
World of cold

"According to Pip the Jötunn have thrown then Nordic Ragnarok into chaos" Famine spoke in a serious tone as he explained. " Come on team lets get moving to armory and transfer station " The brothers moved quickly through the building until the got to their designated armory room , they moved inside and were greeted by another person.

"Helllloooo my dears" came a tired voice.

"Quickly quickly come in" the voice belonged to rather tall women wearing a lab coat and long messy brown hair. "Hey Pip" They chimed as they entered, sitting down in the white seats. The room they sat in was Electric white with pulsing blue lines covering the walls . On one side of the room sat 4 lockers ,the middle of the room contained a medium sided pad with four glowing spots surrounded by different dials , and then the other side contained probably the most important unit in the facility .. The mini fridge.

"How are my wonderful little psychopaths doing today i wonder ?" Inquired Pip-

This was Pip or probably better known in the company as Pipleen la Trivat one of the best RnD heads in our department.-"We aren't psychopaths Pip, we just do our job...you on the other hand might be so"Pestilence laughed lightly. The woman grinned as a reply and spoke "Alright! team grab your gear step up to the platform and for god sake Famine get away from the Mini-Fridge" The four approached their lockers and opened them. Inside Death's was a small metal rod and a black scarf, In Wars a simple red cape and an Ornate wooden board, In Pestilence's a plague Doctors mask and two simple black gloves with a silver line pattern, and In Famine's a small silver lighter.

After acquiring their gear they stepped up to the platform and the on to the glowing white spots, Pip trailed behind them with a small box "Here take these with ya, it is just another one of my genius inventions" Pip handed them each a small watch, and as they put them on a corresponding yelp echoed from the four men."Pip what the actual fuck" Death said red- faced" the woman laughed hard almost falling to the floor" Death dear its alright just a ...hahaha .... little DNA identifier to register the watch owner ...whew that was amazing" Pip wiped the sweat off of her forehead and caught her breath " Anywhooooo you four are going to be going to the Norse nine realms and help reset the course of events" she started turning dials around them , the white pads under them started to glow and the room began pulsating harder and white turning almost blinding "As always good luck and Come back safe Horsemen" She hit a button next to the dials and the white light enveloped the room and the Horsemen were gone.

The first thing that Death saw when he opened his eyes was snow and the first thing he felt ....was cold.