
The Fractured Inheritance

"The Fractured Inheritance" follows the story of Nicholai Lawrence, a young man in his early twenties, who discovers that his dad is not actually dead, but works for a ruthless group of scientists who conduct tests on humans and breed monsters. After he and his lover, Natalya, are captured and turned into monsters themselves, Nicholai teams up with other victims of his father's experiments to stop the company's brutal practices. With the war won and the cure acquired, Nicholai faces a tough decision - whether to take the serum and free himself from his beast-like form, or stay cursed in order to bring Natalya back to the path of the light, as she still remains rogue due to the betrayal of her trust by Nicholai.

Prince_Emmanuel1 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Untold Possession

"Take a seat Mr. Nicholai Lawrence", a young man in the suit said calmly.

Nicholai sat down on the chair that was provided. Taking a quick scan around the room, he could see the elegance and beauty that this room had. But that was the least of his problems. He tried to study his interviewers. Two men sat before him, with papers and files before them, they looked like they have interviewed a lot of applicants today. From the name tag that rested on their chest, Nicholai was able to know their names. The first man was Mr. Viktor. He was in a black suit, covered with little silver particles. He looked calm and reserved and kept a smiling face. The latter wasn't as welcoming as the first. His name was Mr. Yury was his name. He kept a straight face throughout

He kept a straight face, as he believed he was ready to answer whatever they threw his way.

"I believe you are Nicholai Lawrence right", Mr. Yury said with a straight face.

"Yes… I am", Nicholai answered in fear.

"Young man, tell us why you want to work for us", Mr. Viktor asked.

Nicholai didn't expect these questions, he was kinda caught off guard by them. He tried his best to think of something convincing to say but nothing came forth.

Mr. Viktor, noticing how restless Nicholai was, quickly chipped in.

"Take your time, son", Mr. Viktor said.

These calm words were all Nicholai needed, they calmed his nerves and made him feel comfortable. He didn't need to lie to get these jobs, he felt saying the truth could even be the best.

"Sir, I am an orphan. My parents died years back and it has been really hard to make ends meet. I am hardworking and will love to take up this job"], Nicholai said with all seriousness.

"We don't employ people here based on their problems", Mr. Yuri blasted, "We use qualifications, so sorry we....."

"What are your qualifications, Nicholai", Mr. Viktor quickly chipped in, really wanting to help Nicholai, as he was touched by his story.

"I am a graduate with a first-class degree in human anatomy," .", Nicholai answered.

"Wow that's lovely", some few more questions to go", Mr. Viktor said smiling.

The interview continued for like an hour, Mr. Yury just didn't like Nicholai and was just looking for faults throughout, but Mr. Viktor was always there to defend him.

Finally, they were done. Nicholai heaved a sign of relief as he left the office. It was a hectic day.

"Damn!!", he shouted. He remembered the clothes piled up in his room to wash for his aunt. He had to get home as fast as possible. He hurriedly boarded a cab back home, but it was too late.

His aunt, Larisa had noticed his absence and went to his room to yell at him, only to get there and meet no one. Out of anger she packed all his clothes and threw them out the window.

Nicholai got home to see his clothes scattered in he backyard. He grew so angry and didn't know when he went to the kitchen to confront his aunt.

"Why on earth will you throw my clothes through the window?", Nicholai blasted.

"Are you shouting at me", Larisa shouted back, "How dare you!"

She tried to slap him, but he held and hand and wanted to hit her. His eyes were bloodshot-red. His eyes became more animal-like in appearance, with his pupils started dilating and becoming more vertical. His irises also changed in color and became more intense in hue. it looked as if he was possessed. Larisa was scared to the teeth, even as Nicholai pushed her towards the sink. While tripping, she fell on some stacked plates and sustained a few injuries.

"What are you doing to my wife", a familiar voice yelled from back.

Nicholai suddenly came back to his senses. He too was confused and didn't know what just happened. His uncle has just witnessed all that had happened. The red glow in Nicholai's eyes, while he was rough handling his Aunt, was deadly. It looked as if he was possessed by something extraordinary.

What just happened to me?

Did I just stand up to my Aunt, injuring her in the process?

Am I possessed?

Nicholai was in a state of panic as he ran to his room. He couldn't explain what had just happened and why he had attacked his aunt. All he knew was that he was angry and something changed. He needed to escape from his uncle's wrath. As he locked the door behind him, he heard his uncle pounding on it, demanding that he open up.

"What the hell is going on? Why did you attack your aunt? Explain yourself!" his uncle shouted.

Nicholai felt a sense of dread as he realized that he had no way of explaining what had just happened. He knew that he had been possessed by something dark and powerful, but he couldn't say that to his uncle without sounding crazy.

As he stood there, paralyzed with fear, he felt a strange force take hold of him. Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins and he knew that the possession was happening again. He couldn't control his actions, and he could feel himself becoming more and more aggressive.

His uncle was still pounding on the door, demanding that he comes out, but the young man felt like he was trapped in a nightmare. He didn't know what was happening to him, but he knew that he had to find a way to escape the possession and get his life back on track.

He decided to take a chance and opened the door to face his uncle. As he stepped out of the room, he felt a strange power surging through him, and he knew that he was no longer in control of his own body.

The young man could feel the power of the possession growing stronger, and he knew that he was losing the battle to keep it under control. He tried to focus on his uncle's face, hoping that he could calm himself down.

His uncle looked at him with fear in his eyes and took a step back. "What the hell is wrong with you? Your eyes! They're not human," he exclaimed, before turning and running down the stairs.

The young man had always known that his uncle was a tough and stoic man, but he had never imagined that something of that nature could scare his uncle.

He couldn't help but feel like a monster, a freak that no one could understand. He had always felt different from the others, but this was a whole new level of fear and isolation. He didn't know what to do or who to turn to, and he was feeling more and more hopeless with each passing moment.

Now that something good is finally coming my way, why all these?, he asked himself.

He decided to try and find answers on his own. He started by researching the signs of possession, trying to find any clues that might explain what was happening to him. But the more he read, the more confused he became. There were so many different theories and interpretations, and he couldn't seem to find anything that made sense.

He felt like he was at a crossroads, with no clear direction to take. He was torn between giving in to the dark forces that seemed to be controlling him and fighting against them, trying to regain control of his life. He was scared, and he felt completely lost.

Days later, his uncle sent him packing. Nicholai was shocked and heartbroken as he realized that his uncle, who had taken care of him since he was a child, now saw him as a monster. He didn't understand how things had gone so wrong, but he knew that he had to find a way to make things right.

He tried to explain what had happened to him, but he wouldn't listen. His uncle was too afraid of what he might do, and they begged him to leave before he hurt them.

Nicholai felt a sense of desperation as he realized that he had no one left to turn to. He felt like he was all alone in the world, with no one to help him understand what was happening to him.

He decided to set out on a journey to find answers, determined to discover the truth about what just took hold of his body and learn how to break the possession for good. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to know whats happening to him and also do whatever it takes to regain control of himself and his life.

Sourcing for his livelihood, Nicholai did a ton of menial jobs to just get money, so that he can pay for a house he could reside in.

He remembered the words his father had once told him. His father had always said that life is about making choices and that it's never too late to make a change.

With that thought in mind, the young man made a promise to himself. He promised that he would make the most of his new life and that he would honor his family by living a life that they would be proud of.