
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Meeting of the nations

After the Demon King's destruction, the world needed a way to keep balance. It needed a way for the leaders to all join together in times of crisis and keep the world monitored. To solve this issue, the meeting of the nations was created. World leaders from all over the world sit in one room for hours, sometimes even days, discussing the world they live in. Despite this being a meeting of each nation, there are many that refuse to come.

No meeting is without its issues, it's impossible for everyone to get along. Events of the past cannot be forgotten. The battles and men lost during this time will be remembered. But their lives will never return.

The guardians represent the Demon Realm, in place of the villainous Demon King. They attempt to serve every nation as if it was their own. The system that was put in place stopped them from acting on their own outside the demon realm. However, news quickly travelled about Tempus' involvement within a human city, and the destruction caused to it.

"Is everyone present?"

The person that leads the meetings, is the representative from the home city. As the meeting is currently taking place in the dwarven territory. The dwarfs control the progress.

The leader of the dwarfs was a mighty ruler who brought the dwarfs forward into the war against the demon king. Elkol, A dwarf who had served under the previous ruler and had many years of combat experience under his belt, sat at the end of the large golden table with his trusty guards behind him. Despite his hard rough demeanour, he cares greatly about all the nations and wishes to build strong trade between them all. Although, it would be lying to say the dwarfs weren't his main priority.

Sitting next to the guardians, the nation with the least amount of hatred for them, the Orcs. A nation that has no current leader due to civil wars constantly taking place. Toran, the current representative, was the leader of a rebellion against the last ruler who attempted to destroy all trade routes with other nations, blocking anyone from leaving or entering. Leaving the orcs to starve and crumble.

The elven princess, Ayda, rested her head against the table, already bored of the meeting. Despite her public image of purity. She was rather lazy and constantly ignores her role. As she was forced on the throne at a young age by her parents who abandoned her and her brother, Elith. She tried to refuse in every way possible, but the people's love for her was too much for the elves to give up, forcing her to take the throne.

There was one man who couldn't be present at today's meeting. The human king was nowhere to be seen. King Arthur sent a representative, what seemed to be a random guard, accompanied by a human mage who sat arrogantly waiting for the meeting to end.

Although this was a meeting for all the nations to gather, not all could make it. Due to the harsh nature, only the powerful nations that control the world show up, it was pointless for the weaker nations to represent themselves. Even if they did show up, the chances of them being ignored were high. The main three nations, the Humans, Elves and Dwarfs, were always the leaders of the meeting. The Demons were once among the top nations alongside the Orcs. However, due to the war they were stripped of their military power and had to rise from the ground up again.

"Is this meeting over already?" The human mage spoke.

"Apologies, Merlin," Elkol said. "This meeting will now be underway."

Tension filled the room. Each leader was worthy of the throne they sat on. Each one has fought through multiple wars and led their nations through some of the darkest parts of history.

"It has come to our attention that there was an attack within Magia City, located within the human realms," Elkol said.

"Yeah! That's right." Merlin said standing up. "That idiot demon caused all this destruction. He destroyed the arena and caused the deaths of hundreds of people."

Merlin rested against the table and looked into the guardian's souls. He was a young boy who looked no older than Tempus, but the fire within his eyes was something that only people who had witnessed death could possess.

"I apologise," Tempus said standing. "I caused a lot of damage at the Magia City and offered to pay for all the damage caused, however, it was made clear to me that Master Beck, The Magia Academy headmaster, would pay and fix all the damages caused."

Elkol listened to what Tempus said with worry.

"Indeed you are correct," Elkol said, gesturing to Tempus and Merlin to sit. "Master Beck did indeed pay for the plans to fix the arena. It was reported to all the nations as soon as the incident occurred. Perhaps you didn't get informed by the king. Merlin?"

Merlin bit his tongue in panic and attempted to retaliate towards the demons again.

"I-indeed that does appear to be the case, however, recent reports have shown that the Academies headmaster retired after the plans were set, and has gone missing since. It must be the work of the Demons. He must have killed Master Beck as soon as he got what he wanted!"

"What? That's stupid? What evidence do you have?" Sagitta said but was quickly silenced by Tempus who had resolved to fix this on his own.

"It is tragic to have heard that Master Beck had gone missing, and I am certain that it does make me look suspicious out of everyone here. However, I know what really happened to Master Beck, if you would please allow me to explain, Elkol."

Elkol stared into Tempus and allowed him to explain what had happened. Tempus told them about what truly happened within the arena, as well as the Jester Masks.

"What?" Merlin said. "He's lying! He has to be!"

"Silence, Merlin." Ayda interrupted, raising her head from the table. "What Tempus and the other guardians say is true. We have heard reports from the dryads about such catalysts being used."

"The dryads?" Merlin said.

"Well, this certainly is interesting," Elkol said. "What do you propose we do, Tempus?"

"What?!?" Merlin said. "You're asking him?"

"SILENCE MERLING!" Elkol echoing scream silenced the room. "I would prefer if I didn't have to kick you out. Now, Tempus, what is it that you wish to do."

"I wish for the problem to be left to us, the guardians. We will make up for our past mistakes by eliminating them ourselves, we will protect every nation with our lives as if it was our own. We will make sure that we stop the Jester Masks before they can cause any more problems."

"An interesting proposition," Ayda said. "It would certainly be worrisome if this got out of hand. As the Elven princess, you have our full support." The lazy princess said, thankful she could avoid a situation where she would need to do work.

"WHAT!" Merlin screamed. "You can't be serious? You are going to support the demons? The ones who caused so much destruction in the past?"

"Although it does seem rather strange to support them now, the guardians are not the demon king." continued Ayda "Since the war ended the guardians have done a lot to help me out in the past. I believe they should be trusted."

The Elven princess attempted to explain her side to the others, she looked over to Ifer who was casually resting on his arm and winked at him, causing him to creepily and shyly smile back.

"I agree!" Elkol said. "I believe we can leave this up to the guardians, without the demon realm, we wouldn't have my favourite beer. HOWEVER, It is unfair for us 5 to represent all 43 nations. Each nation's leader will be given a letter asking for their opinion on the Guardians. We will explain in the letter what we discussed today, but we will mention nothing of the Jester Masks. We will ask for their views on the Guardians dealing with the threat, and if 35 of the 43 agree, then we will leave it to them. Of course, asking them to do it all alone would be foolish, so they'll have our resources and information on their side. Whilst I'm speaking, I shall mention now that they will have full support from the Dwarfs."

Merlin attempted to disagree but there was no use. Elkol shot him down, thinking of the safety of his people over his relations with the humans.

"Well, let me be the first to OFFICIALLY agree to the Guardians doing it. They will also always have the Elf's support." Ayda said smiling at Elkol.

"I agree. The orcs will support 100%" Toran said, speaking for the first time today.

"The dwarfs will have your back guardians. We know your words are truthful as you've helped us in the past. The dwarfs will support you."

"Well, there is NO WAY the Humans will support you," Merlin added. "You guardians are on your own. We don't want you anywhere near any human territory. If you come anywhere near us we will see it as an act of war!"

"Calm down Merlin," Sagitta said. "Shouldn't you leave it up to the King to decide what is best?"

"HA! What does it matter if it's me or the king? Arthur would never agree to any of this! He wants all demons dead for what you did!"

Merlin continued to agitate them, but all it did was cause Mane's factual expression to change from a blank sheet to an infuriated glare that shot fear towards Merlin.

"Very well then!" Elkol said "We will send out the papers immediately asking for the vote. We will send the results to every nation once it has been completed! But so we know, Tempus how long do we have, is it possible they'll attack before then?"

"It's possible, we may have to suddenly act, but I believe that those catalysts they are using are taking a heavy toll on their bodies, it's possible they'll need to recover just from using them. We should be fine for now."

"Very well, thank you."

The meeting carried on for over a day, there was far more to talk about than just the Jester Masks. Each nation wanted what was best for them, they would happily work with their past enemies to fix this. They were smart enough to realise the threat of the Jester Masks, with some of them already having encountered the Masks, but possessed no way to deal with them. And so, with the meeting completed, the Guardians and the other leaders travelled back. With the dwarfs sending off the vote.

"That went well!" Mane said. "I'm proud of you Tempus!"


"Although, I am surprised the other nations would support us so easily," Sagitta said. "I thought they all hated us."

"Not really," Ifer said. "They don't hate us, they just are cautious of us. You are the one that hates them."

"Whatever, what's our next plan," Sagitta asked.

"From here, I will go speak to the angels. By the time I return the vote will have been completed, I'm certain we will get the approval of the nations."

"Good idea!" Mane said. "In the meantime, we shall all endure some of the harshest training we've had in years and attempted at finding out all we can."

Everyone was shocked at Mane's sudden smart idea. They didn't consider him to be dumb, but they all thought he was the type of person to run in and solve issues with violence. Which is almost what he is doing here. Either way, it didn't matter. This time they had with the four of them together, was a time of peace, with one of the hardest battles yet to come.