
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · แฟนตาซี
283 Chs

Fallen To A Child Of Nobility!

Chapter 233 Fallen to a Child of Nobility!

Mountain Pass: Bandits Lair


Brushing off the kid's first strike on my arm as blood trickles down from the wound, squeezing my blade even tighter, I say as I curve up my lip in a smirk, don't think just because you drew a little bit of blood, that you have a chance at winning.

Seeing no waver in his silver likes eyes with determination, I Speak with pride in my words, do you believe there will be more slashes to come.

Done with prattling on with this heroic brat, adding even more strength into my swings as I clang blades with this slick talking youngster, going blade for blade as we move with energy as our weapons sing with power.

Creating a slight opening as I open up a clear shot to strike, while he stumbles back, I then thrust with my sword at a vital spot that is aimed at his gut, but to my surprise as the young katana wielder does the unthinkable.

The boy tosses up one of his blades into the air, then at the last moment the boy springs up on to my thrusting arm to avoid being impaled, all in the same motion as the hilt of his blade lands back into his hand after being airborne.

Swiftly moving with his next course of action, the boy then stabs down into both of my shoulders with his katanas, shocked at how fast and smooth he just injured me again, I say not a single phrase, twisting the blades even deeper into my shoulders, blood shoots out like a kid splashing in the bath.

Ripping them out forcefully, I then drop to my knees in agony, sweating and panting as I feel too much blood is spilling from me, with my vision getting foggy I say in displeasure, before you take my life what is your name boy?

Hovering over me with a not so malicious aura but still overbearing, replying to my plight, the boy states, Dante Charmons. Trying to keep my eyes focused as I look at the boy, I silently utter out, Charmons... I've heard of tha-

Cleanly slicing through my neck before I cloud even finish my sentence, as my head flies high away from my body, pondering for a mil a second, I say, cut down by nobility.

End of Chapter 233