
A Glass of Juice

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Lucas naturally wouldn't bother with people like Roger, so he merely said indifferently, "I run a small business."

He had numerous companies of various sizes under his name, so it wasn't wrong of him to say that he ran a small business. But Roger really thought that Lucas was just a small business owner.

Samuel rolled his eyes. "Mr. Dunne, his business probably isn't small. He drives a modified Range Rover that costs around two million dollars!"

Roger showed some surprise and looked at Lucas again. "I couldn't tell that you're so low-key, Lucas. You're dressed so ordinary, but you can afford to drive a two-million-dollar car. Aren't you being too humble by calling it a small business?"

"But running a business in DC isn't simple, and there are many big shots who can't be provoked everywhere. In case you offend someone one day, your business might be wiped out overnight, and you could lose millions or even billions overnight. Don't you agree, Lucas?"