
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

The Four Guardians

What does it mean to rule over others? Some would say it was to care about each person individual to allow them to live their best lives. But one man said it was to make those scared of you and watch as they cower in fear whilst adrenaline runs through the body and the power takes over, swallowing any hope of light that was inside and creating something that should never be repeated. This person was the Demon King.

The Demon King once ruled over his realm as did all the other races' leaders. These people were the strongest and did all they could to protect their lands during a time of pain. Many didn't wish to be at war, no one asked for it, but the greedy ones wanted everything for themselves.

After a war that lasted over a thousand years, these nations came together to form a pact in hopes that they would be able to stop useless fighting and instead work together to build a strong world. It was the start of a new era. A new age where anyone and everyone could live in peace.

However, this wasn't just to bring peace, as the Demon King, the one who started the war, was to be punished. An example needed to be set.

His 4 guardians who each guard a sector of the Demon Realm were also to secretly aid the other nations if needed, whilst also serving directly under the Demon King.

The King had no choice but to agree and the nations formed a bond that would last for an eternity. Whilst also creating the Guardian System that was known today.

The deal caused a great amount of success. Trading between nations skyrocketed as all land felt safe and was willing to benefit from each other. The once-violent nations, such as the druids, even started to improve human relations. Many entered a golden age but not everyone was happy. No matter how successful a country is, the past cannot be overlooked and forgiven. Many couldn't forgive the actions caused by the demons and will always see them as what they were in the past. Violent, terrifying, powerful monsters. This was the fact they had to accept.

The Demon Realm is a large continent that is partially cut off from the rest of the world. Around the edges of its land are castle walls and towers, guarded by the Demon Army who checked everyone that leaves and enters.

Sitting in the centre lies a giant tower that looms over the demon city, watching it from all angles, the building acts as a large hub for demons from all sectors to gather, full of shops, and businesses whilst also housing important figures within the Demon Realm such as Army Generals and the Four Guardians. It was a central location and a reason for many to come to visit. Many tourists would come from far just to see the large shopping centre that awaited them inside the political building. But more importantly was the unique structure of how the Demon Realm was run, as the Four Guardians had split the Demon Realm into quarters and each govern them differently as if they were separate nations each worshipping their respective Guardian.

The Guardian of the West, Mane.

A towering demon who could lift buildings with one hand. He accompanies his strength with mastery in sword combat and there were no equals to his mighty colossal-sized blade. When he fights seriously he would be a one-man army and would require the other three Guardians to stop him, or so he claims.

The Guardian of the South, Ifer.

A slim young grey demon and wielder of a lance with the destructive power of a giant. Along with Mane, he has a carefree attitude and wants to get along with everyone. His agility is the fastest of all the members when they all fight fairly. His light armour and enjoyment of dancing have allowed him to appear behind his enemies and finish them off before their hearts can finish a beat.

The Guardian of the East, Sagitta.

The only female Guardian. With her mighty bow and infinite stock of arrows crafted by the finest Demon Arrowsmiths, she will hunt anyone down regardless of who they are.

Her red eyes will lock onto her prey and never let it out of her sight until it's killed. Her cunning wits and quick feet make her a master assassin and is feared throughout the nations for her hatred towards humans. Her short black hair and beautiful glare will make any Demon fall for her and she has stolen the hearts of many whilst not letting anyone take hers.

The Guardian of the North, Tempus.

Unlike the other three, he is the only Half-Demon and is hated because of it. He is a master of magic and has spent his life studying it, protecting the Demon Realm from any magical threats and keeping peace in the magical world. His short brown hair accompanies his brown worn-out shirt and trousers. He carries around a magic book he uses as a catalyst for his magic but will change to his staff if the situation is dire.

Due to being both Human and Demon he is shy around others and would often lock himself up in his part of the tower to focus on work. Unlike Sagitta he wishes that Humans and Demons would get along and work together, however, he knows that the dangers that would arrive if he was to reveal himself to the Demon Realm.

The Four Guardians spend their days watching over the Demon Realm with the help of each other and their respective Puppet Guardians to act and communicate with the villagers of their sectors. Although all the nations know of their existence their true identity is kept a secret from most.

"Why don't you concede, you have no other option." Ifer and Tempus were locked in an intense battle, inside the tower was a common room where the guardians would often hang out and socialise, it was filled with a kitchen area, board games, and many tables and chairs. The walls were bland and uninspired, but that was fine for the communal student-like space.

"I can keep going…" Tempus was confused and unsure of what move to make. He was cornered and with nowhere else to go, but he had to make a move.

Tempus picked up his last remaining bishop and moved into what he thought was a free spot.

"Checkmate" Ifer had surrounded Tempus' king causing him to fall in his chair in defeat.

"Good game." Tempus let out a heavy sigh, just now realising he was in Ifer's palm this whole time.

"I kinda like these human games. They are fun, you should bring some others next time you go back."

Ifer and Tempus were the closest out of all the Guardians, they all got along as well as they could since they were forced to live together. The time they spent hanging out was how they bonded, most demons would bond over fighting but with most of the Guardians being tactical fighters they preferred battles of psychological warfare. Of course, they didn't just play for fun, each game was to learn a bit about each other in case there ever came a day when they would be enemies.

"Stop playing, idiots. We have a mission." Sagitta walked in holding a sealed envelope marked with the symbol of the Demon King, a bright red mark of a fierce creature, said to originate from the Demon King's family thousands of years ago.

"Perfect! A chance for me to yet again prove I'm the best!" Mane ran in after hearing the news taking out part of the wall as his shoulders missed to door, creating a large pile of rubble that they were going to have to clean up.

"USE THE DOOR! WE HAVE TO KEEP REPAIRING THIS PLACE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Sagitta said, flame almost emitting from her head as she turned back to the letter with a sigh.

"Anyway. If you can all be silent for just a few minutes so I can read it, you don't have to put up with me for that long...

To the Guardians,

Enclosed in this letter are 5,000 flyers for the Demon Army. We recently have been having issues recruiting and wish for you four to try and convince people to join. You have until the end of the day, whoever recruits the most people will receive a reward."

"We have to recruit people? Doesn't he have other people for that?"

"Silence Ifer! Our beloved King has given us a task and I shall complete it better than you all and receive the reward!" Mane left taking a hand full of flyers that were the size of chewing-gum wrappers for him, walking through the extended door he made earlier.

Tempus looked at the flyers studying them, he didn't want to have to go out and talk to people, he wasn't worried about being exposed. He was confident in his magic ability and used it to create the illusion that he looked like a grey demon, despite looking like a rather pale human. For Tempus, the reward was more interesting. "Ok… I guess I'll do it…" Tempus decided.

"Personally, I wouldn't want a human to have any influence in our army but since the King himself had requested it we must have allowed it."

Tempus was resistant to Sagitta's hatred towards humans, although he looks like a teenage human normally he had many components of a Demon such as the long lifespan and the ability to master Demonic magic.

His ability to master both Human and Demon magic has made him one of the strongest mages the world had ever seen, but his real power came from somewhere else, somewhere he had told no one about.

"You guys can do whatever you want, I'm going to sleep. The game of chess tired me out, I haven't had to think so much in a while. Besides we shouldn't be the ones doing this." Ifer wasn't one to get involved in pointless activities set by the Demon King, he wanted peace between all nations and would happily replace the army with his own Guardian's System if given the option.

All the Guardians were strong enough to hold their own against the strongest any other nations could offer, having an army was against Ifer's pride.

# # #

Outside in the West sector, Mane stood on top of a giant wooden stage, built for festivals, shouting at the top of his lungs trying to convince passers-by that they should join him.


Everyone ignored him as they walked by, no one was willing to risk their lives as those that believed it trusted the Guardian System to protect them.

Mane ran the West Sector with help from his Puppet Guardian and forced strict rules onto its people, the initial reaction caused problems and people started to move into the North and South Sectors, however, as a result of this the West is considered to be the most peaceful of all the four sectors, whilst also being the second most populated. Mane's strict rules worked and produced results.

"Seems like you are having fun?" Tempus approached the stage Mane was standing on, looking up at him as they spoke.


"You don't have to shout you know…"

"Have you already finished recruiting people!?" Mane asked.

"I'm not really that bothered about it, I just stuck the flyers up around. I don't even know why he wants us to recruit more people…"

Mane stared at Tempus with a large childish smile across his face. He was always happy to help others weaker than him and enjoyed talking to Tempus for this reason. Although that was because Mane believed the was the strongest, no one else could compare in his mind.

"I don't understand why we are doing this either! I can take on anyone who dares ruin my peaceful land."

"I don't know. Out of all the nations we are still the strictest when it comes to other races, I guess no matter what people will always hate us Demons, huh? I even did everything I could to make sure humans were accepted in the North but there will always be problems..."

Mane smacked the brooding Tempus on the back vibrating his spine and forcing it out of place.


"Oh Sorry! Here let me fix it for you."

Tempus quickly moved back from Mane, hunched over as he could feel a terrible stinging from all his bones.

"It's ok. I'll heal it with magic."

Tempus' book opened by itself, and a bright white light emitted from the book as he started to slowly stand up straight as if the damage had never happened.

"Wow. Your magic always impresses me. I wish I knew magic."

"Anyone can learn magic, there are some basic fundamentals that you've got to learn, first you learn about catalysts and what your elemental type is, but remember magic is all about experimentation, once you've got the basics and know how to hide your mana it's just about messing around and hoping you don't die."

Tempus was able to talk about magic for hours, it was his passion that he studied for hundreds of years, with knowledge passed onto him by his parents. He believed that magic would make everyone's lives easier but also understood that not everyone was able to withstand it, and truly feared those that knew how to use it properly.

"Sounds boring! I'll just stick to my awesome close combat, it's not like you're magic could ever harm my body anyway."

"Hmm… I don't know about that." Tempus whispered to himself.

"Well, anyway… I just came to see what you were up to. I'm going to head back up to the main room and play some games or something. You've only got around 2 hours left so good luck. Let me know what the reward is when you win."

Mane smirked to himself, happy that Tempus understood Mane's strengths. Mane also knew he was going to win, but Tempus only believed in him because he saw how Sagitta was doing it, and knew that she was far more intimidating that the giant shouting at people.

This is my new series alongside Continuous School. It may start off slow as this is my first time writing something like this, but I hope you’ll look forward to reading it as it develops.

Fabledbytecreators' thoughts