personal guard didn't even so much as glance at him. They were close aids to Rommel, so they most likely knew who the child was, even fearing him so much they dare not look in his direction.

Where they had failed to protect the young lord during the assassinations this young man succeded. Who were they to judge such a powerful person?

Eren, in returned, ignored the guards as well. He hopped on a horse that he acquired from the training grounds and began his journey back to the temporary place he called home.

"Alright maggots." Keith announced during morning roll call. "The time of the year has come where you all get a break to relax. Personally, I don't think such Titan bait should deserve any rest, but the government has allowed you all to get a one week break from training to visit family or simply goof off. As of tomorrow, you will be officially on military leave for one weak. However, you are representing the training corps, so I better not hear of anyone getting into trouble."

After Keith went on to iterate about what would happen if unwelcomed things happen, the 104th continued with their training for the day.

It just so happened to be close quarter combat.

Currently, Eren and Reiner were sparring.

He was quite an odd one, Eren had thought.

He was sure he was related to the Armor Titan, but for some reason, the man never acted the part. Even Bert seem nervous and guilt-ridden when speaking to them, although most just played that off as him being awkward.

Eren stopped his line of thought has Reiner charged him. Putting into practice a textbook move, he grabbed Reiner's outstretched arm and used the momentum against him. Flinging him on his back.

Eren gave a sigh as he thought about the exercises. He could see why it was mandatory to do them, although it didn't count to their ultimate grade. Because of this, some were goofing off, as it had no effect. However, it was still curious why no one questioned it. Deciding to pick Reiner's brain, he voiced his thoughts.

"It's because we're soldiers."

"Oh, I thought we were training to kill Titans, not men."

"Well, the Military Police go up against humans all the time. Whereas Scouts go for the Titans. Really, if you wanted to get into the Military Police, you should really pay attention to these lessons, unlike a certain someone…"

Reiner trailed off as he looked at a particular someone.

Eren followed his line of sight and noticed a small blond who was walking aimlessly around the training grounds.

"Someone like her doesn't really care for this stuff, even though she had a high chance of getting into the top 10, she doesn't seem all that caring for becoming a soldier.

"Why don't we teach her a lesson?"

Eren could only give a questioning look as Reiner started off towards the blond.

Annie was her name if Eren recalled. She was a loner and had an icy look in her eyes that made her unapproachable. Eren narrowed his gaze.

Why pick Annie of all people? If they wanted to teach people a proper lesson, it should be Connie or Shasa, seeing as they were goofing off.

Eren wondered if there was some kind of connection between them, and now that he thought about it Bertolt was always staring at Annie…

"Hey…" Reiner said to Annie as she accidentally bumped into him. "Eren here thinks you're slacking off, so he wanted to teach you a lesson."

He said all this as he gave Eren a strong pat on the back, causing him to stumble forward.

All Eren did was give a death glare to Reiner for getting him involved, although it didn't even seem to faze him. Straightening up, he extended an arm towards Annie.

"I don't believe we have formally introduced each other, I'm-"

"Eren Yeager, suicidal idiot." Annie cut him off.

"And your Annie Leonhardt, now that introductions are out of the way, shall we spar?" Eren said, unfazed by how Annie used his christen nickname.

In response to his gesture, she raised her arms in a stance that Eren found vaguely familiar to Eren.

"Fine then…" Eren charged her with the wooden knife poised to strike her.

The objective was for the good guy to take the knife from the bad guy, the bad guy, in return, would try and stab the good guy.

Eren decide to end this farce. He would start by dodging her counter and use her overextended limb to get in close. Being too far out and him to close, her guard would be wide open allowing him to "stab" her.

However, it appears Eren misread her. Instead of striking with her fist, she replied with a feint, the real attack coming from her feet in the form of a kick. Nailing him in the shin, he fell over.

"Are we done here?" She said as Eren tried to get up from the blow.

Eren now knew her fighting style. It resembles at least two forms he was aware of. Muay Thai appeared to be her opening with her own twist. Then she resorted to some form of Krav Maga that they use to teach the infidels of Eren's old world.

She appeared to incorporate many fighting styles into her own, creating an independent fighting style.

"No, you know the rules of the game, it isn't over until you take the knife from the bad guy." Reiner replied

"Yes, I would have to agree." Eren said as he got up. "I'd hate to end things with a cheap move like that."

"Cheap?" Annie seemed to take offense to that statement. "In war, you do anything to win."

Interesting, Eren thought, she seemed to have some experience of war...

The human kind of war.

"Okay then." Eren shrugged. "We'll play dirty."

As soon as he finished, he flicked the knife between his index finger and his middle finger. He then swung his arm about and flung the wooden knife. He moved so fast that Annie never saw it coming.

She likened it to a bullet as it hit her directly in the forehead.

As the knife hit her head and bounced off with a sickening crack, she crouched over, nursing her forehead in obvious pain.

"So, Annie, was that fair?" Eren said in a slight tone of mockery. "If I had wanted to, I could have done that at the start. Yes, all's fair in war, but this isn't war now is it? It's training, we play fair so we can better ourselves."

A crowd began to gather as the debacle attracted attention.

After touching her forehead and subconsciously winching at the pain, she stood to her full height once again. She walked over to the wooden knife and picked up, tossing it over to Eren who caught it.

"Alright then," She said, as if unfazed by the bruising mark on her forehead. "Let's fight fair, Yeager."

Eren gave a small calculated smile. His plan had work. He had learned both Reiner and Bertholdt's fighting style. It was a small chance, but Annie could be involved with them, so it was best to play it on the safe side and study her techniques.

She moved first. Bringing up an elbow, she tried to slash it forward, causing him to jump back.

Eren found her fighting style interesting. Not many knew, but the elbow could be considered the hardest bone in the body, not to be confused with the femur which is the strongest bone. Not many would know this and especially the people in the walls, so why did she start off with an elbow to what would have been his jawline if he didn't dodge? She certainly knew how to fight.

However, she seemed unfazed as she continued the charge. Pivoting on one foot, she brought the other one to bare in a high kick towards Eren's head. Blocking it, he noticed the force behind it to be to light. Realizing the feint to slow, he received a punch to the gut.

In order to deteriorate her, he slung his knife in an arc, causing her to back off while Eren recuperated and analyze what had just happened.

She moved in once again, this time reeling her fist back to deliver a punch. Eren, realizing what she was doing, decided to let things play out her way. He had already confirmed parts of her fighting style and there was no longer a need to continue.

Eren brought up his fist in an attempt to block the fist. The fist hit his guard, allowing him a counterattack.

However, this was what Annie was looking for. The knife that was being jabbed toward her head was slightly diverted by her hand, missing her face by mere centimeters. Grabbing his arm, she put her foot behind his and kicked his feet from underneath him.

This caused Eren to fall with Annie shortly following. Annie following him in his fall was on purpose, as Eren soon found that he was in a submissive hold. His own arm being press against his head, he was unable to bring his knife to bare. Realizing he was beaten, he brought his free arm up and tapped out.

He could have used it to punch Annie repeatedly, but that would turn the battle into one of attrition. A battle he didn't want to fight, considering he got all the information he needed.

Feeling the tap out, Annie released her hold on Eren. Getting up, she dusted the dirt off her pants and began to walk off.

"Hey." Eren said as Annie briefly stopped to hear him out. "Those are quite the moves, where did you learn them?"

"...my father." She said after a long pause.

"Really? I'd like to learn them." Eren mentioned.

She said nothing as she walked off.

So her father taught her? Interesting. Her fighting style was her own. But it mainly consisted of Muay Thai with a little bit of Krav Maga. And to end it she used Jujitsu as a base for her ground game.

How interesting.

If what Eren suspected about Titan powers were true, then it would be best to learn all about her fighting techniques.

Well, she didn't say no when he asked her to teach him, so maybe she would come around.

"Eren, are you okay?" Mikasa came up to him, looking over his person for any injuries.

Eren gave a sigh at Mikasa's overprotectiveness but still allowed her to dote on him like a mother.

"Man, that was intense." Reiner came up to him as he stared off at where Annie had walked away from. "Annie sure does know some moves. She sure is an oddball though."

"Hm." Eren couldn't help but grunt. She sure did know some moves. "Yeah, although I wouldn't necessarily call her an oddball, more of someone who is reserved. She doesn't even bother to put up a mask like some people." Eren whispered the last part so no one could hear him.

He got up, with the help of Mikasa, and looked around. It appeared that during the commotion, the instructors had rung the final bell, signaling that the days training was over and food would soon be served in the mess hall.

He murmured out a thanks to Mikasa as he began walking towards the boy's dorm.

As he got cleaned up, he was greeted by that voice that had annoyed him all year long.

"How was your whooping?" Jean came up and leaned on a bed frame, smug smile present on his face.

"Replace Annie with Mikasa and you would have probably loved to be in my place."

"W-What's that suppose to mean?!" Jean let out a stutter at Eren's taunt.

"I'm saying that you could try a little harder to conceal the ever-present notion of you wanting to bang my sister."

Jean's face lit up with a blush at Eren's mentioning.

"T-That's not true! I just find her attractive, who doesn't?! And sister? You sure don't act like brother and sister! You don't even look alive or share the same last name!"

"Why do you have to make a deal out of it? Her parents died when she was young and my parents took her in."

"So… You're not related?" Jean's voice grew a little subdued.

"No." Was Eren's hard response.

"And you guys aren't in a… relationship?"

Eren gave a sigh at Jean's notion of trying to see if Mikasa was up for "grabs".


"Why don't you just ask her yourself." He said as he flung the cloth he was using to clean his face with towards Jean.

"What's with that half-baked answer?!" Jean's fury came back as he swatted the towel mid-air and gave chase to Eren.

"They seem to be getting closer." Marco said as he watched his friend continue to yell at Eren.

"Really?" Armin spoke up as he changed shirts. "That's what you saw?"

"Well, I mean, yeah…"

"Well, I guess." Armin replied. "In some roundabout way..."

"Lay off me horse-face!" The boys could hear Eren's scream from outside the dorm.

"Or maybe not…" You could practically see the sweatdrop form on their heads.

"I'm going with you."

"Mikasa, you can't."

Eren palmed his eyes as the irritations know as Mikasa's stubbornness brought its full wrath to bare.

"Listen, I'm just visiting an old colleague that was a friend of my fathers. It would be awkward and uncomfortable for you to be there, no offense."

"Eren…" Armin spoke up. "Does it have to do with how your father went missing…"

Eren remained silent at that prospect. He had already known what had happened to his father, considering it was him who killed him. However, he chose to remain quiet on the subject of his father's demise.

"No, it doesn't have anything to do with that." Was Eren's response. "Something different, actually, and it will take the full week."

"Huh." Was all Armin could say. "Guess we'll just stay here. It'll be nice to relax."

"Now that you mention it, some recruits don't have a place to go." Eren said aloud.

"Like us?" Mikasa said.

"I suppose so." Eren looked around at all of the trainees. Some were talking about who they were going to see and what they were going to do. He noticed a few who didn't talk all that much about what they do during the short break.

"Hey, Armin." Eren turned to his friend. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Could you keep an eye on things here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, just the people who stay behind. If you could… observe their behavior, and report it by the week's end, that would be great."

"O-Okay… Is there any particular reason you want me to do this?"

"Not really, just call it being safe. Mikasa, I also have a favor for you."

Mikasa perked up at this statement.

"If it's not to much trouble, could you ask Jean and Marco who is all staying on the grounds on the boy's side and if you could find out about the girls that would be great. It would also help Armin knowing which people are going to stay."

"Yeah, I can do that." She said as she got up, determination in her eyes as she went to the two mentioned people to question.

Armin gave him a quizzing look at the request Eren had made.

"You know Jean has a thing for Mikasa. That's why you sent her over."

"Yes, while I know some of the boys who are staying, I don't know all, even more for the girls. However, Marco seems social with everyone, so he should know whose all staying. If Mikasa asked Jean, he will most likely seek help with Marco since their close friends."

"But why?"

"Armin, you once said that beyond the walls is the ocean. But let me ask this, do you know what's beyond the ocean?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Nothing." Eren gave an amused laugh. "Just me rambling about things that won't come for another few years?"

"Eren… No, nevermind. I trust you and so does Mikasa. So if you ever need help, come to us. We're friends."

"Yes, Armin." Eren gave a genuine smile. "And I'll console to you on certain matters. But for now, it is necessary to keep you in the dark, for I as well am in the dark. And only until I see the light, the clear light, I won't disclose anything."

"This… trip with an acquaintance… does it have to do with seeing the light?"

"In a way, yes." Was all Eren said.

He didn't know if Mikasa had a clue he was up to something, but Armin most certainly did. They were friends for such a long time, it would be a disgrace if Armin didn't notice something. But for now, it seems like he would trust Eren.

Soon Mikasa came back to the table they were sitting at. She relayed all the information she had gathered to Eren and Armin.

Eren couldn't help but hide his wicked smile behind his hands.

"Cadet Yeager, a word."

It was early in the morning. Eren was about to depart on a carriage that had the Rommel's signal on it but was stopped by a rough voice.

"Commander… Sorry, Instructor Shadis."

"So you do remember, who I was."

Eren took his foot off the carriage stool that he was about to climb to access the vehicle. Turning his body, he gave his full attention to the Instructor.

"It's vague, but I do have the knowledge of meeting you, even if I was still a toddler. You were just a Scout soldier at the time but grew in ranks to be the Commander. I recall you breaking down on the Scouts last expedition before Maria fell."

"You saw that? Yeah, pretty pathetic. I resigned that day."

"Yes, someone soft like you, it's understandable."

"Soft?" Keith seemed shocked. "You think I'm soft?"

"Yeah, isn't that why you tampered with my gear?" Eren turned to access the carriage once again. "Isn't why you yell and seem so hard on the cadets? So they won't succeed and become a soldier to face the Titan menace? So they don't have to witness those horrors of those beasts? In a roundabout way, you're really just soft."

Keith said nothing as Eren closed the door to the carriage, signaling the driver to take off.

He couldn't help but chuckle. The chuckle rose in volume to full blown laughter.

"Eren Yeager." His laughter died out as he took a gloomy look. "Your resolve is what you need to accomplish your goals. I pray you don't get swallowed by them."

With that said, Keith turned to leave.

"So… we're really doing this?" Theodore's green eyes moved around with concern.

They stood up top wall Rose, looking down towards the land were the Titan's were. They haven't spotted any, a testimony to show that the outer districts were doing their job in luring them in one position. They were close to Utgard castle where the Rommel facilities were mainly located, all underground. They could see the ruins of the castle that acted as their base of operation.

It used to be home to some bandits, but Rommel cleared them out a long time ago, turning the castle into a secret operation.

On the outside, it looked like ruins, but underground held all the secrets. It benefited them to have a base so close to a section of the wall, considering what they were about to do.

"Yes." Scott spoke up. "I expected you guys to do battle with those beasts sooner or later… I had hoped it would be later."

Scott said the last bit with a look of grimace. The horrors of the Titan he had wrestled flashed through his mind.

"Regardless, we are the Kräfte." Wilfred said as he watched the last batch of horses, as well as a wagon, make it's way up on the inner side of the wall. "We have been selected for this mission. We have all been briefed on what to do, so we'll carry it out with our utmost strength."

"Yeah, and besides," Titus butted it, "We've been doing nothing heart pounding. I think an experience like this will be great for strengthening ourselves."

"You would be correct." A voice echoed as the last elevator brought up three horses, one of them being tied to a wagon. Upon the wagon was the person who spoke up earlier. "If you survive this mission, you will become experience and will thus be able to complete missions others would deem impossible."

The person on the wagon removed the hood that was covering his face. It was a boy with black hair and gray eyes.

"So… you're one of The Führer informants?" Jeremiah recalled who Scott said was leading this mission. "You still just a kid, can you really go out into Titan territory?"

"Yeah, shouldn't you still be in bed junior?" Starr said with a teasing smile.

Eren just looked at Scott in reply to the taunts. "I would have expected you to have trained them more in discipline."

"Guys." Scott palmed his face with a sigh. "Could you not embarrass me so?"

"Embarrass?" Helen rose an eyebrow. "He's still a kid, why would he…"

"I am a close aide to The Führer." Eren interrupted Helen. "Although I don't look it, I am perhaps the best person who knows The Führer."

"I'm sorry for their rudeness." Wilfred spoke up. "It's just, I think they have some concerns for someone your age going up against Titans."

Eren got off the wagon as the men loaded the rest of the equipment onto the devices that would lower them into Titan territory. Two elevators were prepared. One housed ten horses, while the other had three and a wagon. All the supplies they needed would be in the wagon, as well as some extra space for the device they were meant to retrieve in the first place.

"I am experienced with the vertical maneuver gear, but am by no means a natural. That's why I have you guys here." Eren let off a confident smile. "I have seen Scott's reports and am pleased with the way you have handled the training. I trust you to defend me as well as the equipment we will be retrieving."

The seven of the Kräfte looked around hesitantly. It was Jeremiah who stepped up first.

"You say you are a close aide to The Führer? Then that means The Führer will know exactly what happens on this mission, so, with my dying breath I'll protect you."

Jeremiah than proceded to click his boots together and formed a fist over his heart. The salute they thaught you during military training. The signal that you would give your heart to humanity.

"I as well."

"Me too."


Soon the others followed suit, giving a salute to Eren and stating that they would defend him.

"Excellent." Eren gave a smirk as the seven men and women stood before him, swearing their hearts to humanity, to him.

"Sir." One of Rommel's men came up to Eren. "The elevators are ready."

"Then let's begin our descent." Eren walked up to the devices that would lower them, followed by the Kräfte.

"Here's the plan." Eren said as they began to be lowered. All seven of the Kräfte were in one elevator upon horses, while the other one was occupied by Eren and his wagon.

"We have thirteen horses in total. Five are for reserves and one is for pulling the carriage. You each will ride a horse and switch out between the five when yours gets tired. I will have two members of the Kräfte near the wagon at all times, the other five will head out and form a Scouting formation similar to the one Commander Erwin uses on expeditions, I trust you all have been already briefed on this?"

"Yes sir!" Wilfred called out from the other elevator. "Our mission is to follow your orders and look for the place where the flying beast that The Führer calls an airplane is. We are then to escort the plane as well as any equipment back to the walls."

"Exactly, now let me tell you this." Eren said as soon as Wilfred finished. "We are not here to fight the Titans. We have equipment that will do that in the future. No, we are simply conducting something similar to a search and rescue. Expect the thing we have to rescue is a metallic object that could turn the fate of the whole race behind these walls from doomed to having a chance to survive."

Looks of determination were etched upon the faces of the Kräfte as they neared the ground. No Titans were in sight.

"You have flares and were trained on how to use them. As I said, we will follow Commander Erwin's way of dealing with Titans, by completely ignoring them and choosing the fastest way to our location. Let be tell you about the terrain. As you should already know, it will be mostly flat ground with few trees. There is a city that lies between us and the location, but we will go around it to avoid the possible chance a Titan could be hiding in one of the houses or narrow corners."

The elevators were a few meters from the ground. A few gave a shaky breath as they steeled themselves for what was to come.

"Our target is a set of mountains that raise between Rose and Maria. They are surrounded with woods so we are to take the utmost caution to not get caught off guard if there is a Titan. Within these mountains is a base that holds what we desire. We only have a weeks worth of supplies, so we will have to find it within this time limit."

A meter until the elevators come into contact with the ground.

"Members of the Kräfte!" Eren suddenly shouted. "Prepare for this operation! Serve The Führer with your lives! Do not lose faith and follow my command!"

An odd sense of moral began feeling those of the Kräfte chests. Smiles began to form as they listened to their current leader scream out their orders.

The elevators touched down. The doors swung open.

"Began Operation Aviation! Do not disappoint!"

And thus the Kräfte took to the Titan Territory. Spreading out in formation that the Commander of the Scouts himself invented, they took their roles and sent one Kräfte to spearhead, two to the left and two to the right. Two more stayed by Eren's side