
The Fox's Lament

what happens when you fall in love with a mystical being?

Ryanna_Jasmine · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Season 2: Chapter 1

"Don't tell me you went on acting like her hero." Ivy mocked sipping on her coffee.

"I'll gladly let you think of it the way you want to little sis, but the truth is, I did want to protect her and it was more like that she became a necessity... a must need item in my life." Kingsley said smiling at Ivy who had a fairly disgusted look on her face but that didn't discourage him one bit.

"Wait excuse me?" She asked sitting up straight abruptly.

"You've never had someone you cared about so I expect you to sail in oblivion. But yes it's that she never used to mention a lot about the realm she came from, neither has she ever phased in front of me at any particular given time. It made me sad that I was giving her all of me and she still didn't trust me on the worst case scenarios."

* * * *

It was a rainy day and I had woken up to the most delicious smell of my life. The past few weeks have been the best I have ever had. Life was going my way for once. School got so much better and my grades were up and projects went fairly well and for that I think that I could live like this forever. I should already have been used to one thing though.

I was never going to get used to the fact that I had the prettiest woman in my pent house fixing me brunch and smiled at me with the most glorious dimples. I learnt a few things about her people, they had beliefs i couldn't go against, one they hate it when we bring up animal deaths, she actually loves cats, despite her species, and that she is the next heir of the throne to her realm.

"Kinsley! Good morning...afternoon, I guess?"

"What in God's name are you doing to my kitchen young lady?" I said but didn't even notice I was smiling. But in real sense it was a mess, but I was too busy to think about that. I looked at her one more time and scoffed.

"What happened to your hair? Its white." I asked but she just sighed and went on with the pancakes she was making.

"It happens with the seasons. It's not like I like it either, It just happens."

It's cute I'm not complaining, but I'm starving. What are you making, I hope not one of those alien stuff again?" She laughed nearly knocking down the pan, he dashed to her side and caught it making a mess of the floor. Her eyes dilated as she looked up at him, and all he could do was laugh. So she joined in despite her confusion.

"You're okay I hope." He asked picking out a piece of fried egg from her hair.

"Of course, I'm such a mess look at this place."

"You're anything but a mess, it's okay I'll help you clean up." He said stepping back and smiled at her.

"But I'm the one who..." He held up a finger and ran the water to the sink still smiling at her, and she sighed shaking her head at him. That's how all whole-hearted movies started like, calm and warm, just like the way they should be. But unfortunately, its common sense to know such things don't last as long as they should. It all ended when the rainy season had reached its final peak.

I had been coming home a little later because of group projects in school that needed to be completed and I left her alone at the penthouse. I was worried a hundred and one percent of the time, but she was always saying she could take care of herself, but something about this time didn't feel right.

I stepped into the house and the first thing I was hit with was the heat that radiated from inside. the temperature of the house was Sahara dessert kind of hot. Even the door handle was sizzling, it wasn't normal for it to be that hot and I yelled when I touched the metallic bars of the stairs and that's when I heard her voice coming from the stairs.

"Nikita? Are you up there?" I called out but I was met with silence, and a screeching noise from there up. It was concerning but when I took another step she began shouting.

"Get out! Get out of here now!" Was what she said repeatedly as he continued to walk up the steps, but her voice just sounded concerning.

"Nikita, tell me where the hell you are", but the heat around him just kept increasing, and he could barely see with all the moisture forming on his forehead

"Don't come near me! I don't want you to see me like this! Get out!" But unlike a command it sounded more like a plea that had him even more worried he listened for the sound of her heavy breathing, most of the hard plastics in the house looked like they were on the verge of melting, but he couldn't care less, someone he was supposed to be taking care of wasn't okay. He heard a loud scream from her room at the end of the hall and he ran there but her voice halted him.

"Hey, if you really care about the friendly relationship we have then you'd stay where you are, don't come in." Her voice hoarse but pretty audible.

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not going to ask if you're okay, cause you're not, so what's going on?" He asked and pounded the door once, but ended up with another burn on his arm.

"I need to leave, at this rate...I might burn your house down." She said and his eyes flew open in surprise but also anger.

"You always do this...You never tell me anything you never rely on me for anything. It makes me feel useless when you can't share your problems. Am i that unreliable you can't tell me a damn thing?" He heard shuffling and then footsteps towards the door then silence...again.

"It's not like that at all. It's not that you aren't reliable..."

"Then tell me why?!"

"Because I care!" She shouted from the other end and the heat increased but he hadn't noticed it with the heat raging from him. "Kingsley I care, and you already know too much about our kind, I'm putting you at risk."

"Then why talk about leaving? Did I say something to you?" He asked stepping away from the door.

"No its not..."

"Then stop this bullshit about leaving! I can handle it, you can trust me as much."

"I was never meant to be in this world in the first place, I'm putting you in danger, by being here. they want to take me back for coronation." She said but he didn't say anything and she heard glass breaking.

"Let me in Nikita, we need to talk about this. What's with the heat? Are you angry?"

It's not that... It's entirely different so..."

"You're in heat aren't you?" He asked but he never heard an answer back.