
The Great Coalition

One day, they all thought of doing something different from the usual---for they were heavily, determined to change the narrative as it used to be, when each of them would be indignant and would utterly, annihilate the very things they had created to beautify their universes.

Each of them refused to create things on their own by their powers until, they had purposed and decided in their hearts to combine their powers to bring about many things of creation. So then one day, they decided that what would happen was for them to combine their great powers to bring into existence whatever they had wished for.

Their coalition of powers was so unique that it led them to bring into existence several beautiful things of creation as we see currently---indeed, unity is even relevant unto divine beings. Without unity we fall apart in many ways. None of them could on their own accord create something unique and beautiful except for destroying what they had created out of being heated.

Many a time, Hephaestus would destroy with the tongues of fire whatever had been created by him whenever he was annoyed. Atimes, Zephyrus was capable of storming down and blowing up with the winds all that had been brought into existence by them each time he was irked or annoyed by something.

Time and time again, Amphitrite had the tendency to cause a deluge to appear in order to erode away and to destroy everything out of anger--for more than enough times, Gaia the Goddess of Earth had the ability to cause earthquakes against anything of beauty which had been created by she herself, anytime she was embittered to the core.

This had been the reason for the establishment of their coalition in order to create numerous beautiful things in the parallel universes. The parallel universes consisted of both the spiritual universe and the physical universe. These were also known in pre-anthropological era as 'the twin universes'.

Whenever they came together in unity they brought innumerable things into existence. They brought about myriad creatures of various species and types. They called forth seas, oceans and diverse fishes altogether.

They called forth several constellations, varied galaxies and huge planetary bodies to suspend in the midst of the highest heights of the space. In fact, it was but, their great coalition which gave them the wonderful privilege to call forth the things that were not to come into existence---in fact, this great coalition was the unity amongst them and which had led them to call forth and to create everything which human beings enjoy and see in nature now as far as our physical universe is concerned.

When the parallel universes had been replete with abundant creatures of life and beauty, they desired that a unique being of creation be created to subdue everything by the dominion which they would give to it. One day, Gaia suggested a brilliant idea. She suggested that the four of them should meet only to discuss what they would create in order for it to gain dominion by which that being would rule and subdue the parallel universes.

The rest of the three great spirits could not wait to hear beautiful and powerful Gaia speak out the brilliant idea of hers during their meeting. When the day was almost due, Zephyrus circulated information about their special day of summon to remind each one of them. The day came and they had summoned themselves in the centres of their twin universes from whence they had ruled the parallel universes. The middle of the spiritual universe was the exact middle of the physical universe. This was called the twin secret doorways and openings of the twin universes.

Hephaestus with his brother Zephyrus had converged on the middle of the side of their secret openings while Amphitrite with her sister Gaia also, met in the centre of the side of their secret entrances. Each of the four antiquated deities came with their personal royal swords and shields---the twin goddesses with their royal shields, and the twin gods also came but, with their royal swords. The royal swords of Hephaestus and Zephyrus were whitish in colour and which had the sign and symbol of the male reproductive organ.

And the royal shields of Amphitrite and Gaia were reddish in appearance and which had the sign and symbol of the female reproductive organ. Each royal sword was pointed at exactly, the middle of each royal shield. The following words were what they had declared in uniformity:

"On this day, the great coalition of our unique twin powers are hereby, intermarried in order for us to create a two-in-one whole being of creation, who would accrue and gain dominion, and dominion with which he, "Ish" with his "Isha" would rule and subdue everything in the parallel universes, which would be entrusted into his care from this time forward until, eternity;

'Thus, the invisible realm which is the spiritual universe and the visible realm which is the physical universe altogether, as the parallel universes; They shall be the twin universes which the created unique being shall be mandated to possess in order to rule and subdue all things under his control, and he shall be more than a hermaphrodite, which would be the better marital combination of the god Hermes and the goddess Aphrodite;

'He shall be both man and woman; thus male and female as well as one who is the husband with his wife; 'They shall be separately two but, one in a divine matrimony; 'We hereby, now and later with our four unique powers endorse the existence of Ish with his Isha embedded in himself; 'So shall this be, Amen!"

Immediately, after their creative declarations, there appeared from their powerful, royal swords and shields, a two-in-one unique but, a twelve-foot-tall giant-looking being, which had had its appearance and countenance emanating from a masculine spirit belonging to the royal swords of Hephaestus and Zephyrus, the twin Gods of Fire and Wind, while a feminine spirit also, appeared from the royal shields of Gaia and Amphitrite, the twin Goddesses of Earth and Waters---and these two spirits altogether, formed an "Ish-Isha" which looked like a hermaphrodite giant.

These four puissant, ancient deities, concorded to settle their created nice-looking giant creature, whom they had named "Ish-Isha", on the centre of the terrestrial plane of one of the resourceful environments, which Gaia the Goddess of Earth was privileged to name, the Resourceful Garden of Africa.

As soon as Ish-Isha settled, he separated himself in twain as the black man and the white woman upon the Resourceful Garden of Africa---and the black man became the husband, while the white woman, was his wife---and these two lived in love, harmony and abundance---until, they bore six beautiful children who had the following amazing names:

Prince Europe, was the firstborn son of Ish-Isha, and the great, antiquated ancestor of the Europeans---It was he who had conquered and founded the land which is now called the Continent of Europe---His firstborn child had been a daughter whom he had christened, Latin, the beautiful "Princess" who later became the mother of five children videlicet, France, the father of the French people or the Gauls, who had been often called Galia by her pretty mother Latin.

Her second son was Italy, the father of Rome, who brought forth the Romans or the Roman people. His mother had named him Italia when he was born by her---and it was he who had instituted the Roman Catholic Papacy and founded the Roman Catholic Church, which had ever since until now, many branches of her sovereign church everywhere in the world today.

Mother Latin also, had borne Espanol, who was later called Spain by her cousins. She was the mother of the Spaniards who had colonized the Filipinos of the Philippines---her language had ever since been called Spanish.

Mother Latin also, had borne Portugal, who established the Portuguese language spoken by her descendants the Portuguese people today. Mother Latin finally, brought forth Romania, the one who became the great ancestor of the Romanians and their unique language. By this therefore, we have known that France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Romania were siblings perhaps, until today---and these had been named "The Romance Languages"

All the descendants of Prince Europe in view of his daughter "Princess Latin" with her five puissant children had ruled the most parts of the Continent of Europe of their ancestors until now---It had been their privilege to govern and reign over the whole of Europe forever. Prince and Princess Americas, who were a fraternal twin, and of which the male was called Prince North America, while the female was named Princess South America, the established the twin continents called the North and South Americas.

Prince North America was the one whose firstborn son, Britain had conquered the Newfoundland and then named it after her daughter, "The United States of America" For the sake of Britain's invincible nature and powerful conquests, his father, Prince North America, had given him the title "Britain" or "British" and it was he whose descendants live in Britain and other parts of the world today.

Princess South America was the one who had fought fearlessly, like Joan of Arc and Indiana Jones of their times to claim many lands and had placed her powerful children, nephews, nieces and strangers on her conquered lands until today.

She brought in some nephews and nieces and cousins from Ghana to settle them on one of the lands which was called by strangers as Jamaica instead of "Gyama ya ka" meaning, "It appears or looks as if we have sojourned and settled" in their indigenous dialect of the Akanite language---They had been the people of the "Eternal Spirit" or "Ageless Deity" until now.

Prince Asia was the one who invaded vastest portions of land owing to his fierceness as many saw him---he married and brought forth the following children: Russia, China, Japan, Korea and other sons and daughters who had ever since lived in many parts of the vast lands he had entrusted into their care until now.

Of all the children of Prince Asia, it was particularly, Russia, who had been the most invincible, because he had invaded and conquered many territories, kingdoms and lands, which stretched from the Continent of Asia to precisely, the Continent of Europe.

Princess Australia had been the one who single-handely, encroached on the vast lands of the South and later conquered them all by the help of her nephew Britain. This was how they took the lands of the South, which is now the Continent of Australia, from the original inhabitants known as the aborigines.

The word "aborigine" had been coined from the roots of a couple of languages thus, "ab" from Hebrew, which is actually, taken from "abba" which means, "father" or "source" or "beginning" and finally, "origine" which emanates from a Latin word meaning, "beginning". The word "aborigine" presumably, traces back to the Latin "ab origine", meaning "from the beginning," and as you might guess and might have come to understand, this noun refers to something that has been there from the start or beginning.

Prince Antarctica was the lastborn son of Ish-Isha, whose invasion with conquest was special because, he had bequeathed them amongst his children, nephews and nieces. These were his children, nephews and nieces: New Zealand, Australia, France, Norway, the United Kingdom, Chile, and Argentina respectively.

All the royal children of Ish-Isha gained territories, kingdoms and built cities worth tourist attractions until today. Whenever their royal children needed any unique, natural resources to develop their territories and kingdoms they would visit with their homeland, which was often called, "the resourceful Garden of Africa" to get them.

Their parents, Ish-Isha who had lived in the resourceful Garden of Africa, were pleased to welcome any of their royal children, who were princes and princesses, that came to them---and they would give to any of them whatever they asked for from them. This is why until this day, all the other continents of the world have the privilege to come to the Continent of the African people anytime, and anyhow, to take from them whatever they wanted, needed and wished for.

The Continent of Africa had ever since until now been their Homeland and the land of their wealthy parents Ish-Isha---and where they can easily, get almost everything except, the idea to cause those things which they had gotten, taken and received from Her, in order to develop their territories and kingdoms.

Their homeland and parent-land had been the Continent of Africa, for She has gold, diamond, uranium, bauxite, timber, rubies, precious gems and many more expedient minerals hidden in her lands. Prince Europe's descendants will always, remember to come to the Continent of Africa, the homeland of their parents whenever they need something special to develop their territories and kingdoms.

Prince North America's descendants will always, bear it in their minds to come to fetch minerals from the lands of their forefather and foremother. Princess South America's posterities will always, visit to get whatsoever they so desire from Africa. Prince Asia's progenies will always, come to the land of their forefather and foremother, Ish-Isha, to take the portions of their properties which had been bequeathed to them by their foreparents.

Likewise, the descendants of Princess Australia and Prince Antarctica, will always desire to come for all that had been left for them in Africa, the land of their forefather and foremother, Ish-Isha. They will live happily, for evermore because, they are hitherto, the royal children, nephews, nieces, cousins and descendants, whose original parents had been borne by Ish-Isha, and who had hailed from 'The resourceful Garden of Africa'.

Africa was, and is and still will be that great land of their wealthy foreparents, Ish-Isha. Africa will forever be hospitable, generous and benevolent to all and sundry. Africa is indeed 'A free continent'---certainly, Africa has become 'No Man's Land' for the rest of the globe, for many ages without end.