
The Forsaken Few

After a nuclear facility explosion devastates Havenridge, Lucas Stone finds himself amidst the chaos, haunted by memories of the past. In a flashback, he recalls the harrowing experience of the explosion, witnessing the destruction and the loss of loved ones. Upon regaining consciousness, Lucas navigates the ruins, seeking refuge from mutated creatures and finding shelter in an abandoned house. There, he discovers a rusty pistol and ammunition, symbolizing his resolve to survive in this dystopian world. As Lucas arms himself for the challenges ahead, he prepares to confront the dangers lurking beyond the safety of his newfound sanctuary.

Vilorian · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Into the Ruins


A nuclear facility blew up near Havenridge, my homeland. Memories surged forward, unbidden, as my mind catapulted back to that fateful day. I remembered the innocence of youth, the blissful ignorance of a world about to crumble.

When the facility was on fire, I heard sizzling in my ear.

The scene shifted, time folding back upon itself like a worn page in a forgotten journal.


I stumbled through the dimly lit hallway, my heart pounding in my chest. Each step felt like wading through molasses, the air thick with dread and uncertainty. I reached the bathroom, my hands trembling as I grasped the doorknob.

And then, I saw it.

Everything collapsed before me, a symphony of destruction playing out in slow motion. The walls quivered, plaster raining down in a hail of debris. I clung to the sink for dear life, the world spinning out of control around me.

Outside, the sky was ablaze with an inferno of unimaginable proportions. Smoke billowed into the heavens, blotting out the sun and casting the world below into shadow.

Panic clawed at my throat, threatening to suffocate me in its icy grip.

Suddenly, I saw my mother collapsing and melting away into dust. I fell to my knees, horror gripping me in its icy embrace. The world seemed to blur around me as reality fractured into a nightmare. With immediate shock, I was scared, and crying. Was this death? Was I witnessing the end of everything I knew and loved? The ground beneath me felt unstable as if I were teetering on the edge of existence itself. Panic surged through my veins, drowning out all rational thought as I grappled with the terrifying uncertainty of my fate.

I lost consciousness soon after…


When I regained consciousness, I found myself still in the bathroom, surrounded by melted walls and the toilet miraculously intact. It was a bewildering sight, a stark reminder of the chaos that had unfolded around me. Yet, despite the physical evidence of destruction, I was alive. The realization brought a surge of gratitude mingled with disbelief.

But then, I saw the ashes – remnants of what once was. My heart clenched painfully in my chest, the weight of loss crashing over me like a relentless wave. In that moment, the enormity of the tragedy hit me with full force, leaving me reeling in its wake. The silence that enveloped the ruined bathroom echoed with the absence of voices once heard, laughter once shared.

And suddenly, I felt profoundly alone. The solitude wrapped around me like a suffocating blanket, isolating me in a world now devoid of familiar faces and comforting presence. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the charred remnants of my surroundings, as I grappled with the harsh reality of my newfound solitude.

Lost in the desolation of the ruined bathroom, I was paralyzed by indecision. What was my next move? I was alone, stranded amidst the wreckage, with no roadmap to guide me through the aftermath of the catastrophe. With trembling hands, I reached for my voice, hoping to summon my father from the abyss of silence that surrounded me.

"Father?" I called out, my voice trembling with desperation. But there was no answer, only the aggrieved sigh of the wind brushing against my ear, a cruel reminder of my solitude. Each unanswered plea echoed off the charred walls, dissipating into the void of emptiness that stretched out before me.

Fear and uncertainty gripped my heart with icy fingers, tightening their hold with every passing moment. How could I navigate this desolate landscape alone? The weight of my isolation bore down on me, suffocating me in its oppressive embrace. In the absence of familiar guidance, I stood adrift, a lone soul lost in the aftermath of destruction.

As the eerie silence enveloped me, broken only by the distant howl of a wolf-like roar, a shiver ran down my spine. Instinctively, I knew danger lurked nearby, its presence palpable in the air like a tangible force. With a racing heart, I sought refuge behind the only semblance of cover available—the toilet.

Crouched low, I peered cautiously from my makeshift sanctuary, my breath held in anticipation. Through the debris-strewn bathroom, I caught a glimpse of the mutated creature as it lumbered grotesquely along the road outside. Its twisted form sent a chill through my bones, a grotesque aberration born from the horrors of the disaster that had befallen my homeland.

My pulse quickened as I watched the foul beast, its movements jerky and unnatural, a testament to the devastation wrought upon the once-familiar landscape. Fear coiled in the pit of my stomach, threatening to overwhelm me with its suffocating embrace. Yet, despite the terror that gripped me, I remained hidden, a silent witness to the unfolding nightmare that had become my reality.

With the echoes of the creature's roars fading into the distance, a sliver of determination pierced through the veil of fear that had gripped me. It was time to move, to venture forth into the desolate wasteland that was once my home.

Stepping cautiously over debris-strewn streets and through the wreckage of shattered lives, I surveyed the devastation that surrounded me. Houses lay in ruins, their once sturdy walls reduced to crumbling remnants of a forgotten past. Yet, amidst the chaos, a few structures stood defiantly, battered but still standing against the onslaught of destruction.

One such structure caught my eye—a ruin of a house that, against all odds, remained surprisingly intact. With each step forward, my resolve hardened, driving me towards the promise of shelter and safety within its walls.

Approaching the door, I pushed it open with trembling hands, the creak of rusted hinges echoing through the silent air. Inside, the faint scent of dust and decay mingled with the musty aroma of abandonment. Yet, despite its decrepit appearance, the house offered a sliver of hope amidst the despair that gripped the city.

With a determined stride, I crossed the threshold into the darkness, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this newfound sanctuary of solitude.

Taking a deep breath, I filled my lungs with the stale air of the abandoned house, noting the absence of any immediate threats. The faint scent of dust and decay lingered, a somber reminder of the desolation that surrounded me. But there was something else, a subtle metallic tang that hung in the air like a whisper of danger. I ignored it, pushing aside the unease that threatened to gnaw at my resolve.

My gaze fell upon a table standing precariously on three legs, its surface adorned with relics of a bygone era. Among the debris, a dystopian rusty pistol caught my eye, its weathered exterior a testament to the passage of time. Beside it lay an ammunition box, its contents obscured by layers of grime and neglect.

With cautious reverence, I reached out to inspect the firearm, its weight heavy in my hand as I tested its grip. Despite its worn appearance, there was a sense of power in its presence, a reminder that in this unforgiving world, survival often demanded more than mere words.

Turning my attention to the ammunition box, I pried open the lid with a sense of anticipation, revealing a cache of bullets nestled within. Each round gleamed dully in the dim light, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf me.

As I gathered the supplies before me, a surge of determination welled within my chest. In this shattered world, where danger lurked around every corner, I knew that I would need to arm myself, both physically and mentally, if I hoped to endure the trials that lay ahead. With the pistol clenched tightly in my grasp and the weight of the ammunition box heavy in my hands, I steeled myself for the challenges that awaited beyond the safety of the crumbling walls.