
The Fox's Shadow

GodofDeathDragons · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs


Orochimaru looked over various notes and instruments as Kabuto worked on a barely conscious man in the background. His frantic movements clearly showed how nervous and on edge Orochimaru was for this particular procedure that Kabuto and him were attempting.

"Lord Orochimaru! The subject is degrading quickly, if we don't do something the procedure will fail." Shouted Kabuto as he grabbed a syringe and shoved it into the chest of the man on the table.

Immediately the man started shouting pain as his blood burned the veins as the whatever was in the syringe mixed into his circulatory system. Orochimaru stood up and walked into the view of the man currently on the table.

"Just hang in there a little longer, the procedure is nearly complete." Stated Orochimaru smoothly as the prisoner visibly relaxed "You are the accumulation of all my research…all my dreams and you will be awarded for your services today."

The man restrained to the table visibly relaxed for a second as the sweet words of Orochimaru drifted into his ear. Orochimaru smiled on the inside as the man relaxed, my how easy it was to bend the will of men to his cause and create absolute loyalty to him.

Suddenly the man on the table gave off a massive scream as he started to convulse and spasm in pain. Orochimaru and Kabuto immediately went about trying to stabilize the man, but it wasn't meant to be as the man's eyes burst and his body ceased to move.

"I'm sorry Lord Orochimaru, I guess we still have much work to do." Stated Kabuto sadly as Orochimaru slammed his fist into the wall while cursing.

Things over the past few years hadn't gone well at all, he had failed at retrieving the Uchiha brat and Konoha was still standing. If things weren't bad enough Jiraiya and his brat had been tracking him for the past year, mirroring him at every turn.

Now he had finally had a reprieve for the past year and he could finally start his newest project of mutating eyes to make the Sharingan. So far results had been less than satisfactory, but Orochimaru was more than determined to get his eyes and learn all ninjustsu in the world.

"Kabuto…go grab patient #002123, he will be the next to try the procedure after I make a few adjustments." Stated Orochimaru, but then suddenly his back stiffened as drew Kusanagi and turned to the wall to see an Orange Swirl mask appear.

"You have been busy Orochimaru…don't worry I haven't come here to fight. I am merely here to offer you a proposition." Stated the man as Orochimaru didn't let his guard down, but he did arch an eyebrow in confusion.

Orochimaru knew exactly who this man before him was, he had learned years ago just before leaving the Akatsuki. This man was Obito Uchiha, and perhaps the strongest ninja currently in the world. "What kind of proposition?" asked Orochimaru. Not for a second would he lower his guard to the man he had betrayed years ago, by trying to capture Itachi Uchiha.

"Don't worry Orochimaru, I am no longer upset about you attacking Itachi, now that he is dead." Stated Obito, shocking Orochimaru completely as even he hadn't been strong enough to beat him. "The ninja of the Leaf Village are much more powerful than I could've ever anticipated. We now have common goals…you and I."

Orochimaru grinned a bit at that as Obito was a very dangerous man, and when he didn't like something he made it known in his own way. Konoha and Mizu had all suffered greatly in the past from his actions as Orochimaru had learned.

"That may be true…however, I fail to see why you need me now and why any partnership between us would benefit me." Answered Orochimaru with a grin as Obito stared at him with his single Sharingan eye.

"There are many things I have that you would interest you Orochimaru. One of them just happens to be a pair of Sharingan eyes I have that will act as a normal pair of eyes with no side affects." This shocked Orochimaru greatly and a greedy grin worked it's way to his lips.

"What do you need me to do…" stated Orochimaru as Obito phased out of the wall completely.

"I am planning on starting a war…however I need more of the Bijuu before I start it. My organization has managed to capture 4 of the Bijuu so far, but 5 remain just out of my reach. When the war starts you I will need help…specifically your village and the Edo Tensei." Stated Obito as Orochimaru began to contemplate the deal.

"What else do I get for my contributions?" he asked.

"Accesses to the First's DNA and over 100 years of data on bloodlines and jutsu that Madara Uchiha was able to gather before passing. Then you will have your revenge on the leaf and you will gain power beyond your wildest dreams." Finished Obito as Orochimaru grinned savagely at the thought of destroying Konoha.

"I believe we have a deal…" stated Orochimaru knowing that this deal would only last till both parties didn't need each other anymore, but the temptation of getting the Sharingan alone was enough to forget that.

"Here you are…you know how to contact me." Stated Obito as jar containing two Sharingan eyes warped into begin before Orochimaru.

It was then that a powerful and dangerous alliance formed between some of the strongest ninja of the era. There is no telling how much damage can be caused from this.





"Orochimaru has accepted…we can begin collecting the Bijuu once more. I want you to personally go after the Sanbi, I have located it south of Mizugakure." Stated Tobi as phased up from the floor behind the proxy leader of the Akatsuki, Pein.

Pein merely turned and glanced at the man as he began to walk away with his little lapdog Konan following him. "I don't want mistakes…fail and the repercussions will be great." Stated Obito as Pein merely scoffed at him.

"Worry about yourself…I will achieve my dream." Stated Pein in a very deep voice as he left the room with Konan looking concerned.





Naruto had woken just a few minutes ago on the hospital bed alongside Hinata. Over night she had latched onto his arm and she had it in a death grip, but Naruto didn't mind. He just watched her with a small smile on his lips as she mumbled in her sleep.

"Well isn't this cute?" asked Kakashi in a relaxed voice, scaring the crap out of Naruto.

"What the hell Sensei! How the hell did you even sneak up on me?" asked Naruto as Kakashi just chuckled in amusement.

"You aren't the only one who has been training over the past few years." Answered Kakashi as he looked over Naruto. He was much taller now and looked much more matured compared to his younger self. "However, that's exactly why I'm here…the Hokage has ordered you to have a mock battle against me to see how skilled you are."

Naruto looked at him for a second with a confused expression on his face, before a big grin covered his face. "Yes! This is my chance to show you just how much I've grown!" yelled Naruto, unintentionally waking Hinata.

"What? Naruto…Naruto!" Hinata initially mumbled before realizing it was actually Naruto that she was holding. She immediately grabbed him and hugged him to her chest to his surprise and embarrassment. "I wasn't sure if last night was real or not!"

Kakashi gave a small chuckle, alerting Hinata to his presence and immediately released a purple Naruto in embarrassment. "Well I'll just leave you two kids alone." Said Kakashi with amusement clearly evident in his voice as he began to leave.

"Sensei…" Naruto's voice stopped him at the door. "Thank you…if it wasn't for you helping me at Wave I wouldn't be where I am now.

Kakashi turned to Naruto, with a small smile on his lips, but Naruto couldn't tell. " No Naruto, thank you." With that Kakashi left a confused Naruto and Hinata behind in the room.

Kakashi walked down the hallway in silence before turning to his side to see Jiraiya had joined him. "You seem to have taught him much Jiraiya, I could sense that his power has grown exponentially."

"Me? Ha, that kid has been learning from so many these past three years that I kind of feel like I was just the kids bodyguard and guide!" laughed Jiraiya with a smile on his face. "But you are right, I'm sure that if the two of us fought now it would end in a either a draw or a loss for myself. The kid not only has access to his chakra, but he has full access to the Kyubi's chakra, the Void, and Sage Chakra!"

"In a battle of endurance it seems that nothing can stand up to him." Stated Kakashi in awe at how powerful Naruto just was. "It seems that you can expect anything from him like his Rinnegan, his Shadows, and now the Kyubi."

"Yeah, I can tell you this we fought all out once during the training trip and it was just before going to Kumo to learn how to control the Kyubi's chakra." Started Jiraiya.

"Kumo?" asked Kakashi, interrupting Jiraiya.

"Yes Kumo, now don't interrupt!" scolded Jiraiya. "Well I went all out on the kid, minus Sage Mode, but that didn't matter Naruto matched me blow for blow. I pity the fool the fights him when he is going all out."

"Yeah, so what do you say about getting a drink?" asked Kakashi as Jiraiya grinned.

"Sounds good kid!" laughed Jiraiya as the two left the building.





"So Jounin now huh? I'm proud of you Hinata you've gotten much stronger!" cheered Naruto as he walked beside Hinata with a big smile on his face. "Now that I think of it did Sensei tell us when I was to fight him?"

"You won't be just fighting him you troublesome blonde." Muttered all too familiar lazy voice. "I'm joining up with Kakashi."

"Shikamaru? Eh what are you talking about you are way too lazy to fight unless told otherwise." Stated Naruto as he looked at the Nara. "Well you look good, and your chakra has gotten much more dense. It seems that you've been practicing those techniques I gave ya."

Shikamaru chuckled as he extended his hand out to the blonde only for Naruto to grab his hand and pull him into a friendly hug. "So how's the team been? You guys save any princesses yet?"

"One or two…" replied Shikamaru as Naruto laughed. "Chouji and Ino have gotten much stronger since you left. Chouji is has control over his calories beyond what any other Akimichi has ever achieved and Ino has been learning a lot from Lady Tsunade. I'd ask them to help fight you, but they are busy.

"Speaking of that? When am I fighting then?" asked Naruto as Shikamaru sighed.

"I was hoping that it would get done with this week so I could relax this weekend, but they decided to have the battle Saturday." Stated Shikamaru in annoyance as Naruto just grinned.

"That means I can participate too!" Hinata chirped in too Naruto's surprise.

"What? But you can't fight me this weekend!" exclaimed Naruto as Hinata glared at him.

"What's that supposed to mean!" she accused as Naruto shrunk from her glare. "You don't think I can fight is that it?"

"No no no! That's not what I meant at all! I just thought that you would rather of rested seeing as you were hit with Itachi's attack. I know how bad it is and I don't want you hurt." Responded Naruto quickly in defense as Hinata crossed her arms and looked away.

"I'm sorry Hinata! I know your strong…look ill make it up to you!" exclaimed Naruto, but Hinata still looked away. "I'll buy you anything you want? Hmm…how about a cinnamon roll…two….three?"

Hinata still had her arms crossed and was facing away from Naruto. However, if one were to get a look at her face then they would see that she sported a chesire grin.

"Each day you are not away from a village you will be at my house at 8 in the morning to take me out to breakfast…where you will pay!" she declared without looking at him.

"What? B-but I have no money!" complained Naruto as Hinata turned around with a devious smirk.

"Well you did say anything." She whispered into his ear, making his eyes go wide.

"Yeah…I did guess I can't back out now." Naruto pouted as Hinata leaned into his ear with a smirk on her face.

"Don't worry Naru-kun…I'll make it worth the trouble." She whispered seductively into his ear as she pinched his butt. Naruto's mouth dropped and he squeeked at that and his face turned bright red as he sputtered at a laughing Hinata. "Well my father wanted to see me later today, I'll see you later Naru-kun!"

With a wink Hinata was off leaving behind a confused and irritated Shikamaru and a sputtering and red-faced Naruto. "What happened to my sweet and innocent Hinata?" asked Naruto.

"Eh that's what happens when Anko teaches students…" muttered Shikamaru as Naruto glanced at him and sighed.

"Well I'm glad my Hinata has finally gotten her self confidence up! So how were the Jounin Exams? Tsunade sent me a letter saying that I was promoted after I sparred with Jiraiya once so I'm kinda wondering how they were." Asked Naruto, but Shikamaru just ignored him.

"Are you listening to me?" asked Naruto as Shikamaru just sighed.

"It's too troublesome to talk about…I'm going home to sleep." Stated Shikamaru as he just left.

"What the hell man! Don't leave me hangin like this!" yelled Naruto, but Shikamaru just ignored him and left. "What am I going to do now? Guess I'll just go train…"

With that Naruto trudged away ready to get back into the routine he hadn't done since Jiraiya and him had started their journey back to the leaf.

Naruto had been training for the past three hours now doing nothing but physical exercises that would make Lee and Gai shout out about the wonders of youth. He had ditched his cape and two hours ago and was dodging the fierce attacks of 5 of his shadow clones. Unbeknownst to him he was being spied on, by not your average stalker.

No this stalker had years of experience in the art of stalking, one could even say that this person had perfected the art years ago. They were in their element as they silently crept up to the blondes making sure that none were able to get a good at the person.

Finally when they had reached attack range the person pounced with a quickness faster than the normal eye was accustomed to. Before Naruto even knew what had happened his three shadow clones had been destroyed by a lavender blur before he suddenly was pinned to the ground with a smirking Hinata straddling him.

"H-hinata?" stuttered out a red faced Naruto as he desperately tried to keep his cool as Hinata just smirked at him.

"Yes Naruto-kun?" she whispered as she leaned forward and caught him with a kiss. Naruto hesitated for a second before he began to kiss back with vigor as the two battled for dominance in situation…at least before.

"That's my girl!" yelled out a very loud obnoxious femine voice belonging to the Snake Mistress Anko.

"Anko-Sensei!" yelled Hinata as she jumped off Naruto with an obvious blush covering her face. Naruto seemed to be torn from anger and embarrassment at Anko being here.

Anger at being interrupted from his time with this new bolder Hinata and embarrassment at someone witnessing what they had been doing. Luckily for him though embarrassment was the one he was most feeling.

"How long have you been here?" asked Naruto hesitantly as Anko smirked very mischievously.

"Oh I've been here a few minutes now. I just thought I should interrupt since I saw a group of your friends on their way here right now and against my better judgement I didn't want want to embarrass my cute little student!" laughed Anko as Hinata blushed and Naruto chuckled.

"I will agree with you she is pretty cute, but she has changed quite a bit! However, I love her all the same and would like to thank you for helping her!" stated Naruto as he extended his hand out to Anko.

"Don't get touchy with me brat!" snapped Anko as Naruto quickly pulled his hand back lest she bite it off. "I only interrupted to save my student the embarrassment of having her cousin try and kill you. With that I have to get going, remember brat training tomorrow at 12!"

"Bye Sensei!" said Hinata with a wave a Anko left the clearing.

"What did she teach you?" asked Naruto cautiously as Hinata just smiled at him.

"You know a little of this and that! Now where were we?" she asked with a smirk as she walked over to a sweating Naruto.

"I don't think this is the right time Hinata." Naruto stated seriously as she pouted in annoyance. "But maybe tonight after dinner you can come over to my apartment." Naruto added on as Hinata brightened up and hugged him.

"Works for me! I've missed you so much these past few years and I just want to spend my time with you." She mumbled into his chest as Naruto held her closely.

"What do you think your doing Naruto?" came a very familiar voice from behind Naruto causing him to freeze a bit.

"I haven't put my shirt back on have I?" Naruto asked himself.

"No you haven't…" answered the voice in affirmination.

"Well better get this over with…" stated Naruto as he turned to face the newcomers. "It's been awhile guys!"

Before him was Team 10 in all their glory. Neji stood at the front scowling with a grinning Lee and smirking Tenten flanking him. "Yosh! It's been a long time Naruto! I see the Flames of Youth have burned brightly within you!

"It's good to see you Naruto and you too Hinata. However, if I knew what you two were doing I would've made Neji give you a little more time." Suggested Tenten with a giggle as Neji glared at her.

"It's good to see you guys too! Man you all look a lot stronger than the last time I saw you…except you Neji…you look about the same with that glare on your face." Teased Naruto as Neji just sighed.

"I'm just looking out for my cousin Naruto, it wouldn't do you two any good for people to see you together like this." He stated as Naruto laughed as Hinata blushed.

"I'm not the one you should be concerned about." Laughed Naruto as he put his arm around Hinata and pulled him into his chest.

"That may be so, but if word reached our elders you could have a lot of problems on your hands. I'd rather you two not do anything, but if you do at least do it privately." Conceded Neji as Naruto and Hinata glanced at each other. "That is all I wanted to say, were leaving we have a spar with Gai-Sensei that we have to get to."

"Seeya you two!" shouted Tenten as Team 10 left the field.

"I'm tired of being interrupted…" stated Hinata as Naruto chuckled.

"Don't worry I doubt we will run into anyone later tonight. Now that I think about it, I have yet to be home since I got back! I have to go clean my place and get ready!" shouted Naruto as he jumped off into the trees leaving Hinata behind.

"Did he just leave with out saying good bye?" she asked herself, but Naruto jumped back into the clearing quickly and picking his cloak up and then picking up Hinata and jumping back into the trees.

"What are you doing Naruto!" shouted Hinata as Naruto just smirked.

"Well I just realized that I don't have to start getting ready for a couple of hours so I came back for you!" he said with a large grin on his face as Hinata reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Good! Now get moving!" she ordered as Naruto sped off back to the village with a big smile on his face.